> Amazon Go
> McDonald's Kiosk
> Uber self driving cars.
Best way to prepare for 1930? 2018 EDITION.
> Amazon Go
> McDonald's Kiosk
> Uber self driving cars.
Best way to prepare for 1930? 2018 EDITION.
Other urls found in this thread:
>move to Maine
>get a job in lumber
>that's it
you'll be safe from the riots at least
Dude. Explain? Actual a thing?
What do you figure is going to happen?
Get a job that can't be automated
> Uber self driving cars.
desu itll probably be a long while before most people trust something that drives itself and isnt on rails
They are trying to push this shit way too fast. Government already shut them down in California. Already killing people. They need to slow down and develop more or they'll never get past big daddy Don.
>we use deep machine learning algorithms to straight up fuck your shit up and you automatically consent by stepping foot into our posh, overpriced store
eat a dick, i'll start shopping at the refugee bazaar
Who will be buying lumber when the building industry collapses?
Forget industrial collapse, it's fucking retarded. There's no way of preparing for it. All of this faggotry about guns and gold is for maximum retards only.
Financial collapse simply results in the issuance of another currency. Obviously you own gold to transfer your wealth between currencies, not to use as some kind of post apocalyptic fucking currency itself.
Building industry? Never heard of that.
Do you mean construction? They aren't even close to the largest consumers of lumber.
it has nothing to do with the industry you work in, if you want to be safe from societal collapse you get as far away from society as you can
find a nice small village out in the boonies and learn how to skin a deer and dig a well
>Building industry? Never heard of that.
>Do you mean construction?
Welcome to autism.
>dig a well
Nice meme
>no graps of basic english
>having lereddit memes ready on his hard disk
just kill yourself already
>dude, all the pulling and riding jobs got mechanized? Just become a circus or racing horse, bro. It's a viable carrier for ALL of us equines, no need to worry.
>nice meme
nice meme
>humans are just like horses
This meme needs to die
>They aren't even close to the largest consumers of lumber.
It's 60% of the wood industry. Nice job being completely wrong.
Why not try an easier board that's more your level like /soc/?
>>no graps of basic english
just another dumb baby I've just kicked out of the playground
Who's next?
Daily reminder automation is at least 20 years away and if you are still working a job that would be automated in 20 years you mine as well kill yourself.
Think about how fucked up this is.
Jeff Bezos is worth $66 billion. He's the fifth richest man in the world (might be higher now).
He could retire and literally fulfil ANY dream of his for the rest of his life. He could pop out an army of 50 kids and be able to afford all of them.
But no. Not satisfied with his vast wealth, he decides to create a business that will put people out of work... literally fucking up all our lives for the sake of that one figure, his net worth.
>But user, Amazon will CREATE jobs in their head office!
Yeah they will. But Bezos must be saving money on labour here, otherwise why even try the "cashier-less shop" idea in the first place? That's the whole point of it.
Less money spent on labour force = Labour force earning less money. Either fewer people or lower wages.
What an obnoxious little cunt Bezos is.
If not him, then someone else will do it.
Then why doesn't he let someone else do it? Let someone else earn some money for a change.
The man is worth SIXTY SIX BILLION DOLLARS - that's more than Bill Gates has been worth at some points in recent years. Why the FUCK does he need to do this? Oh yeah because he's a snivelling little shit who's entire ego is now wedded to the idea of power in business, or being a "pioneer", or some shit like that.
Look, there's only one reason we all work in the first place - to procreate. We want to attract the hottest woman possible and then have enough money to afford as many kids as possible, and give them the best chances possible. He's already got the money to do that as much as he wants. So don't you think it's cuntish that he's STILL ruthlessly expanding Amazon, out of some sort of sadistic pleasure?
Add to this the fact that Amazon treats their warehouse employees SHOCKINGLY. He could give them a Christmas bonus if he wanted, to reward their loyalty, to boost morale, to do something nice. But no, instead he RUTHLESSLY drives ALL of Amazon's profits back into the business, RUTHLESSLY searching for MORE, BIGGER, MORE DOMINANT - even though it doesn't even fucking benefit him materially! He's already got more money than he could ever possibly use!
Basically, he's a pathetic male and his entire ego is now that company and its success. If he was alpha he would realise that money and bitches and impregnating them is all he needs. He'd realise that that's what every male is after at the end of the day. He could go chillax on beaches for the rest of his life while hookers suck his dick. But because he's such a pathetic little shit who obviously has a tiny penis, he feels the need to compensate by making his company "important", despite the fact that he will never materially benefit from this more than he already has.
Fucking cunt.
You jelly
please have sex
Yeah why does Bezos build billions of fortune for his children when he could burn a few million of them in whores.
Maybe that's why you are poor.
Go back to /r9k/ please
He's not advancing stuff to take it away from you, he's simply someone who enjoys achieving things.
