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> Euroshit a crap Edition

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First for euro cars a fucking SHIT

unless they have a LS in them

get in here and lets argue pointlessly!

>uses the exact same terrible car as an example why all euro cars are shit
man what a retard

well considering i made this bread might as well continue with my semi shitposting

But yeah most older euro cars are shit espeically the cheap 80-90s econoboxes disguised as luxobarges

all cars are shit
they all have issues upon issues upon issues
everything and anything can and will break eventually

So wait, you call everyone else poorfags for liking Germany luxury cars then gloat about your German luxury Mercedes? What the fuck bro

Thread theme


literally your milage may vary.

i cant imagine how people put up with engine/trans swaps if they dont know much about cars too its just insane how much can go wrong.

Touch wood ive been pretty lucky all things considered you see some horror stories floating around the net.

Its funny because i know for a fact Mercedes is still considered a poorfag normie commoner brand in the EU/Germany

>Mercedes is still considered a poorfag normie commoner brand in the EU/Germany
Isn't BMW and Merc at the top with Audi/VW at the bottom?

That feel when Maybach isn't still around. Those were top tier.

Nah Merc is considered lower to middle class over there

>Nah Merc is considered lower to middle class over there
if merc is low class over there then whats high class

what is this "your milage may vary" meme
im not referencing this dumb ls merc shit

You sure? That German poster said Merc and BMW were at the very top. I don't know what else could be, the big three of luxury have always been BMW, Merc and Audi.

=What i meant was different shit breaks for different cars/owners of the same model year and shit
why do merc make poorfag fwd boxes though?

It would be like Poorscheeeit making a sub compact

>why do merc make poorfag fwd boxes though?

when you used to deliver pizzas in uni on neglected euro shit where the oil got so low you'd trip the check oil light when going around a slight turn and when you change the oil what comes out doesnt cover the bottom of the pan but daddy's little princess's 86 initial D final battle takumi vs shinjis itself when it is at 75% capacity


Because a large chunk of people are badgefags and would happily buy a cheap small FWD car if it says Mercedes on it.

BMW has mostly held off on doing it but the horrible 2 series people carrier thing and the X3 are their entries into the badgewhore market.

This is going to be a whole new market soon. Cheap cars made by luxury companies for poorfag badgewhores.

>Cheap cars made by luxury companies for poorfag badgewhores.
pretty much audi for the last 20 years
>take volkswagen
>slap audi badge on it
>FWD for cost cutting
>lie about specs and emissions
>sell at shit prices

>This is going to be a whole new market soon. Cheap cars made by luxury companies for poorfag badgewhores.
i thought that was a thing since the 80's and 90s and 2000's with Jag and others making some horrid cars.

Rebadges are nothing new especially cheap VAG shit

various factors imo.
driver style, vehicle use, where the driver lives, road conditions, maintenance schedules, dayof the week the car was made (before automation), what fuel they use, what fluids they use. then even if you want to sperg out even more: quality control of parts at the factory they were made etcetera lol.

sometimes an issue will occur alot due to design of the vehicle or crap factory parts like rear lower control arms on every older subaru ever

they start at 25k on carsales
seems like a hatch made for middle class people just with a mercedes badge

The market is increasing though. People want the big names like BMW and Mercedes so they've just started to shit out some bad cars to make some extra money.

50 grand in bank just sitting there for like a year now.

Seriously what should I invest in? a house? my job doesn't pay much so idk if I can do repayments

Oh yeah totally like i am mostly aware of what all my cars factory fuckup issues are.

i miss these sort of 80's and 90s audi's

you know back when they actually gave a shit

Shame they are dogshit
its funny because the people they think they are impressing literally dont give a shit and know cheap euroshit is worse than cheap jap/yankshit


>in australia
>in real estate
Ok now i wunna start off by saying DONT do anything we say.

also DONT fucking invest in anything here we're gonna crap our pants economically

>its funny because the people they think they are impressing literally dont give a shit

Exactly. I think the same thing when I see a really new Holden Commodore Omega since you know its some poorfag that really wanted that new car feel to impress people they know but could barely afford anything but the base model.

why do i want this?



this but not aussie stuff
God i hate that car the interior is horrid

literally everyone tells me buy a house

i can understand why my brothers house goes up like 17k a year

idk shit about stocks

>God i hate that car the interior is horrid
It's everything people hate about GMs interiors. I've been in one and it just makes you depressed. I don't get why people don't just debadge Omega from it and maybe swap out the seats for some from a wrecked up trim model. That's what I'd do anyway if I was trying to look R I C H.

Long term deposit, government or bank bonds
Shit will have to get really bad for either the government or banks to totally collapse.

