/edg/scg/ Elite:Dangerous Star Citizen General #128: Space Dreaming Edition

Star Citizen Information:
>FAQ for newfags
pastebin.com/HuA29Wu9 (embed)
Referral code randomizer (for newfags):

>CitCon2016 Full Presentation:
[YouTube] Star Citizen: Full CitizenCon 2016 Presentation (embed)
>Star Citizen Official YT
>Subscriber Vault pics and JPoint Magazine Archive
Elite: Dangerous information:
pastebin.com/ZT9GWmaC (embed)
Be aware, Thargroids are currently grabbing ships out of witchspace with unknown intentions. it is advised you shoot the fuck out of them whenever possible.
Gamescom info:
>Frontier Official YT
>Other games:
pastebin.com/cugkem8w (embed)
If it doesn't have a general, post it here; just don't get upset about sharing. If it DOES have a general, please go. We don't need your baggage.
Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

derelict thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Updated Elite Info pastebin with one link.


Bucc when?


I presume the next ship is the Anvil space bike.

>Anvil space bike

did they ever fix the dumbshit about the type 7 needing a large pad?

>member RtV 2.16?

Do you unironically watch atv?

I watch the parts with actual devs at 1.25x to make sure I don't miss anything. I suffer with dignity.

meant for you

I still think we need to be lobbying for modularity on the polaris. It seems like the ship where role flexibility would be the most valuable, given its intermediate size and status.

Another way to think of that is the Polaris may be the convoy master. I'm hoping that there will be a reason to leave a jump drive off and book passage for your ship on a carrier. My hope is that player pirates and blockades will force convoys between certain planets. I imagine you could make a mint just moving Prospectors and Auroras so they can get past Pyro or wherever the pirates are, safely.

3.0 in Desember
SQ42 in March 2018

Havent CIG told us all the time that the 3.0 team is seperated from the 2.6.X team?

The 2.6.X team gives a lot more info than what the 3.0 team is showing.

I understand they want to focus on the upcoming patch, but that patch aint got much going for it. They need to slip us something about the development of 3.0 to keep the hype.

I reckon we'll get a progress report on 3.0 after 2.6.1 drops. Then we'll sit pretty for a month, then get an update on 2.6.2 which will give multiplayer megamap + some balance tweaks, ship updates, SM tweaks/updates (revive / some items (turrets holoduke stun grenades)- then we'll get 3.0 2-3 months later.

I'm a little salty about the delays too, but I think you are a little long.

The last AtV did show more planetary progress, which actually looked fucking dope and is the first cratered moon surface we have seen, not to mention the plants. They obviously know about No Man's Lie, so I'm eager to see what they make of that. It should make this 1070 worth having.

I would like to see some ships drop with each of the 2.6.x patches. If they really have the pipeline moving like they say, we should be seeing more ships sooner than later. All the ships have to be Item 2.0 ready before 3.0 and a lot of them aren't.

>Why doesn't Star Citizen have mobile artillery?
>> because that would require effort, do you want them to take another 5 years to make the game?

Look like some don't know about the mining drone

CIG is hidding a lot of stuff to keep us surprised, however don't hold your breath, CIG have long reached the point where adding non-critical stuffs would only add pointless cluttering.
I wouldn't be surprised if they do have tank/mech/mobile AA guns but that's beyond a scope that is already beyond anything that have been done before. The goal isn't another Planetside 2

>mobile artillery
That was the very first thing I thought of when I saw the completed Cat with the doors open. If you had a howitzer in each bay with a team running each gun. Hory shet.

>CIG is hidding a lot of stuff
I don't want to look like a cultist pointing that out, but the next biggest thing involves a bunch of shit that shouldn't be spoiled. SQuash casserole 42 needs to finish so they cant quit using spoilers as an excuse for Tyler to appear on camera.

>Natis never again
>Draconis17 never again
When will you guys stop trying to break the game and take the missions you find? All you need is a Cobra really.

Glad to see you spamming your own thread to try and get the other one deleted because the OP didn't follow the shillposter guidelines and contain your CIG marketing information package.

why are these generals merged again? They're mostly /edg/

If he had actually had some balls, he would have thread split outright and not try to feign incompetence to stab /scg/ in the back.

/edg/ has been the dominate side since the Thargoids. Nothing will change that for at least a couple more weeks. You should enjoy your time, because the pendulum will start to move back the other way soon, and we will be carrying /edg/ again.

We can either live together or die separately. I gave /edg/ top billing like it deserves now. I propose we all get along and take a little pride in our dual general that has lasted a lot longer than it deserved.

/edg/ dominating anything ever, apart from sprogging kids.

how did the other thread die?

it's a new development these threads are usually scg


is this real

Where the fuck does this art keep coming from


I signed in for the first time in months to enforce speed limits at the CG. That was fun as shit.

I've been trying to grab all the ones I can.

>doing passenger missions with a dormant bounty
I have found hell.

>Now over 1bn+ due to 2012-1995 Dragons
>The war still continues

do I keep going for 2m

We're approaching serious excess here

I rendered the OP again and fixed how dark it looked. I figured we deserved a version of this.

was this the salty dad who got upset about his filters?

what the fuck is wrong with you fucking retards, why do you keep doing this?

