>hear O Israel YHWH our God, YHWH is one
>JK there's actually three of me
Hear O Israel YHWH our God, YHWH is one
YHWH is Satan
Trinity does not include YHWH
Probably it was originally interpreted as "Hear, O Israel, YHWH is our God, YHWH alone" but then the Jews got buttmad at Christians and started interpreting it the other way.
Islam only believes in one god just like the Jews. What makes Christianity so different and edgy?
Realistically, God wouldn't be ever defined by humanities "God means this". So of One God manifests in three parts, what is so hard to understand about this?
If it was One God, without three parts, you would ask "Well if it is God, why doesn't it have more than one part?"
>You can't really define God
>but having three parts is the only right definition
>why is this hard to understand?
Well done Christianity
>Implying the HOLY Trinity isn't real
Kill yourself heathen
>God tells the Jews that he's only one and can only be worshiped without any kind of imagery because his one-ness isn't able to be contained in an idol of any kind of making, and he makes the Jews follow this code for thousands of years
>"Oh just kidding senpai actually there's three of me and i'm a dude LMAO you're all going to hell btw shuld've worshipd me right :)"
I still have no idea what the Holy Spirit is, at all
So God is three angels? You're all being played
go home Marcion
Why did God split himself into three men and show himself in three to Abraham but only showed Moses his thicc backside, citing that no man can handle his visage?
Further, why does God need bread?
A bird? I think so anyway.
Your God is a demon achmed and your prophet(shit be upon him) is a murderer and a pedo.
What are you on about
Good rebuttal though, really fired off the old neurons
greeks got a hold of it and philosophized out the ass so they could worship jesus
This is what a Christian is
the person of the godhead who is continually active in the world and guides believers, whereas the father represnts god's majesty and dstance and jesus is the savior. often represented as a bird because it appeared as such when it descended on jesus at his baptism. by far the most impersonal and enigmatic part of the godhead and everyone frankly seems to forget about it
Having three parts is the attempt to define what cannot be defined and there for seems stupid.
Or that's what I'm taking out of it.
Could it be inferred that the Father = omnipowerful, Son = omnibenevolent, and Holy Spirit = omnipresent?
theyre all God, so all of thoee qualities apply to ech, but they do seem to fulfill those specific functions in terms of the narrative
"Christ dwells in us, yet not immediately, but mediately, as he is in that seed, which is in us; whereas he, to wit, the Eternal Word, which was with God, and was God, dwelt immediately in that holy man.
We understand not this Seed, Light, or Grace to be an accident, as most men ignorantly do, but a real spiritual substance, which the soul of man is capable to feel and apprehend; from which that real, spiritual, inward birth in believers arises called the new creature, the new man in the heart. This seems strange to carnally minded men, because they are not acquainted with it; but we know it, and are sensible of it, by a true and certain experience, though it be hard for man in his natural wisdom to comprehend it, until he come to feel it in himself, and, if he should, holding it in the mere notion, it would avail him little.
It is by this inward Gift, Grace, and Light, that both those, that have the Gospel preached unto them, come to have Jesus brought forth in them, and to have the saving and sanctified use of all outward helps and advantages; and also by this same Light, that all may come to be saved; and that God calls, invites, and strives with all, in a day, and saveth many, to whom he hath not seen meet to convey this outward knowledge"
Proposition 5, Barclay's Apology
For you.
>Trinity does not include YHWH
What? Since when?
I didn't get that email.
>Son = omnibenevolent
There's that word again.
But YHWH was the baby killer.
Or maybe Jesus caused the Flood.
I don't know.
YHWH is Three Persons in One God
Partialism is a heresy.
The holy spirit isn't a man. The father doesn't take a human form. The son wasn't manifest in human form yet. That isn't a manifestation of the trinity.
>implying the angel of YHWH isn't YHWH
11“Then the angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob,’ and I said, ‘Here I am.’ 12“He said, ‘Lift up now your eyes and see that all the male goats which are mating are striped, speckled, and mottled; for I have seen all that Laban has been doing to you. 13‘I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar, where you made a vow to Me; now arise, leave this land, and return to the land of your birth.’”
Orthodox theoretics.
adoptionsm ftw
the fullness of his glory does though, in Exodus, Moses asks YHWH to show his name/glory to him and not just his presence, YHWH agrees and says that he can't see his face or else he would die, it was the presence of YHWH that protected Moses from death by looking at the fullness of YHWH.
The Trinity is consubstantial (that is to say -- one in essence), that depiction of God is heretical.