League of Legends general - /lolg/

Cupcakes and cuddles edition!


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who should I play top





Poppy, DUH

looking for smut writers
inquire within!

Answer my fucking question, does it have to be guro

I would love to write smut for you
but i have some taste, sorry

hmph >:3

>does it have to be guro
well you clearly are a liar.

Inquire within where?

No lewdness pls, this is a pure thread


Why must you torment me

I'm a professional writer

I'm inquiring

what gets your rocks off

he has a foot fetish

right here
post your ign if you're interested
this does

xth for tales of Lendo


are we talking like taliyah's brown feets after a long day of hiking and sliding being rubbed and mashed against the narrator's face/genitals or something like syndra's feet in thigh high heels stepping on things

Name a champion from Piltover that isn't obnoxious as fuck to play against.
Protip: you can't.

no crushing, just rubbing pls

It's yours, user...


if you gift me iron inquisitor kayle, black scourge singed, or cursed revenant nocturne I'll write whatever sort of foot shit you want user

Vi, Viktor, Zilean, Jinx, Orianna

>b-but muh zaun
>b-but muh they are obnoxious

fuck off


I love Lissandra!
Oh shit
Colin and Ice waifu are going to kill me
robo ballerina

It's ok, you can keep it. No need to thank me.

Lissandra would probably commend you. You gave her a new body she can use later on in life.

god this general is fucking garbage.

How good is Morde top right now?

pretty gud desu senpai


Have you ever been to /llsifg/? Can't call a general garbage until you've seen that place.

morde is shit right now but a morde ADC onetrick is in challenger so follow your heart

>Enemy team at our door, only inhibitor and 2 nexus turrets up
>We lose a teamfight, and only our ez survives
>We all say gg
>Two enemies chase ez to spawn and die in spawn trying to kill him
>He kills a third from spawn trying to pick him off
>By this time we all spawn back, and kill the two remaining
>We rush a single inhibitor, then their two turrets, and finally the nexus
>Mfw they threw harder than the Falcons
The salt was amazing holy shit.

Lulu is the smuggest!

leagues is up there with skyrim and wowgen.

It might as well have its own containment board.

Also lulu fags need to hang themselves.

>lane against lulu mid as talon
>she is really cocky at level 1 trying to harass me
>land two w's on her before level 2
>before she can even laugh spam again I land a third then instantly q her for that sweet passive/thunderlord's nothin personnel proc

feels good man

hes honestly not that great but hes one of the most fun champions that can still solo carry games if you know what youre doing


I used to play him a lot mid/adc soon after he got his tweaks, and you're right about how fun he is to play. I'm only in silver and I like playing weird tops, so I might give him a shot

best champion to climb the ladder on a new lvl 30 account?

Reminder - Ezreal is not gay!

>AP middle
>AP jungle
>Tank/Bruiser Top

the one you never get tired of playing.

then why do men always want to rape him?

What are the biggest differences between plat and gold players/games? I just got back to g5 today and I want to try for plat this season

I think the lulu people might actually just be one really dedicated autist.

Holy fuck lb is broken

>adc splitpushing bot
>several times

Why is it that every Ashe I support is a fucking retard?

gold players have no macro

Good morning lolgen
Time for work, spanish lesson, watching some animu, playing some ro and maybe other vidya, f-fuck you all:^)

>messing up Ashe
I don't believe you.

Champion Picks

>it seems we are missing a vital component to win the team fight
>better just wing it anyways and blame him later

I can vouch for him

was an Ashe

>It might as well have its own containment board.
Veeky Forums was created as a lolg containment board retard


How come when I fap now there's no feeling of joy or anything at all

Why is this a legendary skin?

who tobias sub here

Nobody else had a problem showing up
and why the fuck is an ADC off splitpushing, ever

its a condition known as being dead inside

valentine's day is nearing lolg
taking requests :3


hey i only play like garbage on ashe 22% of games

heartseeker draven

get the fuck out with that ugly garbage

>your useless instakilled bot isnt there
I don't see the problem

heartseeker twitch

Isn't Valentine's Day the day with the highest suicide rate out of the year?

My request is that you add to that statistic.

something something nidalee? :3


I wouldnt mind a Sweetheart Nidalee in cougar form please. Maybe a bushwack visible somewhere

>Ashe can't fucking dodge the 8th thresh hook thats hit her

why do all the problems in my games almost always stem from the bottom line

Xth for Katarina
best girl

>Flex queue
>Silver 2
>They have a diamond bot lane, mid laner, and i played like shit that game

This some shit right here.

>Ashe has one of the best engage tools on a ranged not-mage champion in the game
>provides slow that cripple the enemy's dodging skillshots or positioning

Blitz I can understand. That fist moves fast.
but how the fuck do you sit there, watch Thresh twirl his stupid ass chain like some anime shonen hero winding up a punch, and toss the slow fucking hook at like 3 feet per second and still not manage to get out of the way? Bullshit hitbox or not (and its a very lying hitbox)

>guys picks jax jungle
>think to myself "ok cool we got a bruiser"
>he goes full fucking attack speed and keeps jumping in 1vX and getting deleted

Why must people play shitty builds?

comfy bfs in a poopy thread too

add me

do you have this one?

Heartseeker Lissandra making an ice pun, like:

"My heart melts for you!"


>decide to play game before bed
>all my team mates are speaking ????????
>enemy team is roaming freely in my jungle as a squad of 3
gn /lolg/ :3

you can clearly see it's really close to dumb fishes tail
that's what you get for being a dumb fish

can I get katarina accepting my valentines card POV
from me
no but i do now!

$10 says they were speaking vietnamese. I've had so many of those fuckers in my games, and they always suck.

Added, come online and we'll talk.

zheng ming zi ji de shi ke dao le

thats what i copied to put in translate

vg vs vg results, jesus h christ edition

oh, that looks 100% chink speak.

if lewd Ezreal wearing ssw talons coat and nothing else

if not then Talon and Ezreal playing the pocky game

i carried


Objectively the worst nationality of players you can get matched with.

Which is fucking baffling because it's the North American server? Why am I getting matched with people who can't speak English? North America is made up of countries that only have English, French, and Spanish as national languages. Why aren't you speaking one of those languages? Hello?

Chinks are so fucking trash at this goddamn game. They don't understand the concept of self-restraint.

>letting boykisser play