/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

>Links and Resources

>Natural 5* list for Fire Emblem Heroes
Ryoma (Red); Lyn (Red); Lucina (Red); Tiki: Dragon Scion; Leo (Red);
Azura (Blue); Hinoka (Blue); Linde (Blue);
Hector (Green); Minerva (Green);
Takumi (Grey); and Elise (Grey)


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Tharja a best

>he fell for the normalized at 40 meme

loli dragon legs


Dragon lolis a BEST


What the hell are you talking about? That was drawn by a nippon artist who likely can't read enough of the English language to even know that Setsuna was "changed" in the localization at all, and even if that was the case how in the everliving fuck does licensed fanart determine canon?


He upgraded the castle

Now I'm not saying that I wish I was a shota like Dicken who could /ss/ with the SS tier wife

But it doesn't sound like a bad thing, you know

Shot to the thread and you're to blame
You give Tharja a bad name

post pyromaniacs

who is the hottest fe red head?

What the fuck? This doesn't look shopped.

Are your units under level 35?

>Over $250 dollars later I got everyone I want

Astra or Galeforce for lyn?

Fucking finally pulled Lyn

Is it ever worth it to level a 3* hero?

Why is a pair of boots talking.

>get my Lyn to 40
>she's shit
I really don't want to reroll but her stats are awful



>he fell for the Tagumeme can take a hit at close range meme

Anna, no contest

Where can I download the Japanese version of the mobage? I thought Qoo app would have it but all it only gives me the English app.

And can't you change the language of the game text or was that a meme?

If anything, it's more like a Boon/Bane when making a character. Each character has stats they'll always reach, but one stat will be higher than average and one lower. Better pray for the Speed Boon.

How is Setsuna in this game? Do they actually make use of her decent Res?

>$70 later I got literally nothing
Kill me


Camilla a best!

Because they're waiting to get shoved up Tharja's ass.

This one

I want to suckle Camilla's bosom!

>until new units are released
But it's okay sempai, keep funding Ninty we need a good new Fire Emblem console game.

You can change the language but it changes the voice+text. Only way to have English text+JP voices is through rooting your phone and doing some file swap shit, but I believe doing so risks you getting banned


Is my Lyn stat screwed

Which banner

It's all the same app. You change the language settings in game. Of course, you also change the menu text too.


You'll do fine for everything outside of pvp and will simply pull other units for pvp-meta, don't worry too much about it.

Its normalized

one stat will be +1
3 will be +0
and one stat will be -1

>None of Radiant Dawn's animations are go-

who /rerolling/ still?

I have a Peri/Lilina account currently, but Peri is kind of bad.



too soon

>All of these people with money to throw at this game
Shit nigga I just want a new phone.

>unit pairing gets MVP at end of chapter
>no support rank up

Wew, i was sniping blue and clear orbs hoping for a 5* robin or takumi. Didn't expect someone I never even saw rerolling

How is she? Can she fight or is she only good for singing? seems to have ok skills

Does Kiran ""remind"" Lyn of Mark?

actually i rescind my nomination of cordelia in favor of since roy has the fire

Yours has more attack than some level 40 lyns floating around

>26 Spd
just reroll now and save yourself the time

In the non-battle damage art you can actually see her cameltoe.

got the OG smash bros, keep or reroll?

Me. No natty 5*s after 2 days. Shit sucks. Especially considering a friend got 5* Leo and Hector in her first roll

My 70 was in iTunes gift cards so it was this or love live

Anti-gray specialist.
Never use her against anything that's not red, she'll nuke red stuff but nothing else.


Is Marth perma-dubbed now?

HACKurai btfo?

PoR redheads unite

Keep just to keep it real

Misc>FAQ/Etc.>Change Nickname.

No it isn't you retard check the last thread

One Lyn has 6 more speed than the other and barely less in any other stat that matters

Attack is useless without speed

Most of the heroes are supposed to be mediocre (or should I say balanced); a lot of them are for waifu-collection purposes.

Rate my team /feg/

Jesus, your friend should buy a lottery ticket.

let me know if you're going to throw her away. someone last thread said her defense sucks, but she can sing, so she's always at least useful.

>want to reroll for my waifu
>she's not in the game yet
wat do? Wait to start until she's in or just play and pray I draw her when she's released?

give me the google play sales guys

Imma roll away for my lucina

my maid who is also my wife.


Rip then.

RNG on top of Gatcha.

worst part is she doesn't even really care about FE and is an iCuck so I can't take her account off her hands

>that nolan handaxe critical at arjound 2:35
Fucking kek

best girl

They are probably adding more people in a week or so.

Marth being in Japanese was supposed to reference how niche and JP-only the series used to be. That obviously isn't the case anymore and keeping it would have been contradictory to the fact. Good riddance.

Only grandpas and stale smash-secondaries will miss that stale meme.

Might as well just play? What are you losing if you have to reroll when your favorite character comes out.

Jill lovers unite

That's infuriating. It's a roll to die for for sure.

Post damages.

>subhumans get put in
>Jill eventually gets featured into the game as a focus character
>4 or 5*
>5* version has Beastfoe

I like Hana

>loving patricides

anyone want this ?

Jesus christ user

No contest.

>not buying the most dollar efficient bundle every time
Are you even trying?

Keep or reroll

If I can't use her for everything then what's the point


Why exactly are you getting the smaller packs if you're going to be a whale?


[email protected]
yes, please

Only did 75 dollarydoo one.
I hurts that I can't reroll.

people like you need to be gassed and banned from playing videogames forever
>wanting them to make more mobile shit