/owg/ - Overwatch General

Chinese New Year event lasts until February 13.

>When does Season 3 end?
Probably late February / early March.

>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info



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which overwatch would you watch?

Jamison Fawkes!

Good night

What went wrong?

like what HAHAHAHA

>McCree and Bastion

She's not gonna be too happy when waking up. Seeing dreams of Gerard is not good for her.

Does Reaper like or hate Sombra

Let Amélie sleep...

Drunkrat user what do you play on. Still kinda buzzzd and feel like pairing up

Widowmaker belongs in the trash.

That's how you spell Mercy.

Blizzard not wanting to make a stealth assassin type character so they give stealth a billion flaws and stick it on an offence character who can't do damage and is supposed to support. Her skillset doesn't match her developer intended purpose.

They went full retard with her design.

>They went full retard

Sums up this game pretty well.

So like
her body cums out purple virtual code computer monitors?
Like... how does that even work? Is it holograms? Is it magic? Or is just bullshit 'my metaphor' crap, because artists don't know how to making hacking look appealing.

They gave her a maracca as a weapon instead of dual uzis or some shit that isn't retarded

I understand balance issues, but seriously there's no reason for her spread to be so retarded, if they didn't want her to do that much damage they can ltierally lower the damage per bullet or something. It's like widows assault rifle, she is an excelent marksman, but out of nowhere her normal gun is complete shit because muh balance.... sure she is supposed to be weak when caught in close combat, but not utterly useless.

Sombra has interesting utility, mobility and debuffing, but her handicaps make her virtually unplayable, even the best sombra in the world doesn't deal more than 40% of damage per elimination, it relies too heavily on team mates killing shit while she is an annoying little shit and that's it.

Probably holograms. The only magic is Zen and the Shimada dragons, everything else is technomagic like holograms and nanonmachines that do crazy things.

Widows non-scoped gun is better than Sombras.

So, is there a supernatural element to Reaper's abilities or not?

What about reaper?

I love Hana.

Mercy is practically made to be raped.

Overwatch is my favorite Anime


remove dvashits

>implying that's SFM

I assume you think this is SFM too

He's a spoopy scary ghost but we don't know why. Could be magic, could be something else.

Show me on the doll where Hana touched you.

Pharah is pure.
Good night, /owg/

I'm new to FPS games in general, how do I configure my mouse sensitivity properly?
At this moment, I have mouse acceleration in Windows switched off, default speed (6/11). Mouse DPI - 800, in-game sensitivity ~20. Screen resolution - 2560x1440.
360 turn takes 15 cm, which works well for my mousepad (can turn both left and right from the middle of the pad).
But according to various posts, I should set sensitivity much, much lower. Is this true?

>2 morew shots dow
Annas kinda fun to play, barely wone that this time. Whos houle i play next?

What's your favorite skin?


default widow, or any of her recolors, it's literally perfect

>But according to various posts

Who gives a fucking shit about "various posts" you dense shit. This isn't something that is objective fact, it's subjective. Set it up however the fuck you want/whatever feels best and gives the best results for you.

>tfw Winson main
>Nobody wants to talk about him other than acknowledging that he probably needs a slight buff
>Nobody ever even wants to discuss that

Monkeymans f un to play but he needs a buff. Good winston can be annoy to deel with

You'll find tracking easier if you have lower sens. With high sens you make small movements to move a long way which means tracking small changes is difficult since you can't move the mouse by the tiny amount necessary. You need to find what's good for you, not to low that you can't effectively turn around when you need, but not so high you can't track small changes.

There's no magic number that will make you better, but not having sens really high tends to increase precision (not accuracy, that's up to you).

Ok what the fuck, why does Widowmaker get a bigger bulge than the entire male cast combined?

I don't want to pick up bad habits right from the start and re-learn.

It's still utter gunk

user, are you okay?

I actually don't know why you're removing the body from the throne, though considering someone's trying their damnedest to stop you it must not be for good purposes.

>Bastion and Zenyatta can participate in EMPing their fellow Omnics in King's Row
>Zarya and Torbjorn can fight to protect said Omnics
>Winston can try to stop his own satellite from launching
>Widowmaker and Reaper can take Doomfist's gauntlet to the museum
>Zarya can invade her hero's factory with intent to plunder and destroy
>Zenyatta can assault his monastary

The only fun part of Winston is removing homo speedbump characters like Widow

Why the FUCK does Roadhog one-shot Winston?
Seriously, he has enough terrible match-ups already, he feels squishier than Zarya.

you're gunk and your opinion is gunk
that's the actual ingame model

>Mouse DPI - 800, in-game sensitivity ~20
For the same distance per 360 (or any other metric) with lower DPI you need higher sensitivity and vice-versa.
800 DPI is low, modern mices have much higher sensor resolutions, for higher precision you'd want higher mouse DPI, lower software sensitivity.
For movement purposes though 800/20 is probably equivalent to 5000/5 or something (exact numbers out of my ass)

Because Winston is actually an offense hero and they just labeled him tank because he had more than 200 HP.

