xth for the end
Any other Supports mains here?
Have you ever sucked a dick before?
>That was a good sticky
>the K O R E A
>Lissfag getting btfo
Let us hope for a good worlds this year.
>12 minute tier 2
That's some good shit. Why can't my teams in solo queue do this?
Thanks for reminding me of how I haven't played Fiddle in way too long.
I main support, never sucked dick.
I prefer my cute ADC sucking my dick instead.
so everyone knows that SKT is gonna wins worlds this year
the question is, is KT going to be able to secure second because of how sloppy they've been playing or will another team be able to claim second?
I haven't, but I wanna be a cute cumdumpster support whore all the same. That's why I main Nami.
>cant delete ops
ah well
comfy bfs~
2 more for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
are fly our guys?
Would you support a strong top laner if your ADC its failing at his job?
Zyra isn't a real support kiddo
S-same friend! But I main Sona
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA need 2
pass is vidya
custom games
>stacked teams: the game
I wanna ______ Jinx
2nd role if it counts. no, but I'd be down.
I wanna climb don't I?
we got a level 27 along with a diamond on the same team, hella even bro
Thoughts on this champion?
Seems kind of weak.
>people are allowed to pick teemo top with smite/ghost in ranked, run it down lane intentionally feeding 14 kills with no penalty
>but i get chat restricted for calling him a retard
wow riot sucks fat dicks
I wanna FUG Jinx user~
N-no but i love being thrashtalked and becoming the hate focus of my team, it makes me hot inside
Just a friendly reminder that meme magic has chosen Cass as the next midlaner to receive a SKT skin.
Jungle main here, but support is my secondary. No, but I wouldn't mind sucking one.
>one is very easy to prove as chat logs are kept
>the other could be argued that he was just a shitty player
classic shitty automatic systems at work, learn to play around it
>screencapping your own posts because you're THIS obsessed with a single throwaway 1/10 guess you made
Damn son, what an empty life you must lead.
Syndra's levitation is broken as fuck. You can't even see where she's walking, riot please nerf her hover.
Faced my first azir today and got completely shut out
How the fuck do you beat him? I bullied them early but level 3 they could just poke me out of lane then dived me when they could finish it
i just noticed altec has a third item mortal reminder. why are LCS BIG PLAYZ professionals so much smarter than my silver teammates who refuse to buy an executioner's calling at any point in the game and buy ldr 4th or 5th because they need big deeps against big buff tanks that just heal up their shit?
Well I don't main Zyra or anything, it's just an image.
Y-you too~
>highest win rate AND most common jhin build is crit
>pros still build lethality
so which is better?
>Switch from maining support to top
>Suddenly the game is so fucking easy, stress free and fun
What the actual fuck, why would anybody main support after experiencing this?
>too stupid to comprehend the image
Those were three gets in a row on the same number. Your meme magic is WEAK, kid.
O-oh okay I'm sorry :(
Because one guy is pro paid to win and other guy is 9 year old silver player
Plus competitive ADC is more like a second support so executioner is just fine for him
you are correct, a rephrasing of my question would be why is crit better in yolo q and why is lethality better in pro games?
That's still statistically only as impressive as 1 quads and you don't see every single person who gets one of those screencapping it with le epic reaction collage and reposting it over and over.
Kill yourself.
I will forgive you this time, cutie.
Is there an uglier female champion than Soraka?
are sona breasts filled with the ADC hopes and dreams?
Are any of the healsluts actual grills?
because shitters can't hit jhin ult
Yeah ita great unril you are good enough to ger camped every game and when you do win lane the other guy splitpushes for 35 minutes straight
Thats when the fun train stopa
Probably Kalista for being very lanky. There isn't really any truly ugly female champion.
He's super COOL!
>eztalonposter got cucked
T-thank you!
How was it?
I mean, being a support main myself, i've never understood the autism behind healslutting.
I really want Froggen to win. How do I make him win? Do I have to go over there and suck his dick while cosplaying as Anivia or something?
rek sai
If we're talking in the olden days yes, but even the most rabid raka hater must admit she's come a long way and is very much cute
Plenty of them are, yes. There is a couple fuccbois within them though.
first match as support went okay its alot less stressful playing with someone than by myself ._. (i
>tfw you'd rather lose than play badly and get carried by a teammate
Wait actually I take back what I said, Lulu is a bit harsh on the eyes.
Not as many armor stacking super-tanks rushing your dick in solo queue.
How do we fix Echo Fox guys?
Fuck off Lissfag
Remember to thank your support!
>play alone
>get extremely mad at everything
>play with friend
>unmoved by even the most unrelenting displays of inadequacy
I don't question it anymore
dump that shitter Keith
Scrap everyone except Arcade guy and Frogger
it's a lot of work to make people cum with just your mouth. By the time you finish them off the dick doesn't even taste like dick anymore. Or maybe your mouth doesn't taste like your mouth anymore. Either way when the cum finally shoots out it's either 10/10 delicious or super salty and bitter. It depends on his diet. I duo'd with my roommate in college all the time and I'd just blow him between sessions.
Regardless though, after you've finished and swallowed, you french whoever you've been blowing. If they hesitate, even a little, you don't slut for them anymore. If after they finish cumming they immediately break off and leave the room to "fetch you a towel" you don't slut for them anymore. If they refuse to eat healthier so their cum doesn't taste as good as it can, you don't slut for them anymore. c:
Why do people think Taliyah is ugly?
>Remember to thank your support with your dick
>forcing someone to become diabetic
The meme images are probably my favorite part honestly
Whoever had the idea to make the players pose is a genius.
do i get GP or fiora? who is less likely to be picked away from me?
>"reposting it over and over"
You fucking retard, it only got posted 4 times so far since October 2016. Keep making up bullshit, it won't help your argument in the slightest.
Get lost in a japanese suicide forest.
get rid of keith and maybe froggen
before they did that, it was 100% crossed arms serious pose. Then it was hands in pockets pose. I guess they decided to let the players have a little fun.
I just got 700+ ip from one match.
The fuck? Did I miss something? Did Riot finally decide to up the quantity you gain?
4 more times than anyone who's not an autist posts over a simple 1/1000 occurrence.
And just so you understand how little of a deal that is, 2 1/1000 posts have already happened twice on Veeky Forums alone just in the time this thread has been up.
Aphro is hot
i want to BE irelia
how important is CDR on quinn?
top lane lethality of course
Meme team weekend
>he still doesn't comprehend the power of meme magic
I suppose we'll have to wait for Faker to finally confirm his decision just to fill that gaping hole which you call your mouth.
I bet you want me to stick my big Negro dick in your butt don't you
Phreak + Kobe is the best duo. Prove me wrong
You can't, rivingtonfags
GP can't carry for shit anymore
Fiora is cancer especially vs the tank top meta
Pick your poison
if you consider that hot, then you'd think i'm Adonis incarnated.
Are Fly our guys this season?
not at all important
I have a friend I duo with that picks quinn a lot and he goes full blown lethality with static shiv and an IE and he just does a butt ton of damage. CDR is a wasted stat imo for quinn Since you aren't building any mana items to compensate
>GP can't carry for shit anymore
maybe not for you
He's not that bad~
>fly picking up zed and eve
>Fly picks Zed
Will he finally gets a win this season or is it another lose
FLY bamboozling the LCS one pick at a time.