And also other companies tried to do this before. Wal-Mart tried for years to get a system like this up and running, but could never get past the prototype stage.
This Scan and Go feature was the closest they ever got to a semi-automated checkout system and it doesn't even compare and is shit: talkbusiness.net/2015/10/walmart-is-retesting-scan-go-in-select-stores-including-rogers-supercenter/
That has nothing to do with the fact that I'm right, does it?
im also shocked by how billionaires manage themselves.
yeah so you make more money, now what?
the economy grows by investing in new things and letting people have their own capital so they can support other businesses.
but no, why let the economy grow and expand when you can just bottleneck the entire retail market and automate stores which takes barely 100$ a day to operate anyway.
that 66 billion is never going back to the economy. he might spend a billion on some charity and quality wristwatches and that's fucking it
you think making things more efficient is a bad thing?
are you also upset that 99% of the population back in say the 1300s used to farm the fields and now not many of us are farmers these days?
maybe you miss the days of horse draw carriages and steam trains?
you're literally a fucking Luddite
well no, efficiency isn't bad. but why cut workers that make 9$/h anyway?
i mean a small groceries store have about 3-5 people running it at best. you are already paying minimum wage here, its not like you need to cut off the fat
we march closer to a fully automated world every day, the real question is what we do once we hit the tipping point where the economy can no longer support the amount of workers and unemployment goes through the roof
tax 70% on the rich
if that's the game they want to play, so be it.
Said rich then tax dodge through havens or move to another country. How nice.
why buy a tractor and sack farm workers...
I don't think a small grocery store with 3-5 people is going to cut much... Amazon Go will need some staff members - a couple of security guards at least
The problem with that though is that you get lots of retarded poor people complaining about muh wealth distribution because they think they have a chance of being that rich even though they don't. And a basic universal income gets shot down as being free money for lazy fucks. It's pretty hopeless
what exactly are you worried about? the only place that should be worried about automation is asia. europe has gypsies and rapefugees and america has niggers. they'll abuse the fuck out of any attempts at automation to the point where it simply won't be profitable anymore.
well, do you have any other solutions?
we are slowly approaching a world where almost everyone will work under minimum wage.
all those sweatshops with rice people that we like to laugh on will soon become a reality for us.
im actually surprised how the economy didn't die yet based on the fact that most of the money being made flows into very few pockets
And then no one will buy their gay shit. Sad!
you must be a nigger to be this retarded.
I might have cleaned it up a little, but the sentiment is correct. People are going to rob them blind.
>that 66 billion is never going back to the economy
Yeah, he hides the entire 66 billion under his bed, theyre most certainly not invested in something and part of the economy.
Yes, this time the sky will fall for sure! Maybe gay marriage didn't cause it, but this will. I'M SURE OF IT! I READ IT ON BREITBART!
Swing and a miss.
Automation is at least 20 years away means that you should be nowhere near a population center whose jobs might be automated in that time.
What's ironic is that you understand so little about how the economy actually works.
There are very few people who have all of their money in cash.
Rich people have the majority of their income tied up in various investments and enterprises.
In other words, YES, those 66 billion burger coupons are going back into the economy.
how exactly is my comment a "swing and a miss"
>Get a job in lumber, they said
>It'll be nice and cold and away from riots, they said
>You won't be replaced, they said
This is asinine.
First off his wealth is completely irrelevant.
Secondly even if we assume the Go project is a huge success and becomes a monopoly (after many years) you wont see a huge difference in labour requirement.
Even when you replace raw physical labour with machines you are creating jobs in the form of higher demand for skilled technicians, a market shift for more jobs in creating such machines and for managing those businesses (ie a rise in companies that makes such machines also require hr staff, marketing, lawyers, assistants, etc)
They would if the price was low.
By taxing higher you raise the price of goods sold and business migate that cost by moving their operations elsewhere.
Hence a product which is produced and sold in the US that subsequently has to sell at a higher price due to taxes will rarely outperform a product manufactured and managed overseas with less cost.
Sure some may boycott or choose the states made one on a perception or 'high horse' principle but most will opt for the cheap regardless.
Just like how places like Primark stay successful even though they get slammed publicly for shit working conditons in bangladesh
wow someone taking this a little too personally.
wow, someone doesn't have goals outside of himself.
Do you think people feel fulfilled being cashiers and sanitation technicians? He's merely challenging the assumption that, "hey somebody's got to do it" well no, no they don't. These people could be doing literally anything else and bettering their lives and the human race as a whole.
Innovation leads to prosperity every time.
Boss, I'm usually as giddy as anyone else about the prospect of a robot doing my job, but never
Niggers are American too, and odds are 99 to 1 that they'll find a way to rob any automated store.
>why cut workers that make 9$ an hour
Because minimum wage folks universally suck at what they do and don't give two shits about their work because they're making shit wages.