>Monkeymans f un to play
Yea, he's the most fun character to play for me. Lots of mobility and timing and placement while still having a relativity low empathis on aim, which I've always had a lot of trouble with.

Still, I have a lot of trouble playing him when teams have a lot of damage. I get that I need to play the flank and that I need to get in and out as soon as I can, but even then I end up catching too much flack before I can accomplish anything. That and the cooldown for the shield is kind of painful, especially since I don't have any kind of long range damage projection whatsoever. In a lot of situations I feel like I have to spend too much time out of the fight waiting for it to charge whereas everyone else can spend way more time committed to the action.

I stopped playing Winston when they reduced the ultimate gain, before it was reliable to jump the enemy team and hit enough energy to ult and still clear the spot or get 1 or 2 kills, and it would be back up fast enough to have it available when you really need it. Now I feel you need to save it for a big push, or when the enemy team is very likely to take ownership of the point/payload/whatever.

I no longer feel able to jump on enemy widow/genji/hanzo/mercy and ruin their day, and just leap back to safety, pretty much half the cast can obliterate me 1v1 effortlessly, and the other half I need to be full health, somewhat lucky, and rely on the map having a huge open space for me to jump back, unlike D.va who can speed up in narrow corridors and escape danger.

He certainly shines in ctf, but I feel Dva even after the nerfs can acomplish much more than monkey, and with less effort invested, defense matrix is way too good, she doesn't need to reload, and her ult is very likely to get you 1-3 kills depending on how retarded the enemy team is.

I don't think they're looking into buffing tanks anymore tho, and I haven't seen any recent blue post acknowledging Winston having problems.

Not with that tickle gun he's not.

Blizzard seems to balance primarily around their own experience with the game, and they are known to be not very good at it.

It's better than Sombra's

I'm about to buy this game,what's a good role and hero to play for noobs?

Not much went wrong, but nothing went really right either. She's kind of where Symmetra was back before her rework: She does a lot and can be useful in very specific situations, but most teams never need a Sombra over a hero like Tracer or another Tank who can contribute more.

Hacks: Great ability and it seems they want it to be her core identity, but she doesn't really do anything outside of hacking to really be picked over a Tracer. Sure you can hack the roadhog, but Tracer can just usually kill him or at least weaken him without having to blow every at him. Healthkit Hacking is great but no one really cares about them but you and it only really screws over enemies that have REALLY bad supports. Plus you can't hack other Sombra's kits, moot point but whatever: It's annoying as hell that she can't remove a hack on a hacked kit.

Stealth: Nice idea, horrible execution. Uncloaking announces you to anyone not deaf, which is horrible in a game where listening to the game is so important. Plus you can't act immediately which means you're going to instantly die to anyone not blind. Maybe let her hack faster out of stealth but still prevent her from shooting.

Damage: Lower the Spread at midrange or give her 1 or 2 damage more per bullet. Maybe have her gun automatically reload when she ults so she can deal more effective damage in situations where she ults with little or no backup.

Its hard to figure out if Blizzard wants her to be when neither hacking nor stealth is worth using her over actual damage or any other hero. Until they make her do something that Tracer can't do better, then she'll be stuck with pre-rework Symmetra as a troll pick.

Are you scared?

He's way squishier than Zaria. That 100 armor he has means absolutley nothing because of his huge hitbox and very unfortunately placed/huge head hitbox. At least Zaria has half of her health in shields so it will recover passively out of a fight, Winston has to jump around and either harass the healer or grab all the health packs to stay relevant in a prolonged engagement.

Every team needs a good Hanzo/Widow

A bit buzzed. How are yo user? Who shold i play nrxt?

Sombra can kill Winston in a 1v1 as long as she is sitting on a hacked healthkit.

>800 DPI is low, modern mices have much higher sensor resolutions
Looking through pro player settings, most of them set it to 800 (or sometimes 400). Even new mices like G Pro or G403. Any reasons for that?

Just play whatever, when you're new the best thing to do is learn the maps and what every hero is capable of doing. You don't have to do this all at once, but try one or two games as one hero to get a feel for their abilities, how they sound etc. and then move to the next.

And stick with your team mates.

I'm doing well, thank you for asking! Maybe you could try Lucio? I've played him while drinking before and he's not too labor-intensive.

Alright guys thanks for the tips

It's what they're used to.