>scfags are powerrangers-fags
lal nice OP guys, it sure was worth jumping

>it's shitizens having an autistic bitchfit over op episode again

CIG won't tell us what they are doing. This is all we have.

Fuck, I don't know what is worse, grinding navy rank in-game or arguing with dads on the official forums for some quality of life changes.

How are you not an admiral yet?

>dat webm
fucking comfy as hell. I hope browsan in game is possible some day.

>arguing with dads on the official forums
You're a masochist aren't you?

They're busy spending all the money you gave them before the ship sinks.

>cig is incompetan-
Uhm try again sweetie

it's clearly some goon dickhead that keeps re-adding that autistic shit

>goon bogeyman
Next you'll say it's DS.

Would we be better if we knew nothing and 3.0 just showed up one day, unannounced?

>quality of life changes

Is that what you lazy fuckin' millennials call making games 'convenient' these days?

>pic related

No. Type-7 is still 0.5 meters too tall to enter a medium hangar.

explain the dad meme to me

If Elite has no artificial gravity, why are the passenger ship windows all horizontal?

looks retarded. will they sell the joystick alone?

it's rare that a public figure associated with a game is so autistic and committed to shitposting game communities online that accusing random posters of being them would actually be plausible, but this is one of those special times.

Fuck off.

they scrapped the entire thing because a) everybody thought it looked like shit and b) logitech bought out the company that made the initial concept so the deal is up in the air or possibly dead.

In ED:
>anyone who prioritizes grinding for immersion's sake and thinks that high payout systems are exploits that somehow prevents him from having fun in solo.

In SC:
>anyone who thinks that flying a capital ship solo is a viable way to play the game and doesn't see how that would destroy any chance of a balanced meta for non capital ships.

Seats and seatbelts?

middle aged men (dads) nostalgic about playing the old elite in their youths

they despise anything "gamey" in their game and wants it to become as much of a boring grindfest as possible

they argue against any sort of QoL improvements because it goes against their immurshun


>EVE online
>Elite: Dangerous
>Star Citizen
Sell me on one. I've played EVE before but it was like 4 years ago. Want to get my comfy space sim fix.

Because I'm a Empire fag.

I have to multitask when playing the game, otherwise it would be too boring, just looking at the screen when jumping. So I occasionally read the forums, see someone posting a pretty good suggestion, and then always, every, single, fucking, time, the thread is full of dads arguing against it and I just can't stop myself.

>Want to get my comfy space sim fix.

Go back to hibernation and wake up 4 years time when both games are actually worth playing.

I'll sell you Rogue System.

>be Jitawhore
>only one account so no worry about maxing out profits
>produce tech 2 shit and some POS components
>watch streams or Netflix while making sure to keep my orders updated

Pretty good existence. I got tired of it though since my life got a lot busier recently and I don't have enough time to devote to EVE. If you're a NEET or just spend a lot of time on vidya, EVE is really fun to get into if you like being a market whore and jewing people.

>tfw jewing newfriends by buying posting ridiculously low buy orders in newbie stations and reselling in hubs

Beats planet industry in passive income



Reminder to get your fat, easy rank passenger missions done before Frontier ruins them and you'll have to go back to scanning 3000 neutron stars.

If you want active combat gameplay pick Elite. I didn't play SC so I dont know about that one. Eve combats are heavily dependant on stats like an actual rpg but they are pretty boring. You don't actually drive ships, it's like turn based where you manage the power supply between the different modules. Economy wise Eve is the best. Also if you want proper online interaction and base building Eve is also the best.

Your videocard is dying.

I'd like to join a pvp player group in Elite but it seems really tedious to do it. What is the scale of player involvement in wars/economy/lore? Are there player groups at war for the control of a system? Seems like ED severely lacks online interaction.

What gets you better money for passenger missions? A Beluga Liner or an exploration Conda?

I want to cheese my explorer rank.

That's about three jumps. Do most stations give these missions out?

>comparing two old men in walkers circling each other with two middle age men drunk slapping in a bar.
SC is obviously the superior combat experience. What are you trying to pull?

Did you even read? I didn't play SC except for the short trial. Cannot comment on it.

Full description is cut off. Four destinations in the bubble, one of them being Maia. Still a solid slog but only about an hour and a half's worth of time.

>I'd like to join a pvp player group in Elite but it seems really tedious to do it

That's because it is. The only way to PvP in Elite is pick a gimmick and then cheese the fuck out of it with Engineers because anyone else who PvPs also has all of their shit notched up, so the only way to compete is grade 5 all your components. Either that or interdict randoms in SC because you want to show /edg/ how cool you are. PvP in Elite is essentially redundant because of CQC.

>What is the scale of player involvement in wars/economy/lore?

If Frontier likes your group, then you have quite a bit of involvement. If they don't, get fucked. You have some agency in Powerplay but Powerplay is such a broken, meaningless mess that most people only do PP for the unique modules. There's next to no reason to do it otherwise, other than roleplay.