Fuck investing imo unless you go through a financial advisor with proven success.
You can get between 1% and 3% per annum on long term deposits also some banks will have accounts that offer 3.5% per annum. My Westpac eSaver account does, better returns than most long term deposits out there but you cant withdraw money or you dont get that interest for the remainder of the month.

yeah i get like 80 interest a month from 45,000.

its shit i cant take otu any of it and must deposit 200 a month

80 bucks interest a month is pretty good, thats almost a grand a year you'd otherwise not be getting.
200 may be an easy enough amount to put away each month

>I've been in one and it just makes you depressed.
weird enough as it sounds the earler VT-VX commodores interior is quite nice compared to even the most modern ones

Are you retarded?

>what is S-Class
>what is G-wagen

A, B and C class, sure, but think about it for more than a second. If all of Mercedes were commoner vehicles, what would be better?

Less people own vehicles in europe, so lower class people don't own vehicles, certainly not ones newer than 10 years old. They buy renaults, fords, peugeots, fiats - little cars.

The middle class would drive new VWs and BMWs, sure, but it's like that here. You're forgetting that a large portion of peoples income in Europe is taxed. Company tax in some countries is insane.

>housing investment
Forget that, you don't have even half what would be recommended for a deposit.

Sign up for Commsec, sign up for the International Trading platform and make a Pershing account, transfer all your shekels into there and load yourself up on VOO, BRK-B and pretty much all the major tech stocks. TSLA, AAPL, and GOOG.

i see lots of shit i dont understand

trust this guy he's using abbreviations!

No. It doesn't. You're delusional.

VY-VZ looked great, amerilards tend to agree that it (they got it in their gto's) was the best interior of early 2000's GM, because everything else was parts-binned.

actually 50,000 is all i needed the guy told me

i get 15,000 first home loan too

>i see lots of shit i dont understand
Fine then, I'm not stopping you from continuing life as a poor cunt.

tsla and goog are tesla and google
i cant see any reason why these two would be a bad investment choice
as much as i dont like it you have to concede were moving towards electric cars.

TSLA being Tesla, AAPL being apple, GOOG being google.

I'd say apple and google are going to have pretty normal outcomes for the near future, with the potential for Tesla to shit the bed or throw out some good results.

I do disagree with this guy, though. I wouldn't invest in housing, I'd go for secure bonds. They're long-term and relatively low-rate, sure. But you're not playing with fire. Even low-risk stocks like AAPL and GOOG can be dreadful for an investor that has no idea what they're doing and no intent to learn. With a bond, especially one from the Australian government, you can be sure that you'll have more money at the end of it's tenure.

Market trends are great if you jump on early, but you shouldn't change your investing strategy late-on just because everyone else is doing it. Prime example of this is the amount of people that lost shit during the dot-com bubble. If you have a strategy that works normally, follow it.

I can see this happening in the housing market in the next 3 years.

Start with at least 1.5x - 2x the minimum required deposit. Renting isn't that bad.

You can swing as low as $30k around if you want a house around the $500k mark. If you have a stable job then banks will allow you to borrow with as low as 5% on the value of the house. But it's a modern day trend these days to put together a larger deposit - mostly because you won't get eaten alive by insurance rates, you're exposing yourself far less to any change in the reserve bank interest rate, and you'll avoid paying Loan Protection Insurance which is really only for the bank, it doesn't protect you whatsoever.

To qualify for the $15,000 first home buyer's grant, you need to be purchasing the house with the intention of living in it - not to lease it as an investment. Typically governments will also only issue a first home buyer's grant to someone building a new house, rather than buying in an established suburb. Established suburbs closer to the city with a little more class and access to amenities are usually far better investment vehicles than new projects springing up in the middle of nowhere an hour and a half out of the city.

I wouldn't invest in stocks, I'd go for secure bonds.*******

invest in a jet ski

Maybe ill just live it out with my mum

How the fuck does a person even buy a house these days when like 450+ is the average

how does property even work shit just goes higher yet wages stay the same

They don't. You're forgetting that most people tend to commit to mortgages til they're in their 60s - my mum finishes hers when she's 71! Some people move onto bigger things after they've finished paying one off, and keep paying interest equivalent to the supposed "value" their house is increasing.

It's a huge risk and if you're buying as an investment, look around for a while. If you're a good saver, bonds are great. Some people invest in mortgages because they know that they're committed to it and can't just piss it away.

>How the fuck does a person even buy a house these days when like 450+ is the average
Because people willingly fuck themselves over by not having a significant deposit and end up wasting money on LPI.

