How do you hold your steering wheel?

How do you hold your steering wheel?

Is it weird that I hold it at around 2:30-3:00 then just have my left thumb hanging off 7/8:00

If I'm holding it with my left hand then it would be around the 9-10:00 mark.

This is for a RHD vehicle

like this

Nice, like OP's thread.

LHD manual. changes constantly. when nearing a short turn, left hand is at 10 and right on shifter. if driving in a straight/longer turn and no shifting is needed, left is at 7 and right at 5, so basically resting on my legs

8 and 4 master race.

7 and 5 if even 2 hands.

progressively higher depending on how racermode i want to be

Left hand on 11, right hand on the gear lever

3 and 9 when I'm dagumi-ing it on the autobahn

Left hand at 12
Right hand on top of the bench seat.

Left hand at 11
Right hand on my dick

Most of the time 9:00/3:00, sometimes 6:00.
But that is due to daily wangan in a econobox with a wheelbase of 2340 mm.

At All times, there is no other way

LHD. Left at 9-10 always. Right resting at 5, or active at 2-3 in corners or speed.

I look like a GTA npc when i drive

Right on the meaty palm swells.

9 o'clock and 3 o'clock, i've yet to figure out any other way

that's disgusting

Just 7 oclock.

9 and 3 with thumbs resting on the wheel not inside. When comfy needed still one hand on either 9 or 3

comfymode: solo left hand on 6, right hand free to fondle self or change music on phone

seriousmode: 9 and 3 just like the pros

The OEM steering wheel already comes with a built-in suggestion where to put the hands. At the 10AM and 2PM positions, the wheel bulges out with the handgrip areas for your fingers and palm. I still prefer to grip closer to 9AM and 3PM positions.

God arm style

Around 9:30-2:30 when i'm going fast, 12:00 when i just cruise around

>gearbox breaking style

left 7 o'clock
right 5 o'clock

Left handed index and middle finger on the 9 o'clock

Or with my knee