/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Protected Edition

>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this!)

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PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Galleries

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
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>Official News & Known Issues
Velvet Shell Info
[YouTube] Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Velvet Shell : Jackal operator (embed)
[YouTube] Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Velvet Shell MIRA Teaser (embed)
[YouTube] Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Velvet Shell map Teaser (embed)
Upcoming Changes to Pro League
Year 2 has been confirmed. New CTU's will be Spain, Hong Kong, Poland, and South Korea.
Patch 5.3 is live.

Flawless Victory:

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow OP. New thread 2 posts early. What the fuck? :^^^^)

Dead game?

1st for the death of roaming


You sextuple fucking nigger.

Didn't you see it even had updated videos?


Protected edition

>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this!)

>/r6g/ OP Pastebin & Groups
Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/R6GO
PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Galleries

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:

>Official News & Known Issues
Velvet Shell Info
Upcoming Changes to Pro League
Year 2 has been confirmed. New CTU's will be Spain, Hong Kong, Poland, and South Korea.
Patch 5.3 is live.

Flawless Victory:

>tfw caviars footsteps when using her ability wont get detected by jackal
>tfw so many roaming jackals are gonna get fucked by her

superb owl


Post webms.

>canadian ops
why are they so FUN

>m45 meusoc and UMP fire the same cartridge
>m45 meusoc makes smaller bullet holes in walls than the UMP

Tfw no pure Steppe waifu

>ranged version of best sas operator

idk user

>playing bomb
>take out two shitters before dying
>pulse and recruit left
>pulse is in the bomb room not using his pulse detector
>check guys profile
>level 2
>other guy is zero
>could have won that round

I can't wait for free play days to be over.

Fucked up spoiler tags is the easiest way to spot newfags since they were introduced

It's been over for ~5 hours.

How do we continue the flipped operator meme with frost? a netlauncher?

It should have never happened tbqh

If you don't close the game you can continue playing. Managed to play civ v for a good month before my pc crashed.

Holy shit, how many Steam hours did you have registered?

who is this slooty qt

Just bought this on PS4.
Pretty fun.

What did they do to Kapkan?

Is he playable yet?

They're literally upgrades on existing ops.

Frost is basically Kapkan, but:
>Trap is way easier to hide, not tied to frames, and not electronic. You just have to deal the finishing blow yourself.
>Okay tier Medium Armor, as opposed to basically useless Heavy Armor
>Pretty much the best SMG in the game, as opposed to a pretty good one
>No nitro though

Buck is basically Sledge, but:
>Ability works at range, switches faster, and is also a very deadly close-range weapon. It's just louder.
>Choice of a good rifle and a good DMR, instead of one good rifle and a redundant shotgun
>No pocket SMG though

I just lost a ranked game to a clan with 200+ ping that didn't speak english. GG ubi

>Pretty much the best SMG in the game,
She's not even close.
SMG-11 and Bearing 9 are both better.
GIGN MP5's are both better.
Bandit MP7 is better.
Spetsnaz SMG is actually really good and better than her 9mm.

Patriots get got.

The MP5 is the best SMG in the game. Praise Rook and Doc

Had a little under 800.

Nah, MP5 is outclassed by SMG11, B9 and MP7. But only slightly, MP5 is still an exceptional gun.

servers ded?

It has the single most predictable recoil pattern in the whole game, the best per-shot damage, and it's ammo efficient as all hell. And you can put an extended barrel on it without any sacrifices. All this adds up with Frost herself to make it the best "jack-of-all-trades" SMG, even though certain others are better in their own niche.

The pocket SMGs have an impressive rate of fire, but their recoil is way more random, and ammo is kind of an issue.

MP5 is still great despite it's nerfs, true. But you can only use it on fatties.

Bandit's MP7 kicks like a mule, otherwise it's okay.

And the VSN is massively underrated and actually really good, yeah. But it lacks in ranged power, and, again, you can only use it on fatties.

Good fucking riddance



good high quality footage of mira & jackal here including some testing on their gadgets

Anyone have the link to the CavXValk lewd image?

This guy speaks like a fag.



>Canadian operators have variants of US and UK guns
>Spanish operator has a Canadian gun

Buck has Canadian weapons.


The E in C7E stands for export.
It's not the same version as the Canadians use.

Hes has a m4 and I was actually wrong about saying it was just UK and US but the CAMRS is a fal variant.

He has a C8 which isn't an M4 and he has the C1A1 which to be fair is just a Canadian built L1A1.

I thought it was going to be an annoying nasally voice or something but it was literally just a fag. Wow.

>tfw defenders will be crawling everywhere to avoid getting jackal'd

The guy speaks for like 20 seconds you fags.

Can't wait for the clips of jackal getting interrogated by a cav.

