/tfg/ Truckerfag Thread

Check that fifth wheel!!! edition

>Swift: Best In Crash
>Don't you sign that lease!
>CDL how do? Go through community college or a private driving school, the megacompanies are megaripoffs
>you idiots will argue about anything
>Cat motors are best motors
>Pepsi is Bepis is Benis is Peppu
>piss cleans piss, so sell your piss jugs
>Trucker Gundam is Kenworthy
>ZF grilled Tfag, making her best grill
>Oilfag definitely is or is not a trucker
>Allie is a total dog but i'd still hit it at 2am
>Whiney-kun is going to make more than Tfag and 8 billion Prime Drivers in the oil fields hauling sand

stale bread: >having a crappy day, tight drop with no room for anything bigger than a daycab with a 26' pup trailer
>get sent a load that is already late
>u wot m8
>decide fuck it, it's getting me out of the Northeast into 80 degree weather for the first time this year
>be picking up at Smithfield in VA
>looking for my trailer
>can't find it
>decide fuck it, make another pass
>find it next to a bull hauler trailer covered in shit
>hook up to it real quick, tug test, light check etc.
>hear this loud CLUNK!!!! sound
>every trucker knows that unmistakable sound
>look over, Hirschbach dropped his trailer because he didn't check his 5th wheel lockjaw
>suddenly my day didn't suck anymore

Other urls found in this thread:


>not posting a link in the old thread
shiigy diggy desu.

I want her to fist me so bad.

You guys were wrong. I talked to a recruiter today and he said leasing a truck is actually a good idea. Why you always lying?

You guys think I should back off?

I run dedicated refrigerated between back and forth between Mexico and Chicago, but now with Trump in office, should I be worried about my line?

>molten sulfur
>sulfur melts at 115C (239F)
yea I'd stay the fuck away from that.

can you retards wash your fucking rigs every once and a while? i was behind some fucktard semi and when he went over the tracks a fucking boulder sized chunk of mud and road salt fell off and exploded into trillions of pieces that showered my freshly washed car

jesus christ almighty

>drive flatbed
>always deliver pallets of concrete
>sometimes some of the bags rip open
>concrete mix stays in bed for days
>when it rains the concrete hardens and turns into pebbles on bed
>when someone follows too closely drive near shoulder to make truck shake and make pebbles shower the guy behind me
Fuck you 4wheelers

ill fucking fight you asshole

Truckers are bros

When I'm behind a truck and they hit their signals I'll usually get over and slow down traffic so they can get over.

This paid off one time, as I was in front of a truck (both of us going 70 in a 45) that flashed its lights at me (so I slowed down). At the next cross street a cop was sitting with his speedgun.

Is it true that all truckers are homosexuals?

Anyone been blown to Oz yet? Fuck this wind, had me on 9 wheels for a good portion of I-71.

>washing your car in the winter

Are you retarded?

>had me on 9 wheels for a good portion of I-71.
Wait till a good gust pushes you into the other lane (if you're lucky, that is). I found God one night on I-80 in Wyoming

>leaving it covered in salt for 6 months
are you?

Parked in ohio last night, opened the door this morning and the wind ripped it out if my hand. Now the lower front part rubs against the cab when i swing it open. I opened it and pushed up on the door for a minute and it helped a little but part of it still rubs. Only 20k miles on the damn thing and i fucked it up already.

Sick burn by Iowa 80 TA

t. lazy shitty fatfuck steering wheel holder that gives all of us a bad name

Stay mad 4wheeler fuccboi

>Weeaboo that jacks it to traps
>Calls others fuccbois


>"Weeaboo that jacks it to traps"
>fuccboi projects his fetishes onto others as an insult thinking he'll fool anyone

>MFW 39 hours field time in the past three days

How can I possibly hold all these monies?

RIP door fitment.

Wat. Explain your reasoning.

Yes. Its the law.

You had one job.

Ex pump now memeards fag here I guess we deliver shingles too now. that job fucking sucks they hand load every packet onto the conveyer to the roof where some poor bastard stacks em

Get used to it, junkie.