And most people who are buying houses are in committed relationships. Makes things quite a bit easier when you have two incomes to pool together.

>how does property even work shit just goes higher yet wages stay the same
You're not the first person to make this deduction. People have been crying out about this for 17 years. A lot of people are of the belief that the Australian property market is in a bubble.

I can tell you right now with absolute certainty that prices aren't going down... not unless there's some major economic catastrophe. There's a hell of a lot more Chinese and Hong Kong investors, thousands upon thousands of millionaires that want to move their assets out of the country - Sydney is still a relatively cheap destination for them, and the potential for future growth is still huge provided we continue to let immigrants in at the rate that we currently are.


My mum said she wants to sell her house and give me 400k to buy my own place.

I feel bad though i don't want to take her money

I don't even need a house I like renting in an apartment atm

Fuck Sydney house prices so fucking much

Anyway I'll look into bonds, cheers

Who do i talk to about this?

Anyone imported a car from Japan on here?

My FD lands tomorrow, curious to know what the customs/quarantine check length is

So wise /dat/ posters.

Whats best bet.

Rent with someone? Only pay like 200 a week?

>FD anywhere in sydney west of lane cove
you best have a secured garage my dude

my uncles imported a few cars, he said there was a bit of fuckaround.

thanks china
thanks sellout government

Do you want to put it with someone else's shit?

Took a few weeks, 5 to actually pick it up.

good news

toyota replacing my 86 engine

lmao i thrashed that shitbox hard

So they should fucking dealers

tbf my fault engine blew

kept thrashing it without checking fluids lul

>blew the transmission
>they fixed for $7000 under warranty
>blew the engine
>they are fixing for $15,000 for a new engine


>tfw my AMD stocks are going nuts

So glad I bought some in 2014.

so lets all get bikes

managed fund, its the next step up from a term deposit.
or a term deposit, lock the money away for 10 years if you dont need it, then in 10 years, get HOOOGE interest

Falcunt's too pussy to get a road bike desu.

Need to be in his little hugbox of self-hate rather than live life on two wheels.

>even a turbo busa with that fat fuck on it would meet LAMS power to weight


Falcunt has a bike already but its still got training wheels on it.

That orange is lovely.


duplicate reply, apparently


HERETIC! It should be green.

>owns 4 kwaks
>none of them green

are these cunts for real?


someone tell them they are dreaming

how huge we talking bruh

Orange best green

Boost are a bunch of fucking cunts.

depends on the interest rate and time you cant touch it.
look at the banks online, and compare, most have calculators aswell

Opted not to get those leather seats. I do kind of want them but the hassle of installing them, the heat from them, the sliding, the storage of the cloth ones etc would be too much of a pain in the ass (literally in summer) so it's good ol' cloth.

I think the cloth has more value anyway, I don't see many with the cloth seats which I believe were an option on the up trim models.

on 75 grand i get 1400 a year on the best one

thats shit

managed fund then?

idk what that is

can i give u 30,000 and u make me tripple

i can do cash transaction

Type trash with your eyes closed




It doesn't cost them 15000 to fix it you dunce

Anyone here like doin heaps sick skids?

yeah brah was ripping the sickest of skids in my pulsar, laying down doubles (yes really) etc etc

and then my dizzy fried and almost melted

sounds fuckin gay mate

take any pics?

Fuck sake mate the 86 is a turd get rid of it after warranty

Good call

I hope you are planning on selling them real soon. It looks like they might be starting to tank.



Thinking of moving to Australia for work because girlfriend is moving there in a year. I have a car I like right now, wondering if anyone here has any experience in importing a car from north america to Australia? Cost isn't going to be a killing factor for me, I'd lose more money if I sold it here and re-bought it in Australia.

Just wondering what sort of bullshittery I'd have to go through to re-register it there? Have a BRZ so it should be fine, since they sell them there too, or would they try to fuck me over?

You would have to pay to convert to right hand drive. Just sell your memebox and buy another one here. Some user has one for sale, fresh engine, never been thrashed.

You might be able to bring it in as a personal import but I honestly don't know. I doubt it desu.

If it's just a BRZ, don't bother. Can't see why that would be worth it as they're sold here too.

>I'd lose more money if I sold it here and re-bought it in Australia.
for a brz sell and re-buy
if you have proof of ownership you should be able to have it on the roads over here assuming is passes roadworthy.
buy something usdm, then sell it over here, any usdm is expensive as fuck over here. bring a me turd gen camaro

They've got some sort of system for people to bring their cars over, but only if they can prove having owned it for at least a year + RHD conversion.


These are the guys you want to see about it. Consider that you can bring anything else under this rule too.