What does Veeky Forums think of coal rolling?
What does Veeky Forums think of coal rolling?
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black smoke is wasted power.
Trucker here.
you guys that do this are faggots
retarded af
i hate prius as much as the next guy but i don't tune my truck for less power and efficiency
Just republicans acting out. They're such children.
Doesn't rolling coal fuck up your engine in some sort of way?
sorry, i don't know much about diesels.
>being cucked by DEF and emission controls
>Deliberately damaging your internals and giving you lung cancer in the same move
I love it, it clears the gene pool.
Nobody "turns up the fuel" just to make clouds of smoke, They do it to make more power. Black smoke is a byproduct of this and bad tuning or they're still running the stock turbo and suffocating the engine.
It was cool when that guy went by He Will Not Divide Us in his dually and sprayed all the gay spics with soot. But if you're not doing that all the time idgi
So what makes it okay for you to de-cat your Civic and damage people's ears?
A straight piped gas engine is way more harmful than a straight piped diesel.
straight pipes aren't allowed in civilized countries.
Sure thing man. The smoke switches to boost rail pressure at low load and smoke tunes on EFI Live or Bullydog handheld tuners people use are 100% for extra power.
You total wanker.
You europoors shouldn't be allowed in threads like these.
The average coal rolling brotruck is putting out more power than your heavy duty commercial trucks in Europe.
ITT cletus defending coal roalling
With the remap I doubt that
Only Amerifats are gay enough to roll coal
I don't hink your brotruck can do half of what one of these can, cletus.
Get that 200hp piece of shit out of here before it breaks down again. Make way for the bald eagles.
probably one of the lamest things I have ever seen
one of the few actions you can do that will make me not want to associate with you
Manchildren enforcing vigilante justice (read: they're butthurt) upon anybody who slightly irritates them
Childish and stupid waste of money
That's just asking to get beached on a ridge
Americucks being retarded, as usual
No one can actually be this retarded......
>Never worked on diesel and never drove one.
A new tuned Duramax has more power to displacement than those rich running smoke stacks.
Diesels are unbreakable because they need a fuel cutoff or they will sometimes run-away because there is not spark plug timing. Running rich is the same as running cold, and that does not do anything to it as diesels run cooler than petroleum anyway.
Cancer, but amusing at times.
>merging onto highway, total dickbag has been following me
>two lane highway, one each way
>time the gap in traffic and floor it so the guy behind me gets fucked and has to wait much longer (traffic is extremely slow)
>guy behind me is either retarded or pissed, follows me and ends up side by side with a big lifted coal rolling truck in the same lane
>lane is getting narrower quickly, car is being aggressive and trying to force the truck over
>truck blasts horn and floors it to pass him, I see him flipping the car off in my rear mirror and a fuck huge cloud of soot coats the guys windshield from the side pointing exhaust, car pulls over dramatically
Deleting DEF and EGR is in no way the same thing as rolling coal you strawman fuck.
You're retarded too, you clearly have no idea how engines work because if you did you would know that black smoke in a good tune should only happen during transients, black smoke during steady state full throttle means you're way too rich.
Anyone in this thread that claims they need to roll coal is literally just justifying shitty behavior. There's literally no good reason to have giant clouds of soot coming from your exhaust all the time and it absolutely fucks up your O2 sensors.
soot means unburned fuel
unburned fuel means wasted power
>b-b-but they make X horsepower!!!
they could be making X+Y and not look fucking obnoxious if they were tuned properly
It's incredibly faggilicious.
this thread needs less soot and more snoot
You make smoke with low rail pressure, fagit.Read a book.
Thats too much snoot
too much snoot
Confirms one thing... Micropenis
To Maccas and back.
It's not coal so that part rustles my autism
It's also trashy retard shit and makes mildly smoky diesel truck owners like me look bad. Just a haze comes out of my pipe at WOT.
It looks pretty dumb to be honest. The only time I think it is good is to trigger lefties. I would still suck a a guy who does this though.
It's retarded because these idiots are ruining it for everybody else
This is what people will point to when they want to justify emission checks
You ricers are worse. At least a douchedozer is still practical in the end and doesn't need to make a 40 point turn to get out of a driveway.
It's really not practical to drive an oversized vehicle designed for towing and hauling payloads if you're not going to use it for work. 99% of coal rolling truck beds are empty. If rolling coal was so great then construction site trucks would be doing it too. Pro-tip: they don't. You're just taking up extra space on the road and making needless emissions. Most truck fags I see are current or ex duty fags with PTSD, insecurities, and inflated egos don't let them drive anything besides a giant truck. Others drive them as a redneck status symbol like an even slower, more retarded version of ricers. A Tesla shits on most Hoonigan trucks until you go offroad. The rest of the people who drive a truck get real work done, usually in a company truck.
Go to a snowmobile or OHV trailhead and you'll find shitload of brotrucks with stuff in the bed and/or a big ass trailer. It might be different if you live in some shithole like Florida or Commiefornia.
I still get the feeling you drive something with a fart can and a bodykit, Which is on the same level as a brotruck. Why drive a "sports car" when it spends less than 2% of it's life on a track? Compensation I guess, Right?
No I just drive a humble stock econobox
I agree with you about sports cars never seeing the track, it's sad
Can we at least agree that stance fags are the worst?
It's kinda a faggy thing to do.
Like straight pipe Harleys, but for different reason and effect.
I think it's dumb, and I wouldn't care except being exposed to it has a negative impact on me going about my life.
comedic value on prius and cyclists.
douchey everywhere else
6/10 overall score