xboners are trying to kill /dg/ don't let those niggers do it
xboners are trying to kill /dg/ don't let those niggers do it
Other urls found in this thread:
first for xboners are faggots
Xavi0850 on psn if anyone wants to play strikes/cruci
want to raid?
I was literally about to make one.
>This "flawless" raid
Is a fun game.
this microcosm of the political scene in the USA between xboners and pissfours is great. xboners represent a wholesome good time gaming and game discussion, while removing the degenerate faggots from the ranks thaht ruin the experience. then you have the the pissfours being flaming homosex, shitposting about degeneracy and unrelated topics, all while claiming the xboners ruin everything when they are the ones muddying the waters.
>tfw xboners cant even fall right
Is actually a line of bra sizes and can require custom mades to alleviate backpain.
i know cause those damn custom mades cause a fortune.
>This "FLAWLESS" raid
>It'd be easy guys, no problem
Steelvangaurd, 2/6/17, minutes before the "FLAWLESS" raid
>Stray's face when
Whose streaming it?
Sounds like Microsofts divine intervention saved me from pain
Hey, Stray, thanks for the flawless raid.
Don't have enough time for a raid, sorry
>Grasp and a shotgun in PVE
This kinda shit is why the boners dont get top numbers in day 1 raids.
>this raid
Will he ever recover?
>this "le deepest lore talk"
I want dark souls out of my party
i like the deepest lore talks
i'm sad when colt isnt there to explain things to me
>its a cuck ruins the flawless attempt raid
>Mini lore discussion while steel acts like a dude weed lmao
Literally the best part thus far aside from the abyss run
>Why arent u guys doing valt of glas xD?
Steel "Hey guys I thought I was a striker" Vangaurd is fucking why.
rude desu
me irl
whats the benefit in killing a Gorgon?
Whats the benefit of saving a Gorgons life?
Attempt 16
geez is joff with you guys
What's in the Deep lore, Colt?
>boners can't reel in a single stoner
>historically an entire squad of ps4 players only got better as their various substance abuses increased until they got bored of winning for 3 days straight
Sort of brings it all into perspective.
>xboners can't even get flawless raider
rev up that blacklist, colt.
Time to call it quits tbqh
i did mine on VOG after dark below came out. with NORMIES when they still played. killed atheon and thought.... hey wait no one died....
>Crota's End
>Not VoG
Didn't even need to see the rest. KYS shitboners
>We finished
I-is there a-anything x-xboners cant do?
>finally finished it
they can't get to the lighthouse without sid
Worth keeping?
Spray and play
Reinforced barrel
Third eye
Dont use hand cannons much was just wondering if this is one worthwhile to try out
Worth using, might as well get used to that archetype of handcannon since those are always gonna be meta
but we have
do it right now, then.
we all just got offline after have fun in customs though
then you're warmed up, get back on and play trials.
nah, and I mean I know you're just meme'ing to bump a dead thread. but obviously we've gone flawless without sidhe cause he only joined after TTK
yeah bro i'm a carry i go flawless all day every day
what the fuck are you trying to say?
Please restructure sentence properly
>right now
But I'm already in bed
and you faggots say you don't blog about what your currently doing in game.
What are you memeing about?
Using a trap to sexbribe your way past opponents doesn't count.
B-but we don't. We just...update is all. Gotta keep the audience happy and all that.
t. PS4 player being a false flag
we have never said that
fuck off trap posting faggot
I'm talking about all this shit
then fucking stream it numbnuts so you dont blog post. you guys want the thread dead but you mindlessly bump it with your blog posting
I told you asshats yesterday i'm a dual entity.
Here, 3 more guess to celebrate a new thread.
Stream advertising is against the rules now, or for awhile and we're just finding this out now, cause someone got banned for it.
You faggots literally said in the last thread you didn't yet here you guys are being hypocrites
All you have to do is post /insert name, Inter did this last night
People do this all the time and no one gets banned. This is some poor damage control
just say "oh it's x's stream" and we'll know where to go
i miss the old days when both ps4 and boners would simultaniously blog post, shitpost, and meme post their activities. then meet in the thread and stream chats for bants amidst the chaos of autistm ranting and raving.
now that its just the boners doing it, they are the only target to autismos like you who will surely bitch about a mild sunny day in paradise. faggot.