Post a pic of your rig.

Sounds like real Hell, having to lift things in order to get paid.

I don't understand, so are you hand stacking the shingles on the conveyor or is it the customer?

>Corollas are for drifting they said

I know and only for a measly 20/hr.. Just made a profile on indeed and getting quite a bit of interest
I just drive and operate the conveyer Ill step in and help a little but they're faster. But yes people take individual packets of shingles from my flat bed and place on mounted conveyer
>tfw hand warmers burning leg wrapped around clean piss

Well, the most iconic drift car ever was a Corolla

It'd be pretty difficult to drive through a wall desu

Did you pick him up?

What are you even going to be doing during the summer?

I assume there will be less ice to melt, even in canada

>tfw sleeping 6ft away from 200°C liquid asphalt.

Waste of time and money. You wash it and it's dirty again the next day. I've never washed my truck.

>Indeed profile
"Illiterate drug addict and former septic truck driver seeking high paying, non labour job"

That ice melting and water tank heating work I was doing a couple of weeks ago isn't what I normally am doing; I was just helping my manager cover those jobs due to a superheater guy needing unexpected time off for a family emergency.

You're right in that superheating work generally ends once spring is here though.

Those guys that only do superheating work either take a layoff since they are voluntarily seasonal workers, or switch over to the water transfer division of the company for the spring and summer.

The hot oiling part of my job where we heat up water and pump it down oil wells with a high pressure pump to melt wax deposits goes on all year round.

Your truck must look and smell like a delight.

By that logic, why would one ever shower? You're just going to get dirty again.

Or why eat food? You're just going to eventually die anyways.

I eat and shower because it makes me feel good and serves a functional purpose. Washing the truck serves no functional purpose; it's purely aesthetic. No amount of dirt or grime or cow piss effects my ability to drive the truck, and I couldn't care less about what it looks like as long as it pulls a trailer. I do clean the windows everyday but again that's function.

t. lazy dirty fatfuck trucker that smells like cow piss and so does his truck

Finally out of this hell. Back to my wooded central PA god blessed hick town

Better than being a triggered four wheeler who got his panties in a bunch because some dirt got on his car and he had to blog about it on Veeky Forums

k busrider


I'm literally driving my truck right now. Try harder.

>Explain your reasoning.

That's not so farfetched now. Some buses around here run on biogas.
That's delivered by a diesel-burning tanker, admittedly.

Right, your filthy dirty piece of shit truck that stinks like sweaty ass and cow piss.

Dirty and pulls a trailer just as well as a clean one.
Except I don't think anyone has been rubbing their asses on my truck. Or at least I haven't seen them doing it.

It was a concrete pump new fag

Does one stack look higher than the other?

Also I just made a indeed profile shit is cash might work for US foods 23/he 5k sign bonus

>ol pepsi got dem digits today
Yee boi

grats bro

You mean "Fucking" Wyoming

No one talks about Wyoming without prefacing the story with the word "fucking"

>i.e. "Man I was in fucking Wyoming last night the wind was horrible!!!"

Guess who's never been to Fucking Wyoming.



>be 6am
>It's fucking night dispatch
>"Primefag you need to get rolling if you don't leave now you will be late for your 0900"
>Wait did I suddenly get handed a 130mph truck while I was sleeping
>You guys realize I was dispatched 5hr late yesterday 180mi into an 8-2 split and I'm 318 miles away"
>"Actually you're 316"
>"WOOOOOWWWW only 316 miles well now I can make that on-time!! Thanks night dispatch!! I never thought I could make it you guys were right all along!!"
>Explain all the fuckery that took place yesterday
>"Just give us an ETA Primefag"
>now sitting at a max comfy Chinese buffet doing my 2hr break
>mfw night dispatch trying to armchair truck drive

Been awake for 26 hours, being forced to work 12 more

How can I stay awake without using drugs


Look up FMCSA Coercion law

Pic related works to an extent bur the caffeine crash is brutal so you better get a couple 4pks.

Otherwise if you really don't think you can drive safely, refuse to do it and sleep or find some Vyvanse.

