/owg/ - Overwatch General

Chinese New Year event lasts until February 13.

>When does Season 3 end?
Probably late February / early March.

>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info



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Post the rest


7 decides my next gold weapon.
>Currently own



What the fuck is this shit?

7 get, reinhardt



lol gold gun for healer


>want to play comp for points
>don't want to because I know I'll be stuck in gold hell thanks to me ooga team booga

Make it stop

user...i'm already a gold shitter


I'm just going to say it. If someone asks you to switch characters in QP or arcade, just do it. They're asking for a good reason, and its most likely because you're shitting the bed. Don't go silent, don't insult anyone, don't rage. Just say "gotcha!", switch, shut the fuck up and play. I can't count how many times we've had too many snipers, or too many defensive heroes, and how many times ALL of them have ignored the teams request that they switch. When you lose those matches, rest assured you're not losing because your team is shit. You're losing because YOU'RE shit.


>the other player's judgment is always sound and never placing the fault on someone else besides himself

fuck right off, retard

>complains about people not switching
>in every mode except the one that actually matters

yeah, i'm not gonna switch healers because the bastion main demands it like earlier today. i can't heal him no matter what if he deploys in retarded spots.

How does Veeky Forums feel about blizzard pandering to tumblr and making Mei fat again?

because people in ranked do switch if you ask and explain yourself.
never switch healers, unless there are two and not enough offense.
the persons judgment is not tainted by the bias of your own. your pride is not my fucking problem. when you fail to get on the point, because of whoever you're playing not contributing to the team overall, that is my fucking problem. and if 4 people are asking you to switch and you don't, that loss is all on you. if you're not going to take this seriously why should anyone else? they'll just sacrifice you or the healer will refuse to heal.

I still want her to sit on my face

pissed me off. no one cares what she looks like and if you really do care that much, you're not playing for the right reasons. this is why no one can take female gamers seriously. they get offended over the dumbest shit while sucking horribly at the game itself.


plat's hard to get out of, but I picked up rein and he's slowly carrying me out. The trick seems to be to stop after a loss or two and ride win streaks to the higher ranks.
I'm pretty confident in my rein, but I'll lose rein duels often.

What's the trick to beating the other reinhart? I can bait him to drop his shield for an ult, but I find myself getting pinned a lot.

>they get offended over the dumbest shit while sucking horribly at the game itself.
sounds like you user :)

>Playing Arcade for crates
>No limits there are Symmetras or Soldiers everywhere
>Mystery Heroes the match is decided on first roll
>Elimination meta is cancerous with Roadhog/Ana in every match
>CTF is turtling for 10 minutes

Why must it be so unfun to get some damn crates

I'm mad they're wasting what little time they have to work on balancing for this shit.

>lose almost all placements
>still get 2845

How is shit like silver even real

What does a bronze match look like

Most of the time if you see their rein charging at you you should charge into him too.That way you'll both be stunned and (assuming both teams have equal numbers) would give you more of a fighting chance than just letting them pin you and possibly get killed by their team's followup.

If their rein misses, resist the urge to revenge pin him and let your team finish him off while you maintain the front.

keep in mind it does use previous season's rankings and your qp ranking as well.

word, I didn't consider how dead a missed-pin reinhardt is. I struggle with him on king of the hill a lot, any advice for those maps in particular?

What went wrong?

>Overwatch releases
>60 days later we got Ana
>112 days after that we got Sombra
>It's been 90 days sense Sombra's release
Will we get a new hero in the next month?

She sucks so nobody plays her. That's about it.

She has the same problem as Reaper where she says stupid lines like "Here I am" when you try to ambush someone so your target knows you are near.

>Its a playing against smurfs episode

>we'll make a sniper
>that heals people
>we'll make a stealth character
>that's a support
>ohohohoh look how we're subverting tropes
>we're great aren't we

I'm really annoyed that her hacking stops if you move your camera and the target is out of view.

Why does this girl keep making fun of me and calling me names and makes fun of me for being single even though she is? She only does this to me. She also kissed me when she was really drunk but that was weeks ago. Please respond.

This isn't your blog, faggot.

>Be 3100
>Get up to 3400
>Instantly go from playing regular team to playing a team of gods with 6 stack level of coordination
>Get destroyed
>Go on a losing streak down to 3200
>Get back up to 3400 again
>Get destroyed by another team of gods

Try Brawls

That 5 Rein 1 Lucio is always a clusterfuck.

Why is Tracer such a piece of shit?

>pick hanzo
>cant stop laughing everytime i play him

Her damage just sucks for dps.
I have never been in a game where I had to switch characters because of a good sombra. In fact, anytime I see an enemy sombra I just think it's a freebie kill. She's like a shitter tracer.

Jeff said she's officially a support hybrid that could be in support like symmetra, don't play her as DPS tracerclone.

That's my most favorite one, but every other time it's either Justice Rains, One Shot, or Shimada Bros., and I can't for the life of me stand them anymore.

In fact, Symmetra's microwave does way more damage than Sombra topekek

I don't get what's so funny?
Besides griefing your 5 team members for picking hanzo

Who has the saddest backstory?

Who deserves more lore?

