GSL Code S 2 days
Good OP, appreciated.
>you will never attend a japanese all girls school
as i was saying
*makes soap*
really good thread so far
hello? is this gook?
atl boyz ww@ 21-3 falcons
What did Kevin mean by this?
i think he's trying to say he worships the rifgod
so this is what indie games system requirements look like...
it's probably horribly optimized
that looks cool :o
hi this is gook
that's why i wanted to play it...
*opens up a can of whoopass*
*braaps a cold one*
you did WHAT
ya i did haha
*turns game off* welp 7 months of no football now
*turns off ga-*
oh wait i wasnt watching lol
im gonna get a gf some day
then what
then i marry her obviously
*fats a rip a fart one*
bellybumbum a zii!! :33333
valentines day is next week...
are you gonna spoil your waifu
i'm gonna hotglue her
both of you cut it out right now
i've been crushing on a boy itt for a while now but im too scared to ask for his steam/bnet info...
which one of us dyl..
i can't say...
I worship the riffgod
youll never know if you dont go
youll never shine if you dont glow
based harstem
i already spoiled his waifu namsayin'
there you go my shy friend
mad respect for the millionaire celebrity that did a thing, and those advertisements i paid to watch really made me want to buy their product, i'm going to tell my friends about them so they can buy that product too
hold me tight /scv/
cant believe im gonna be the only guy on /scv/ without a date for valentines
lol at people who turned off the superbowl...its the first OT in superbowl history
there's still time~!
2d waifus count right
people actually watching the superb owl?
id rather just smoke ab owl XD
shut up
gn idiots
i havent seen anything that epic since flash vs effort 2010
i haven't seen a man dive between another man's legs like that since acuteboy1 met sickzii...
a fly landed in my drink
dumb fly
should i pay for pussy...
that was fun
how much pussy? i like to buy in bulk and save money
>be terran
>guy spends like 900 minerals trying to canon rush my base.
>ignore it
>lift of my cc when canons finally finish and move over to my natural.
>guy leaves game
what the heck is a terran
hi im from kpop general
hey dude post your favorite kpop
favorite song or artist or what
ofc girl jesus christ. and post a webm
damn this kshitter is dumb as fuck
no bully
based lol
who are you quoting?
i went out on a date one time
how was it?
did you sniff her seat
who did you pretend to be
it was an ordinary chat over coffee and nothing went terribly wrong but my dumb mind still cringes at the memory cause i never talked to her again and was too scared to return her texts
downsizing is healthy
we should talk about how cute and based scarlett is :3
how do you find things to talk about?
trips :O
why don't you try again?
by pretending to be the version of myself that isnt a misanthropic loser so like...we talked about bands & shows we wish we could see and joked about stuff we had seen on each others twitters
cause im worse now than ever and feel bothersome in anyone elses presence. im like the worst possible version of myself and i cant stand anyone to see that
too close...
lol iktf
i always ask if anybody minds me being there, or apologising for turning up when it isn't an absolute invitation
low self esteem..
(Negan voice)
carl grimes
im not gay but...
where is carl??
youre gay if you like scarlett
cant be gay if youre straight