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lol first
Thanks Doc
>poster count stays the same
> Check poll
> No Abo, Indian, English, Australian cross-breed option.
> mfw
Sage goes in all fields.
PSYCH! Whatchu like 'bout vscape niggas?
>that poll
>clicked other
ludo ludo ludo ludo ludo ludo
For Mango.
who am I /v/scape?
hello boop
/v/scape will be dead by August 2017 at the earliest, January 2018 by the latest
Screencap this
Dead as in not existing anymore, by teh way
where have i seen this episode before
two completely different things
Not really.
>Retards make /v/scape related predictions based off their """"knowledge"""" of any given situation
>End up being wrong
>letting the thread become the last thread of Veeky Forums
Can I get a quick run downfield?
>Goodell bows to Brady
>In contact with Trump
>Possess winning-like abilities
>Controls the offense with an iron but fair fist
>Own training centers & cryochambers globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient warrior blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bradygrad will be be the first city)
>Owns 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Brady babies
>said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Green Bay
>Ancient Aryan scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon New England and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented success with him
>owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bradybots inside you right now
>Brady are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Catholic Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years)
>He learned fluent Portugeese in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Brady. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>Brady is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
Uh I downloaded the launcher and stuff but have no clue how to actually launch the game... halp?
try converting to islam
try converting to deez nutz
aloha snackbar i figured it out and downloaded java
good good, now let the autism flow through you
Any new cute girls join?
try changing the .jar to .exe
the magic bows dahnald
you need to string them dahnald
who is this?
i still need to know
fuck you cucks
Boop is really really cute I still have dreams about her.
kek what a fucking numale, get some pussi you virgin
Working as intended.
HD update when?
>Fort Bogdanoff
You tried, Son.
>forgot my password
>can't find it written down anywhere
farewell vscape
who this
Reminder that you missed your chance to be in the top 3.
Nobody cares you autismos
Rofl is still less of a relevant player than others in the top10.
rofl is CUTE
Mango no one will ever like you
i like rofl
he reminds me that my autism is not as extreme as others
t. cuck
>rofl now whiffs kuntas farts
Maybe theres traces of xiahs farts lol
dude farts lmao
kunta? you there buddy?
just ripped so much ass even rofl is sniffing it LOL
Please buy my items.
Yeah same
Fartposting is disgusting desu.
yeah i bet it is rofl, having to get 2nd hand gas.
Post user in thread and I'm sure admins can help you out
>people waste time grinding in a private server that can easily edit stats if you're the owner
What does this post mean? Are you scared that the owner would edit your stats or something? If so, you're retarded
he's clearly saying to make your own server and edit your stats
with black jack
and hookers
buying dhides
green 2.5k
blue 3k
red 3.25k
black 3.5k
herblore secondaries
limp roots 2k
red spider eggs 2.5k
bird nests 3k
this is advanced autism
wasnt me u FUCKER
Wish the high scores still had the "Days since last logged in" info. Helped me keep track of when I could use a good grind even if I didn't consciously know it.
>i am incapable of remembering things on my own
more like
>i look myself up on the hiscores despite knowingly not have gained any experience because I haven't logged in
>hmm yes i do recall i had logged off last at approximately 5:22pm on the 28th of january of 2017, i believe it is time for a good old fashioned farm run!
fuck off autist
>incapable of remembering things
Well, damn. That's a pretty harsh way to phrase things when you simply want to recall if you logged in last Tuesday or if it was Thursday.
>anime is a cancer
what anime
>mango is still this mad over the logs
>he still unironically thinks that admins did it
>pickles even gave him 5k >>>planks out of sympathy
>bitches about it
Is Mango actually the biggest loser on the server?
holy fuck mango you are a pathetic human being lmao
where is pt1?
Bobster's loli adventure
>it just shows how fake they are to me they aren't friends
Has Mango ever done anything for any of the admins? Like does he play with them, talk to them on the teamspeak? Kick dank memes their way? Help out with any of the coding? Or is all he had to add to the supposed "Friendship" not exploiting in the game?
>talking to someone makes you close friends
Don't need two eyes to see you have autism if this is how your brain works.
Also, he's lucky that Pickles gave him anything at all considering he had no evidence of his "missing" logs not being his own fault.
>mango is still feigning ignorance
Heh... pretty funny to think that you're so afraid to get in trouble for trying to bot that you refuse to out me even though you know it was me who dropped your logs. Then again I bet you love all the attention you get from your bullshit crying.
god damn hubcap shut the fuck up
The login had MAC address as Mango. This is what Mango is actually trying to to make you believe happened.
That an admin logged into his account (in an unprecedented move, no one else has ever had this happen), took all his logs out of the bank, and then dropped them on the ground. In this scenario, you must also assume the admins are untrustworthy and out to get certain players, despite the fact there are players who they hate far more than Mango who have had anything similar happen toe them.
Here are the more likely scenarios.
1. Mango got tricked/thought he found an exploit to double his items, ran his connection through a VPN since any retard can do it, didn't account for MAC because he still has a double digit IQ, and then realized it didn't work so he complained to the admins. Obviously he was trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the staff by using a VPN so he could claim someone else did it.
2. He dropped them himself and is trying to cause drama for reasons unknown.
3. Mango somehow got btfo, leaked his MAC and then someone spoofed it, ran through a VPN, and then dropped the logs. They were not traded as no one else had the amount of logs that Mango did besides people who were known to be woodcutting and crosschecked with backups.