>tfw just hit gold by roadhogging my way straight the fuck out of silver

feels good man

>one day, god of hooks
>next day, lower than 30% hook accuracy

What's the secret lads?

Need Mercy lore BADDDDDDD

>1 healer on my team
>go healer too to make things easier for them
>they go dps the instant I switch


>see a thing.
>want a thing.
>get a thing.

These are good feels.


>event start
>60 boxes later still no Dva legendary
I don't like this feel

Just downed 2 moe shots and playyed anna. Who should I piak next?

Keep going. You'll get there.

Or you'll get enough coins to just make one on the 12th.

>finally get a good grip on 3200
>incoming losing streak to 2800
There is so much difference between a plat/plat diamond/diamond player it is not even funny anymore. Not just my teammates, if someone don't play terribly I don't blame anyone for the stomp but the system. For many matches it is like masters vs silver.

40% of matches will be won with or without you.

40% of matches will be lost with or without you.

20% of matches will be won or lost depending on how you play.

The trick is realizing what kind of game you're in and acting accordingly.

Why are so many characters utter garbage?

Is blizz gunna fix this any time soon

t. mccree main

>40% of matches will be won with or without you
I wish. Since I got to lvl 400+ the system thinks I became a god or something and players on this level shit on me on a regular basis. I don't even know if I can have fun anymore in the game. Even quickplay is meta suffering now. If I don't bring the OP heroes and my team isn't serious we get rolled most of the time.

Just aim for the head mate

That's strat that really helps improve my gamplay

Time to make a new account, goy!

I'm heading towards 400 and I'm shit at this game, you've got me a bit worried.

How can I have ching chong characters in my name? When I try it just says no special letters allowed.

I don't want to bring you down, but if you feel you won't get much better now, the higher you go the harder it gets. No matter how is your mmr, You will get high level players if you are on high level which seems good on paper but usually they are better than you.

Teamwork and counter picking still helps, but you has to play better and better for the same or worse results.

You can get an edge by getting a large mousepad and turning your sensitivity down low. Aim with your elbow, as aiming with your wrist is a really bad habit. Aiming with your elbow results in better muscle memory and better aim.

Well I mostly play QP and arcade, and I feel like I'm mostly amongst fellow-shitters there, so I'm not too worried.

The game I just played, two people on my team quit and then were immediately replaced by 2 silver portraits, not even in a group together. Funny coincidence.

S-sorry, but I'm a console shitter.

The only thing really bothers me now that the game showed me it is like real life where I'm not good in anything no matter how hard I try.

It all depends on how much effort you're really able/willing to put into it. Pros become pros because they practice this game methodically for hours at a time.

I'm lvl 600 and I have problems with quick too. Most people treat it the same as comp.

>Most people treat it the same as comp.
Really? In what way? They actually push together as a team? I wouldn't mind that.

I'm 300+ and I just had a game where an attack sym told the ana to "pick a real healer". So it's hard to imagine things are going to get serious/hard soon

Yeah yeah that what people said to me. I have more than 1000 hours so far in the game and I'm not as good that most lvl 2-300 people and I have double or triple their playtime.

I didn't give up yet and enjoy the game for most of the time but it breaks my heart.

>saddest backstory
Morrison and Reyes (Gabe had it coming though)

>more lore
LuciĆ². Literally the only character without any clear motive (so far) to fight on either side.

When I say they treat it the same as comp, they pick one of the strongest meta and stomp back the opposition to the spawn. I can't pick fun heroes anymore to fuck with, or heroes I'm not good but willing to try because there is no point.

Sorry, maybe it is just me. I didn't wanted to scare you.

There's only a few heroes (Bastion, Winston, and Sombra) that I think are truly, 100% non-comp. Everything else can be used, but some are more situational.

Sounds good, but if you don't bring a hog/shield/soldier/ana for every match teams who do will mostly win by default. Not to mention Symmetra.

Yes I won plenty of matches on Torb attack and lost plenty against a Hanzo+Widow duo (WHY) but for most of the time, the OP combinations will win.


Don't worry user, you haven't scared me. I think it sounds interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out to see if things start to change after 400

What league are you?

Diamond but I don't think it matters that much. In my experience the matchmaking goes by number of stack / level of stack for most of the time.

It might matter a bit. I'm just a silver shitter and mostly play against other silvers/golds, I feel.

Your pattern recognition sucks

>gibraltar defence
>tell people to set up on high ground
>3 of the team stand at the payload
>rein charges at the gate and dies in the first 10 seconds
>I'm stuck in gold hell because of shitters like this every other game

If you honestly think it's possible to solo carry choke on a bowl of dicks and die.

new hero when

What heroes are you playing?

Symm players are shitters wherever you go though

Ana & Zen

her skillset is largely incongruent with how the game flows and is designed

like trying to sail north on a southern wind

If you want to rise up don't play cuckports

could the average plat-ranked player carry a silver-ranked account to plat

just how big is the skill difference from bronze to high plat

Problem is the only support golds ever pick is symm so if I do go dps we have no heals. And even if we're 2 rounds down on koth the stubborn cunts will never switch.

yeah, so what do you want to hear?
if you pick support you just ride on the skill of your teammates.

Is this the thread that's still alive?

Guys what heroes can I play to get me from 2700 to 3000? I can't seem to do it.