>Are there player groups at war for the control of a system?

No point because solo.

>Seems like ED severely lacks online interaction.


Fuck, is it possible to make fas able to shield tank at least npcs? I want some combat ship that isn't a vulture/fdl/big three.

Still amazing. I want Elite rank for that 10% off everything system

Welp. Too bad then. I'd like a game with the online interaction of EVE and the combat of ED. Will I be satisfied with SC when it's out? I tried the free trial and really didn't like the ship flying gameplay.


Stop while you're ahead. Shields on either three of those ships are just a buffer before they get to your hull; the shields should never be your last line of defense. Those ships are meant for beefy hulltanks. Slap some hull reinforcements and a couple of module reinforcements. I personally go for a bi-weave shield gen on my dropship but if you go for a regular shield, put on a shield cell bank as well. Once you hull tank it, you can literally eat railguns in a CZ and your repair costs usually only go to 50k for 50% hull damage.

I have a feeling that there will be more things added to the game that require Pilot's Federation ranks to unlock, so this out to take care of Exploration.

Like some kickass combat ship available for Elite rank pilots or something. Or a special FSD range upgrade for Elite explorers. Who knows, really.

How long ago did you try it? It's a little easier than it used to be. It's probably not worth it until 3.0 unless you want to lock in a starter pack now before the price hikes again.

Not so long. Maybe 2 months.

>hull reinforcements, a couple of module reinforcements, bi-weave
I already have those. But seeing how my 2k hull melts under direct fire, flying without shields makes me nervous.

What the nfuck system is that?

Try shield boosters? And melts how? My armor only really starts getting it's shit kicked when I'm getting fucked by 3 separate railguns because Braben hates me. On a 1v1 or even 2v1, I can out-tank any ship while I spray my hot steamy load of bullets all over their faces, atleast in PvE.

Amphisatsu. Not specially-selected or anything though. Just a high population system with an allied faction seems to do it.

If you're not going to wait until full release to buy it, there is no difference in waiting except you might pay more later. $45 gets you a starter pack. I think the Mustang Alpha glitch still works in the store, so do that and get an Aurora LN, if you can. $60 if you want SQuantuket 42 with it. Use the code randomizer for extra money in game.

Eventually there will be more to do than fly ships and you may never spawn a ship, just work on other ships or farm on planets.

I got my elite explorer rank by joining LYR pp faction, then wandered around for 3 weeks, hauled enough mats to reach rank 5 for the +300% exploration payout, then I went to the nearest neutron star field and scanned a bunch and sold the data to a LYR station for the payout.

You can get some interaction in ED, for example you can join Smiling Dog Crew and fuck with dads but again, their actions really don't matter. All they do is fuck with other player groups or gank people for the sake of ganking but there's never any motive for PvP other than the sake of PvP. You can also go with them or whoever else to try to influence CGs by killing people trying to come in or whatever but this never works because of solo.

There was a group a while ago, some group with India or Company or whatever in the name. They tried to blockade a system that had a CG going at the time. They were somewhat successful at first but what eventually happened is that the system was devoid of people in open... because they all switched to solo since they kept getting interdicted and killed outside of the station. Rather than make a call for bounty hunters or protectors, people went on the forums to bitch to Frontier about them and some even went as far as to request every player involved with the group to be outright banned from the game for having the gall to try to influence the CG negatively. After that, the CG still succeeded because of solo, and the group disbanded as a protest to Frontier because what the fuck is even the point of trying to influence the universe if it's impossible to do so without having the stamp of approval from FD's story writers?

The only other interaction you can get is from some roleplay groups but those are just cancerous unless you REALLY enjoy roleplay. There isn't much to these except grinding missions to try to flip the system to whatever faction the group is "aligned" to. You MIGHT get in battles with other groups but it is all roleplayed out and is incredibly cringeworthy. If you step out of roleplay, everyone will combat log and bitch at you.

The day you get good player interaction in Elite is the day FD shuts down the servers and releases the game source code to players. That is if they stick to their promise.

>You MIGHT get in battles with other groups but it is all roleplayed out and is incredibly cringeworthy. If you step out of roleplay, everyone will combat log and bitch at you.

*shoots at your powerplant with railguns*

Who else m/kb in SC?
I changed my bindings up a little and it is much better.

>Strafe on QE
>Roll on AD
>Forward strafe on W
>Spacebrake on S
>Throttle on double tap WS

Any other changes to suggest?

Go dual stick.
People tried to make it a meme, but it's actually a lot better for manouvarbility with less gimball aim.

At the moment I'm gonna build my own controller with etither a Edison or Arduino kit.

How do you even join SDC? I can't find any site that actually lists them as a group.

How does that work exactly? One stick is roll and pitch, and the other is strafe? Flight sticks get into silly money. What are most people using?

Who knows, I've never bothered looking into them. Post some funny memes on the forums and make sure to act like a spazzoid and maybe you'll get an invite.


Have you checked furaffinity?


pvp enough, eventually you'll end up hanging out with them and when you become friends with enough of them you join.

A friend have this one and it's pretty good in my opinion. only cost 50$.
there is also a stick only version for 30$