One of my girlfriends asked me to help her get a car. When I asked what she liked all she said was

One of my girlfriends asked me to help her get a car. When I asked what she liked all she said was

"Matte black car with a CD Player!!"

Help me out Veeky Forumstists

some shitbox honda
positive: it will already be plastidipped matte black

gonna be stanced as fuck and have a fart can

Something reliable that you plaatidip black so you can undo the paint job when she grows up and learns that matte black a shit outside of muscle cars

plastidip some shitbox and when she asks where the CD player is tell her she can "see deez nuts"

>all this bullshit

Get her something cool.
You can put a cd player in anything.

80s Jaguar XJS

Who the fuck uses CDs these days?

I really don't understand the appeal of matte black. they all look like someone just homejob painted their car.

are they at least easier to clean than regular black.


Bring her into this century with an aux cable and an ipod. Some cars even accept flash drives.

And yeah, just buy a $300 kit from plastidip. I always thought of doing that to my cars on long road trips for some added paint protection.

I also love how vaguely women view cars and how they can look at a car and not know what fucking make or model is. Just the color and 'car or truck'.

I do.
I realized that with thr new era of portative multimedia devices you dont really listen to albums you just skip and skip songs.

When I put a CD in I listen to it from start to finish.

Opposite. Matte paint is a bitch to care for so that it stays uniform and doesn't end up looking like a rattle can job.

Uh, I do.

>Matte black car

Get a new girlfriend.

You misspelled period as outside of muscle cars.

matte colours are fucking uggers.
no ty

>LaBrie's solo album

I prefer his first album Elements of Persuasion but I can't get my hands on it.

I have almost the whole DT discographie but Labrie solo project is pretty good imo.

Why don't you listen to tapes then? You can't skip songs at all with those.

>one of my girlfriends

Because the quality is garbage.

You'll probably get dumped, but boy will it be worth the laughs.


not sure if manslut or stacy w/ friends