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how do I kill myself effectively?
Time and poor diet is doing that for you don't worry about it
By effective use of killing yourself methods
post cute fem panders
>heirlooms are gated behind being in a guild
asking in new thread
>standing around in top floor of silvermoon tavern
>tab out of the game to post on four chins
>tab back in
>"Aren't you a lovely death knight! And well groomed, to boot!"
>eyebrow raise.jpg
>"s-sorry, im not IC right now, reading something very important"
>"Oh? Whatcha reading?"
>"im reading about uhmmm..."
>quick gotta think of something
>can't tell him im on Veeky Forums
>mind races at 100000 parsecs a second
>raisins, cars, toothbrushes, socks, caramel apples, salt and vinegar chips, alarm clocks, people who pee in bottles all come to mind immediately
>none of those are good
>"Did you fall asleep, user?"
>"i'm reading about deodorant"
>"y-yes, i love the smell of old spice, i could literally glop it into my nose and live forever"
>"Okay...see ya."
>beat my head with my hands
>can't believe i just said that
>what's wrong with me?
>go back to org to mope
>"It can't get much worse, I'll just go IC and go into the tavern..."
>go in
>two orcs on top floor
>one is talking WAY MORE than the other
>decide to sit next to them
>wait for opportunity to emote
>try to get in on the conversation
>"th-they just didn't see me!"
>try again
>ignored again
>literally fall off top floor to bottom floor
>try to get a qt elf boy and a fuzzy tauren man to ic drink with me
>both ignore me in favor of talking to each other
>cry and run out of the tavern
>go back to Veeky Forums
was it autism?
This is actually really spooking me out
What's down here?
>tfw Succubi aren't real IRL and you can't actually summon one because of that reason
there are many things wrong with this post, and telling someone you're this interested in deodorant is the least wrong with them
Untextured ground.
>Succubus is useless in every spec
Buff this bitch already, god damn
>tfw theyre completely useless ingame
A few of the /x/ LARPers would dissolve into autistic screeching if you said that.
>and yet blizzard thought they should introduce not one but TWO glyphs for her
what the fuck mate
>no unholy presence
unholy dks....
Pretty new to this game, hit ilvl 867 and kind of hit a wall.
The raids that would be appropriate for my ilvl aren't being run anymore it seems and mythic is a total diceroll.
imagine being this guy
I'm about to make a character in a RP realm for the first time in 9 years of playing
what can I expect? aside from sexual RPers everywhere
Post addons and r8
find friends/guild or quit that simple
playing this game just for pugs is miserable
>actually using Curseshit
enjoy handing your account in over to the gooks
nice virus brah
Find a guild doing normal nighthold and m+.
>hating on curse in 2017
As if there's anything on this "account"
With 26 addons I refuse to manually check for updates daily
i wonder who could be behind this post
>no weak auras
lfr hero detected
>mfw Succubi glyph in 7.2
Going to use it even if I get a dps loss and kicked from the raid.
How do i into moonkin ST? I know I'm mean to cast lunar strike only to avoid over capping empowered but i find, between that and new moon shit, i end up mostly casting lunar strike. At least it feels like it.
My addons:
Weakauras 2
World Quest Tracker
World Quest Group Finder
Deadly Boss Mods
Because you're a pathetic manchild, we know
>12 years after launch
>using weakauras when tmw exists
>not bigwigs
Casual detected
>dbm instead of bigwigs
>skada instead of details
I am now ready to crusade.
>2 (two) addons for world quests
Either le ebin megaserver or le ebin phasing
Are you on Windowed Fullscreen?
stealth russian hackers stealing your nodes
Invisible bots.
Why is bigwigs better?
>be druid tank
>do the sea giant DANGER WQ in stormheim
>get bubbled
>boss dies
>people leave
>i'm still stuck in a bubble
>ysera's gift talent is outhealing the bubble's damage
>i'm fucking stuck here forever
>WQ mob respawns
>too far away to aggro it
>other group engages and kills the WQ mob
>still stuck in the same bubble
>out of desperation actually use /say to ask for help
>someone mentions the bubble is untargettable
Can someone ACTUALLY explain to me what the fuck weakauras does? I don't understand it at all from the description or the screenshots.
>Using tellmewhen
Hola reddit.
You can make alerts and/or icons for literally anything.
>silvermoon tavern
Your mistakes start at the first line.
Like, anything. Everything.