Soon ™

this shit is gonna be a griefing nightmare
>teammates reinforce key wall
>run around to the opposite side and deploy windshield
>free 0 risk hibana hole for attackers with one way window
>no feasible way to catch this

That Hereford lockers trick was filthy. Also, Valkyrie's face. Last thread anons were saying her face was remodeled; I can't tell though.

Ok, so
>Mira's mirror can be mounted at whatever height you want
>The mirror can only be breached by Thermite/Hibana charges from the outside, if it is attached to a reinforced wall
>If it's attached to a normal wall, any explosive can blow it up if it destorys the wall
>Walking backwards generates backwards footprints
>Crawling does not generate footprints for jackal to track
>Caveira with silent step active does not generate footprints either
>You can tell how fast someone was moving by the footsteps (sprinting footsteps are further apart)
>In general, it seems that footprints are generated exactly where the model touches the ground, so there is potential for fuckery
>A player who's being tracked will get an indicator on their screen that tells them when, and how many more times, they will be pinged

And he has a noticeable lisp that makes him sound like he has a dick in his mouth.

>that kill at hereford lockers

that shit is going to be annoying. I'm definitely going to prefer to be the thatcher, let some other roob take the risk of actually blowing the wall

>that hereford basement window
stop I can only get so erect

>New map apparently has a problem where it lets you vault off of guaranteed death ledges

>twitch drone can set off mira's screen
twitch is now hibana lite confirmed

>hey, don't blow that hole, okay
>I said don't blow it
>Don't you fucking do it!

fuck that man, AOR1 outfit for Valkyire confirmed!


at least this one is subtle looking instead of the fucking metal LORD bolted to the front of tachanka's shield


Did I miss this one?

i am shit at the game

>Written with color marker in poor script
Wow they nailed it.

>faggot tks rook picker
>ledditor asks him why in message
>gets "rook mine" as response
>leddit, being leddit, regurgitates it to no end
>ubisoft, being ubisoft, hello-fellow-kids it into the game

it was a pretty early one.
>rook gets buffed (I think)
>some dude picks rook in a pub
>russian dude tk's him and just says 'rook mine' because he wants to pick rook instead
>spreads from there on reddit

Kind of a low profile one.
The joke was about how all the newbie mouth-breathers would complain in broken english when someone else picked their favourite 0-effort operator.

>watching game theorists Rainbow Six Siege episode
>Five beta fucks with less than zero firearm experience
>They look worse than Airsofters
>They don't even play it like the video games they have been playing for years

Holy shit how can someone upload something so embarassing

not buying the skin if it has a poor leldit meme in it

>game theorists

Well there's your issue.

>waa im not getting something i think is really cool because im not unique in wanting it

Need folks on the TS, if anyone wants to play for a while.

Ranked or Casual, don't mind

>less than zero firearm experience
Just like you, civie

>jackal only has 3 magic wallhacks scans
>crawling or cav-ing disables footprints
>no way of telling who's tracks they are, could be someone on objective who just came out to fuck with him
you know it's not as busted as it sounded at first (well at second, at first it sounded garbage)

busy watching suberb owl, will get on after probably




serenity brought up the fact it's easy to get tunnel vision with him since you're looking at the floor. The visor looks pretty obstructive too with the tint, HUD elements, and shoe markings; it seems like it gets real busy if leave it on too long.

>Could be the Vsauce of video games
>Makes amazing calculations that lead to good video premises
>End up on shitty conclusions that are objectively wrong
>such as Halo Spartans die in melee combat because the suit connection turns off
>and not because they get punched in the face with something that has the kinetic energy of a tank shell

I learned my lesson user. Forgive me.

>you can do it doesn't mean you should

Only 50k more and i should be set for the dlc skines :^)

Just get the Diamond universal.

but i already have it and its shitty


t. gold

>castle 2.0

rainbow six siege what else would he be talking about?

>No frag grenades to flush out prey
>Defenders being tracked will likely be waiting for you as you will likely be following the route they took

Wew lad this Jackal sure sounds fun and not a big fucking gimmick

i was plat but demoted , still gotta get meme charm

>the crawling meta


You get the highest rank you were during the season.

does mira work on castle barricade, I NEED TO KNOW NOW

Mira Mirrors walls. Castle Castles portals.

aw man, would've been a new spicy combo

>Jack is able to track the thermal signature of footprints
>Can't track the thermal signature of your entire body sliding all over the floor

I think he's just looking for reasons to not get an already mediocre looking skin.


by not trying to :^)

because its a videogame?

>Ubisoft automatically tries to be consistent with similar calibers doing similar damage
>All defenders shoot 9mm carbines while attackers show up with rifle cartridges

>They do something where 5.56 is shooting as hard as real fucking NATO
>Damage is also really high for a full auto rifle
>Objectively makes no sense
>"Why you heff to b mad? Is only game"

Nah sanpies it's a little jarring.