>you won't ever experience the 80s and 90s touge scene
Is there anything that is as much fun? I want to meet cool people and enjoy cars.
I can only think of car meets..but what about actually driving? Is there anything that combines the community and driving/racing aspect?
You won't ever experience the 80s and 90s touge scene
Other urls found in this thread:
not anything special ya weeb
there have been "touge" style scenes since forever and they are still out there today
All of the driving based things in my area died out. People just drive to parking lots and hang out. Nobody wants to risk tickets since the cops have been going after racing and cruising very hard. It's been completely dead for at least 15 years.
Just too late to the party.
that's why I am looking for something less illegal, I thought there may be comfy events that focus on driving instead of stancefags
where? in Germany I haven't heard of it, I only know of retards pulling in 3rd gear on the Autobahn
would prefer something less illegal tho
>would prefer something less illegal tho
track days?
dont you have a lot of racing tracks in germoney?
Try living somewhere near good roads?
Pic related is 15 mins from my house and I can pretty much run up and down all night without a worry
idk about Germany Im in the US
canyon racing and mountain road running has been a thing for ages
>less illegal
autocross and track days
>pulling in 3rd gear on the Autobahn
>not 2ng gear
Also the Eifel is verry nice to drive, most roads are basicly "touge" there...
>tracks days
will look into it, but I am a poorfag (student), will this be a problem?
>nice public roads
desu I hadn't thought of this (I live in a big city), but I was also wondering if there is something with the community aspect
I will ask some friends who are into shady shit or German forums, maybe they know more
looks good for aquiring skills, but doesn't look like much fun desu
I live 3hrs from the Eifel but thanks for the tip anyway
>will look into it, but I am a poorfag (student), will this be a problem?
no idea, depends on the track probably.
Price is usually 3-4 cinema tickets for single entry, not cheap, but not unresonable. If you have many friends you might get a group discount
>Price is usually 3-4 cinema tickets for single entry
that's actually a lot for somebody like me, I did some research and people say that the nürnburgring costs 19€ a round, that's some supreme jew mastery, I also would have to drive about 160km
I will just try to find some nice roads first
Only €19 a lap? Christ. A decent trackday here in clapistan can run you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Track day Bro.
Bro, track day.
Got my coworkers to hit the backroads one time, they didn't like it and drove like grandmothers since they spend most their time circlejerking at car meets, Trans am guy was a bro and ripped some hektik skids with me. I needs better people around me
figures the Fireturd driver would act like a tard
>the Fireturd driver would act like a tard
I don't see how getting sideways around a turn makes somebody a tard, not like there are cars or people around when doing so
You do realize most of those people are in gangs like yakuza and probably all dead or locked up by now.
The video fragment is also from a documentary on a crack down on gang activities like this.
Don't want to ruin your fantasy, but this is reality.
Five sets of tyres Bro.
doesnt matter its degenerate behavior
I'm guessing you own a FWD vehicle?
Oi, hold the fuck up. I posted that link yesterday on the Initial D thread. Here is a video that was created based on that webm. youtu.be
Come on down to the Eurobeat thread on /wsg/ for more.
you can join night wave euro, there's some germans/belgians/swiss there. Tougay meets planned for summer too.
what does that irrelevant info have to do with anything
It honestly sounds like you've romanticized that concept in your mind.
Has everything to do with anything, there is nothing wrong with sliding around a nice open turn.
if the law can get you in trouble over it theres something wrong
That's why you don't do it on busy and or residential roads
Where do I find them?
if you kill someone with no witnesses youre still a murderer
haha, this.
user, I must know what a straightedge like yourself drives.
It's still very much alive and around depending on where you live
Local touge near me has 10-20 people on it doing runs or talking over smokes at the top rest area during runs on weekdays and 50-100 people over the course of the night on weekends.
It's been the same since the 90s and isn't going to change any time soon since there's always new people coming and going. I'd say 3/4ths of my friends are people I met and only see on the touge
I sold my cars since I dont need them anymore
Ah, makes sense. I'll look around one of those daily scooter threads and see if I can spot what seems to be a responsible owner
Impossible. You'd have to live in a city, DEEP within a city, and be dependent upon public transport, all of which is highly degenerate.
nah I sold my scooter too
moving soon maybe you can catch me on /n/ in the future
post your email and get invite or go to euro general or night wave general
>maybe you can catch me on /n/ in the future
It's all making sense now, my condolences for loss of testicles, I hope for a swift recovery user
can you not walk
nothing more degenerate than being a hedonistic scumbag who drives a car when they dont need it
>ignoring street drifting
Your on the wrong board buddeh
I owned cars for 11 years and I still like them but not enough to spend money on them if I dont have to
just decided to live a different life
1. Nobody is going to waste four hours each way walking to work.
2. Nobody NEEDS anything. But it's not called the bill of needs, is it?
3. You keep outing yourself as a degenerate urbanite with a fucked head and more fucked ideology.
>hes dumb enough to work far from home
oh youre brain damaged
my condolences
We were too late for everything desu. Your best bet is to become rich and get sponsored by Red Bull to do your crazy driving stunts.
How the fuck is living in a city degeneracy? Society was built in cities you fucking moron
Stay in your hick mountain town and breed with your blood
Thats true degeneracy
>walk four hours
So retarded
>bill of rights
Driving isn't a right Its a privilege
>go on weekend
>pay 80 bucks
>wait in line the vast majority of the time
>track is congested
>signal to pass
Fuck the track. The one time I've enjoyed it is when we got a party together and rented out the entirety of buttonwillow in the middle of the work week.
And it's only really fun if you have cars that you don't mind fucking to death. Having to pass clean is gay.
I pay around $50 US to do a 15 minute heat around my local track, and it's only that cheap because a bunch of car clubs rent out the place and divide the cost. A proper track day is closer to $150. Also keep in mind my local track is shit, 2 straights and very basic corners, like 2.5 Km long. 19€ for driving around arguably one of the best tracks in the world, certainly one of the most technical, and a tremendously long track is a steal.
Track days are rare, and also require you live near a race track, which I don't.
*If you're in SoCal and maybe some parts near Western NC and Connecticut.
Everywhere else its fucked. Long story short OP move to LA.
Is this near Marin/Petaluma?
Where to find more pics like these?