Aguardian, because you just bought a gaystation, does not make you a dual entity.
nah i don't care enough to humor you
We never have claimed to not post about our raids in the thread. We have only said that we don't fag post. We would love it if you would post more about the game in the thread instead of shit like
Not to mention the deleted posts of literal assholes of faggots
im not saying that every single PS4 poster does this but im 99% certain that all of these aforementioned posts were from PS4 players. specifically people who pretend to be faggots in the thread like the fake Timby and Kaz posters
as a person who actually plays both consoles I know its not all PS4 players, just the faggots who wasnt to keep the thread for shitposting reasons
Just because you played with us once doesn't mean you know how we are and just because your "friends" lie to your face about fagposting doesn't automatically clear them from it.
Nope. Had both for 3ish years now. That was literally a party of 8 on xboner giggling about it.
That aint me my dude.
Its probably stray posting that you are getting all butt blasted about.
I haven't been in the thread for like 2 days now.
Been playing infamous and shit that I haven't been playing for 2 years.
honestly I don't even think it is any of us. None of us really care enough to write an autism post that large. Some of us do wish the thread was dead but we don't use the thread anyways except for LFG and shitposting about our raids because it triggers you and no it's not me, im too busy playing planetside 2
>Still haven't done WoTM
>Exclusively play a Titan
>Punch duders all day and all night even if I'm dying
>I think jamming on my jump button counts as "skating"
>Pick armor that looks neat over actual stats
>Generally find the crucible lackluster and not really worth engaging with beyond finishing bounties
>Have bought all the DLC despite bitching about this game since Day-Fucking-One
Have I secretly been a scrub this whole time?
>Exclusively play a Titan
Wells there's your problem
If you don't have one of each you're playing it wrong
yeah but I can't punch with this guys
I wanna punch and I wanna slam my fists on the ground like Jax from Mortal Kombat
Play warlock at least
They can easily be made into a close range focused class
yeah but they don't punch dudes
i like punching dudes
>Not wanting to force slam motherfuckers
Space magic shakedown > PUNCH > Pussy ass faggot who needs a knife
nah that's dumb. I don't want to be some dumby who reads books and wears dresses and can't even touch a person.
I like when my fist collides with somethings head. I like when a massive Cabal slams me against a wall, breaking all my bones, and then my Ghost revives me and I do the exact same thing again, and charge right in. Titan fits the thematic role I enjoy.
So instead of amplifying your light's natural limits and becoming powerful enough to keep yourself alive by sheer willpower you want to break your bones and die repeatedly?
Gotta say, that DOES sound like a Titan
I'll be there to revive you after you rush in and die though, staying alive is kinda our thing
Also our robes are fucking fabulous, don't even hate
Dying's a part of the process. Can't pussyfoot around when you're the last hope for humanity. Not like anyone else is helping. You're too busy looking for Ahamkara or researching some mindflaying bullshit.
>staying alive is kinda our thing
Something only a coward would gloat about.
Just let this general die guys.
Make a new one after we get some April update news.
Just go away. Don't play the fucking game if you don't want to. Just stop coming to these threads. It's that fucking simple. I still use this place for Crucible and Nightfalls. Almost every day at that.
>nightfalls and crucible
>every day
t. Joff
No, youre the hero this thread needs.
But where will we conveniently post our destiny maymays? Because B.net/reddit is not convenient
Any new rumors as what's going to happen in the final year of destiny?
What's this Cabal attacking the Tower thing I heard about? Is this like a live event similar to that warframe thing where the whole population had to defend against an attack but they failed and saw the consequences of the attack?
I'm not good at the game but I definitely am not meme-tier.
ignore the link, I thought what the person had posted was a cap of those two posts
It might have some credibility due to a new Destiny Megablox set was leaked with some completely melee orientated cabal boss, but here's the thing about the other "leaks",
last thread a """"""Bungie Employee"""""" told us the story of the next destiny story/content update at
Naturally we didn't believe most of what he had to say and so he posted it on /v/ where they ate it up immediately. And form there the rumors have spread throughout the net
literally all joff
He literally told us they made a new enemy type called "grundle" google it.
Ontop of that he claimed literally ALL our exotics and super special snowflake shit would carry over ontop of hiding pop culture references and fart humor in his posts through innuendo.
Of course we didn't believe him it was fake as hell.
...I know, I said we didn't believe him and his shit in that post
>that whole post
the best autism modern medicine can buy