Dam I just had a easy 6 hour day but just do a rail of meth or coke

That's illegal.

Sue your company and make big bucks.

Pics of dat ass when

Is kentucky filled with poo in loo's?

She don't have much on the FB

>horse chick
good luck buddy

Lel probably but I'll take what I can get right now

Gonna have to become an o/o just to afford the farriers fees and fodder for that thing.

>mfw day dispatch asks if I can run 3.25/mile 334 mile load that picks up where I dropped and goes back into VA

Nope. Won't cuckshed it.

One good thing about seein the facebook is at least I know she's not like 19 years old since I never asked. I think she's actually a year or two older than me. One of these days I need to lurk some college parties and smash some 20 year olds but I don't feel like dealing with it ouside of that.

But I got a feeling I'm gonna try and take her out to this artist's gallery soon and spend stupid money buying her shit from the place.

i saw a nice old truck today. an autocar. how can you tell the year by the bodystyle?

Was it chasing a fucking Plymouth Valiant?

no it was hauling a lowboy

what year could it be? really made a cool noise too. i like it

Autocar is still in business today. If you hated yourself you could even order one of their low cab forward models and stick on a sleeper and 5th wheel, but they built class 8 road trucks until the mid 90s

and i have no idea what the construction machine is. i do love to see old iron though. and it ran well.

really? how often do you see them?

The noise may have been an ancient 2-stroke V-12 engine. Looks large enough to have one of those diesel-guzzling behemoths.
Intredasting, especially because I do indeed hate myself, hence my love of cabovers and the Toyota MR-2.

Early '80s.


Most yard dogs are actually autocars, so quite often

around here a yard dog looks like this
never drove one.

Pretty sure it's for cutting trenches for laying utility lines or pipe.

Maybe tone down the theoretical smashing 20 year college pussy talk a bit when you guys go out.

I'll just tell her to search the Veeky Forums archives for my tripcode and she can know everything about me. Lots of bitching about my job, killing snakeheads, racism, and talking about how I'm gonna get this coffee girl but still want to get in some college girls in the meantime.

Autocar a beast

>i have no idea what the construction machine is
its a trencher, in my area they use them to put drain tile and irrigation pipe in farm fields

You canuckistans just can't make up words.


I am officially convinced PAM has no fucking clue what they are doing right now. I was supposed to pick up a teammate yesterday, but he went home and then quit today, and now they're scrambling to find someone to stick in my truck instead of just letting a team take this load. It's gonna be late anyways, so I get to sit and shitpost for the time being.

>Horse girl
Bitch is crazy.

>All shiny and Chrome
>I shall be witnessed and enter Valhalla

The sleeper doesn't suit the lines of the bonnet desu.

Looks nice otherwise though.

>1 small stack
>no spikes on lugnuts
>miscellaneous dangerous goods
6/10 at best farn

>80's aerocab sleeper on a Strayaworth

>miscellaneous dangerous goods
It used to be classified as flammable liquid but they changed it a while ago, unless the asphalt is cutback with kerosene its just elevated temperature liquid N.O.S/misc DG.

Oh and even long before that it wasn't even classified as a dangerous good at all.

I live. I define. I live again.



>shiny and chrome
>liquid asphalt

It must be a fulltime job just to keep it clean.

What's worse is the fact that you get ripped off 4" of bunk. From the side it looks like a 40" sleeper but in reality it is recessed and only 36".

The back of the bunk actually stops where the grabrail mount points are. Jewworth™. I'm glad I only go overnight a few times a week.

I lived in a 36" sleeper for five weeks at a time, pussy.

Not really, the outlet gets a little messy but thats about it.

Don't lie to yourself, you know it sucked.

It wasn't all that bad. It was my first assigned truck, as that company had guys be slip seaters until they proved themselves, so I was pretty proud of it, even if it was small.

I made a point of spending some time out of the truck every day to help prevent the onset of cabin fever.

>MFW I got a tonne of stuff done to the mounted equipment on the truck today, which had been annoying me and I hadn't had time to get to