>play a tune when you get a debuff
>bar to display duration remaining on your deterrence
>icon in the middle of your screen if you don't have a demon sacrificed
It's worth the small amount of time it takes to learn the basics.
do you know when you get some kind of proc (think mage procs finger of frost etc) how you get a visual cue on the center on the screen around your character?
weakauras lets you make your own proc warnings or timers or cooldowns for shit you want
Big Wigs
Shadowed Unit Frame
KUI nameplates
Bartender 4
Exorsus Raid Tools
Move Anything
Weak Auras 2
Should I stick with enh shaman or go rogue?
>tfw unironically like preacher
The only thing that shits me is how he repeats himself for emphasis.
Such disdain, such spite, did you take your pills today?
wew lad
>Not having WQGF
>true strength comes from strong legs bolted to the ground
>it buffs Avenger's Shield
Quality flavor text.
I find rogue far more enjoyable to play (outside of LE EBIN PIRATE XD).
>Big Wigs
>Shadowed Unit Frame
>Bartender 4
He gives totally shitty advice.
If you're an SPriest you'd know how TERRIBLE his 7.1.5 video was.
mop > wotlk > leg > cata > wod > van > tbc
>Big Wigs
good (DBM is also good despite the memery here, just use what you prefer)
>Shadowed Unit Frame
I use this one and love it, but most unit frames do the same shit these days
>KUI nameplates
>nameplate mods
>chat mods
>Bartender 4
amazing and easy customization
no idea
>Exorsus Raid Tools
no idea
>map mods
>Move Anything
good, and mandatory if you like customizing everything
do you seriously need this shit
>Weak Auras 2
excellent mod
Know how I know you've never done anything requiring strength or explosiveness?
And no, don't bother r8ing. I know Veeky Forums is even more elitist and pretentious about mogs than /v/.
yeah idk why they didnt make it buff consecration, or anything used in consecration
gratz goat
Is that the warrior heroic Firelands set with a Deathwing helm? I've never seen that set look good.
Also fuck soloing that boss. Takes too god damned long.
>don't bother r8ing
t. faggot who knows he's wearing liquid shit for armor
I don't like how it looks, but I gotta admit it has a clear theme going for it
I only really watch new content and "legacy of x" videos from him. Does he even play shadow? I know he's maining fire mage and previously tanked.
Pls respond
I want my shit to look as minimalist ans slick as possible. I try to remove as much default blizzard stuff as possible. All of that without using Elvui, not because elvui is considered reddit tier but because elvui makes me lag in raids and I don't know why.
Does anyone have Linstead's btag? I really want to talk to her.
using prepackaged UIs is bad because you can never be sure what's in them
not because there's gonna be anything bad in them, but because you probably don't need at least 50% of the things in it
It lets you make a bar/visual cue for just about anything.
The game has done a good job of it for lots of things, but some things are still kind of difficult to keep track of.
For example, I use weakaura to show how close Icy Talons is to expiring, since it's a very small window (5 seconds) and to make sure its upkept as efficiently as possible at 3 stacks you want to renew it at exactly
There is/was something in elvui
Name of the Warrior's sword please.
I can't use the fireland's helm because it doesn't hide draenei horns, so they end up poking through the top and clashing with everything.
I am not aware of this, either way you should just get the addons you need and that's it
are people not playing the new raids anymore besides nighthold?
but the only new raid is nighthold
Like a couple of groups, that aren't mythic
It's not that they're not being run, but there's only people expecting 880+ carries, even on normal.
Nighthold is the new raid. Previous raids are old raids.
Exactly what happened with Elvui.
The look of it is okay (even thought it's a bit too black) but then when I raid it makes me lag like crazy even though I disabled some things inside. I can't be arsed to disable everything and test out what's causing the lags.
I don't think it's worth the effort either so I just run with the addons I listed earlier.
Pretty sure there's some garbage code inside of elvui or lua errors that leak memory or some shit.
What do you mean? Like a bloatware?
Fuck Genn Greymane and Fuck White People
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Monk is the best class?
That's the prot hidden artifact that doesn't fucking spawn.
>Been checking every single day since late November
>STILL don't have it
Why are you intentionally picking the reddit add-on when they have counterparts that are Literally Veeky Forums: The Add-on?
I said sword, idiot.
Mythic 17 set is so lit tbqh lads, on a male panda at least. Got it all in one run as well :ok_hand: