To bad it's just another generic as fuck Lambo.
Is there any manufacturer that makes exclusive cars and doesn't have a generic style across its lineup?
>tfw still convinced Prezo is paid to post on Veeky Forums because no one can consistently and unironically hold opinions this awful
Ferraris may be kind of ugly, but they definitely have character and some diversity in styling across the board.
I take it back after checking their current lineup, it's pretty fucking generic looking now. The California is the only exception.
>generic as fuck lambo
Yeah, totally generic. Not like the 1,001 shitboxes that get posted here every day. Those are all unique and special.
All supercars look like shit
>anonymous this assblasted
With the way that Veeky Forums has been banging one recently, I thought Hyundai made a supercar and everyone was falling over themselves to declare it the best thing in the automotive industry since the sliced bread vans