The reasons Winston's shield was dropped from 1000HP and the cooldown made the longest in the entire game were

1. Monkey-stacking, which has been impossible to do outside one specific mode for months now.
2. Kaplan said that people didn't like having to shoot the shield or wait five seconds or just walk through it so they put it on a massive cooldown so people won't have to shoot or wait or walk much.

So never expect anything to change about Winston, if anything they'll nerf him more because he can somewhat reliably counter their favorite grandma, Ana.

Seriously though, try Lucio, Roadhog or Junkrat

This. Blizzard has always balanced around the casuals and shitters, because that's what their balance team is composed of. They completely ignore all outside input, just like they do with everything else.
It's one of the main reasons it's so funny every time Blizzard tries to get people to take their games seriously as professional, competitive sports.
>WoW arenas are gonna be the esport to end esports guys!
>Has like one shitty tournament and then the competitive scene dies because the game is an unbalanced casual fuckfest
>Heroes of the Storm's gonna be the esport to end esports guys!
>Has like one shitty tournament and then the competitive scene dies because the game is an unbalanced casual fuckfest
>Hearthstone's gonna be the esport to end esports guys!
>Has like one shitty tournament and then the competitive scene dies because the game is an unbalanced casual fuckfest
>Overwatch's gonna be the esport to end esports guys!
>Has like one shitty tournament and then the competitive scene dies because the game is an unbalanced casual fuckfest

Old main it is. Thnks anin

Because he is pulling shit out of his ass, people do whatever they want or use what they are used to

Stop trying to fucking base your shit around what other people do and just fucking do what makes you the most comfortable.

This isn't fucking cs, you don't need perfect aim, you need game sense/awareness and team play here.

>Kaplan said that people didn't like having to shoot the shield or wait five seconds or just walk through it so they put it on a massive cooldown so people won't have to shoot or wait or walk much.
What the fuck, gonna need a source on that

Is there a way to make the rocket cooldown for Soldier appear near the reticule? I know it is on the gun itself, but when I'm fighting I can't really take the time to look. Fucking D. Va's shield thing appears on the reticule.

They can set it way higher and change in-game sensitivity though?
Or I'm getting it wrong?

No problem. Just take it easy, okay? I'm sure you know your own limitations, but it never hurts to be careful.

>he can somewhat reliably counter their favorite grandma, Ana

My experience fighting Ana as Winston
>Try to jump her
>Get slept instantly, oftentimes before I even land
>Enemy team kills me before I can stand up

Who /top500/ here?

There is NOTHING that pisses me off as much as this game jesus fucking christ

I'm fucking uninstalling for my own good see you never faggots


>Developer comments: Even though it’s always been possible to destroy Winston’s Barrier Projection, it often felt impossible to do so in a normal situation unless you used your Ultimate. This resulted in many players just waiting for the barrier to expire instead of attacking it. With this change, it’s now more realistic for players to counter Winston’s barrier through normal damage.

They use both low dpi and low sense because they all come from other games like tf2, cs, quake and shit.

That's different from what was stated though.

And hilariously if people attack the shield and take it down Winston gets it back sooner because the CD starts when the shield breaks and not on deploy.

Winston is too easy of a target.
His jump is slow and clunky, it makes hitting him with CC like sleep dart/hook effortless if he tries to from the front.

I'm pretty sure Ana can 1v1 Winston even if she misses her sleep dart if she lands a grenade on herself and the monkey.

Which thread do I post in lads?

are you retarded? land that crits you fucking sperg, she can take out hog 1v1

I didn't even know there were two threads.

What the fuck guys

>Lose all comp matches today
>Go from 2600 to 1918
>Every lootbox is just dupes of shit I already have

It's still the same thing. His Shield health was dropped and cooldown timer made huge because people didn't want to shoot or walk through it. Either or would have sufficed but as usual Blizzard is retarded.

>play with my friend who is gold
>go from 2911 to 2660

>kill 2 of the enemy team
>my team mates die in a 2vs1
>hanzo gets a lucky potshot with his e and I die
>I get shit talked for the duration of the next round for not killing him when they failed to be at least useful

Do Ana and Mercy dislike each other?

Mercy doesn't like biotic tech being used to harm.

No because GenjixMercy is canon

I'm pretty sure Ana's rifle was supposed to be strictly healing only.

Wasn't Mercy upset that hers was modified?

Who is the lewdest Overwatch?

Don't know, I post in both.

>play QP with premade
>they're all pick tracer or pharah
>no one can touch me


>copy pasting an entire character in a five panel comic

>play as pre-made
?always get matched with premades

>play on console
>a better Tracer / Genji is unkillable because slow ass controls
>even a shit Pharah is unkillable without a Soldier
Why did they nerf the turrets and not the fast characters.

I always liked Symmetra and now that she is strong it is very strange to see she gets plenty attention.