Why were Chinese so ahead of the times?
Why did they fall behind later on?
Why were Chinese so ahead of the times?
Why did they fall behind later on?
hit their ethno max
Collectivism is detrimental to innovation.
>Why were Chinese so ahead of the times?
I know this is a bait image. But post 200 BC Romans or Greeks, faggot
Romans 200 BC
I'm pretty sure those are the welsh in the present day
celts were exterminated on the continent but for a smattering of pockets
>ahead of the times
what like clamping womens toes together in the soles of their feet, or the fact that they had endless wars against each states, famine sweeping the land, people betraying each other left and right and isolationism in certain area? then sure
>what like clamping womens toes together in the soles of their feet
who gives a fuck about bitches
>endless wars against each states
and? war is good
>famine sweeping the land
can't do shit against nature and the yellow river floods
>people betraying each other left and right
Yes, because China was the only country on earth who had sneaky people
>isolationism in certain area
Who cares about the rest of the world, when all you need is within your borders
>what like clamping womens toes together in the soles of their feet,
Are you implying other cultures didn't do stupid shit for "beauty"?
>or the fact that they had endless wars against each states,
Like Europe?
>famine sweeping the land,
Like every country before 1900?
>people betraying each other left and right
Like every ethnicity since the dawn of man?
>and isolationism in certain area?
What is Vietnam? Indonesia? Cambodia? Korea? Kazkahstan? Mongolia? Manchuria?
>then sure
They neglected real science and choose to study history and humanities.
>Why were Chinese so ahead of the times?
>Only comparing them to one other group.
t. buttblasted yuro
>foot binding
>200 BC
I want memesters to leave.
Read Spengler and stop asking the same retarded questions over and over.
>what like clamping womens toes together in the soles of their feet
Didn't exist until the Qing era, and was functionally no different than the shit Europeans used to do to retards.
>the fact that they had endless wars against each states,
Like everywhere else
>famine sweeping the land
Like everywhere else
>people betraying each other left and right
Like everywhere else
>and isolationism in certain area?
China was only isolationist in the sense that they didn't fuck around in other peoples business. Otherwise Chinese expansion is quite noted.
Foot binding actually dates to the Song, but I agree with just about everything you said.
Also, Chinese were only "isolationist" in regards to maritime expansion, which obviously seemed unnecessary to a state that controlled more land than any other in the world. It was more worthwhile for dynastic China to commit its resources to controlling the Xinjiang corridor, as overland trade was just as (if not more) beneficial before the European age of exploration.
Yeah, I fucked up there. Wasn't it only restricted to the nobility for a long time before spreading to the other classes?
Been a few years since my class on Imperial China, but yeah, I'm pretty sure it was like that. The practice gradually grew in popularity until it became the cultural norm around the time of the Ming/Qing.
If the ancient Chinese weren't white people why does all their art feature humans with white features such as long straight noses and pale white skin?
You're forgetting the fact that both the Ming and the Qing actively banned it, but without success. Only the early Chinese Republic managed to accomplish it, on account of much more severe fines.
Can you post some of this art?
Ahh nice one
The Chinese were collectivist?
liberals throw that word around without understanding what it means
for a left winger, they think they embody "individualism" but of course, they believe in collectivist economics, collectivist morals, collectivist enforcement of government edicts... in the name of individualism.
>Why did they fall behind later on?
Everything points to damage done by the Mongols and after effects of the end of the Yuan Dynasty. What comes to mind is a show that compared the Ming and England in the 1420 to 1440s. The Ming made the English look like a bad joke. However give the hard currency issue ( that was a after effect of the mongols) more time to do its work and it flips. The shortage of cash is the main cause the Ming to outlaw marine time trade. This in turn causes the wokou raids...
it's funny that you would call Chinese advanced and take year 200 bc for reference, yet compare them to germans in the same year. And the example of how advanced they was is what exactly ? Them being spiritual ? you posted a photo of them praying so i guess that is what you were refearing to ? That isn't being advanced, around that time Greeks were developing mathematics, coming up with democracy, inventing philosophical theories and shit, creating art unmatched even today. Fucking Sumerians were starting to build towns and cities some 6000 bc, where were you then if you were so advanced. Sumerians were inventing writing systems around 3000 bc. That is what being advanced is, not being more spiritual than some tribe living in dirt houses. Also you fell behind because apparently Mongolians didn't give a fuck about your wall.
Are you retarded?
yea im retarded, explain to me in a way i can understand what exactly are they doing then ?
you wont be laughing when we land on mars....
They're being a bureaucracy you dolt. That's a Chinese court. Those are government officials.
We've already landed robots.
Manned space exploration is a meme.
>7000+ years of culture and civilization
>still have an utterly awful language
Don't Asians tend to be?
Community and family always seems way more important to every Asian I've met and read on.
Regarding the second question, it was probably the fact that they didn't have access to all of america's resources and never lived the huge sociopolitical impact america's discovery implied.
Asians ! = Far Eastern Asians
>far east asians aren't collectivist
I literally implied the opposite of that.
Nice catch.
For a second, I misinterpreted that as a joke about them filling Mars up with smog.
It was pretty much all white people except for Romans. Given that many people don't consider Latins white, we can safely say 90% of white people are savages
Grand canal was being built in 6th century BCE in China. They apparently had engineers and mathematicians by that time. When the Germans were throwing shit at east other. Around 200 BCE, Chinese had already composed one of the most well known guide on War thats well known by almost all military generals/businessmen alike today. By 200 BCE, they had civil administration that was based on pure meritocratic system instead of hereditary or dynastic. Classics like Legalism, Confusionism, Taoism, Mohism, Logicians, were well known. During the Greek golden age.
>mongols caused chinese to stop developing
Failed with the glass. Less hour for good grades. No food for asian kid. Asian kid no longer smart, asian kid dies. Mongrols comes. Mongrols did some work. Firework asian kid played with only.
Everyone was either more advanced or at the same than Germans back then.
nah, most consider the latins to be white. and they were still ahead of and much more influential to our world than the pathetic chinese and their barbaric neighbours.
>hey Veeky Forums why did the west become so dominant
>hey Veeky Forums why was China so good for so long time
Superior culture of course? DUH. The Chinese are just smarter