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I like a big ol panda ass

>decide to try WoW
>this general is dead
>cancel the client download at 90%

Well that's disappointing. This looked so promising.

pupper uwu

Is this site accurate?

Do I reroll before the cuckening happens?

World has been "ending" for multiple reasons for a decade and a bit now, m8.

Have you ever thought that maybe you healed a girl tank without knowing? ;)

>85 kill points

Why do you care if you get a bad legendary after 30 minutes play time?

What's the site? I don't think they can predict what the legendary you get is

it was surprisingly accurate for me, it was off about 50 kill points

the fact that it shows sephuz's is a meme, you'll get a random legendary as usual

Isn't accurate for any of my characters

its 7 am on a monday you fuck

please dont play this game we dont need more like you


Do I have to play a warlock to get invited to groups as a solo player?

Seriously fuck.

Yeah, the site doesn't know what you will get, only estimate when.
Looks like I got lucky, I have 4 when I should have had 3.

Reminder to take a break from WoW to eat your gf's ass.

In 7.3 they reveal that everyone but Jaina is a dreadlord in kirintor. The wqs are their method to hinder your progress.

It's a shitpost posted every 2nd thread dude

>Jaina is a dreadlord

saying I should have 3 legendaries, I have 1.

>Heroic EN
>5 essence
>Normal EN
>1 essence

wtf hapned?

you're gay as fuck

BC > Pre-BC > Wrath > Lego > MoP > WoD > Cata

You can disagree, but you're wrong.

>legendary drops 3h before sub runs out
wew. See you at 8.0 wowg

Has anyone here gotten elisande or guldan heroic down in a pug yet?

I try doing them every week to get some extra rerolls, but i cant find """"""""AOTC""""""" groups that can actually do the fights properly.

Though its my fault for using groupfinder and not just tagging along with some guild on openraid.

My favorite thing to do before leaving a bad pug group is to tell everyone the RL doesnt have aotc and to compare achievements and check. Its amazing how fast the group disbands.

>5800 points
>Got my 2nd legendary 3 days ago
It's full of shit

Lorewise? Sure.

Gameplay i'd have to give it to
BC > MoP > Wrath = Legion > WoD > cata

Its really hard to place vanilla and WoD on this list. WoD sucked dick in almost every catagory, but has some of the best bosses in the game.

Vanilla was cool at the time, and definitely has some good ideas in it, but really doesnt hold up as well as BC does.

actually i think the only expansion I'd go back to would be BC, everything else is just an inferior retail.

>try really hard to pass BRH+2 with a retarded healer and DPS

>3 chest it with 8 seconds left




>guiys look how RPG we are, fucking casuals

according to that I shouldn't have 4 legendaries and yet I have 5.

It's full of shit man.

maybe you should do the shit under the spoiler as soon as the group is complete, tell people you'll start another group and to apply to yours, and then inspect each and every person to make sure their AotC achievement isn't faked instead of falling for the join other groups meme - you do have AotC yourself, right?
then use a two/three strike system to weed out the ones that were carried through their AotC

ez pz

im on the brink of resubbing to this game. ive got the itch. i've been away since October. oh no. stop me please

tfw no gnome gf to make your average dong seem huge

stop yourself, faggot

>can't even read properly
Hello, Gaia Online!

HoV +5 is piss easy though.

Bring along an SPriest and watch him laugh as shit melts

I'm the same

guess its time to end it all

Fuck off back to ebaumsworld, cuckboi.

>get asked to join raiding guild
>so nervous I double type my reply
>get invited anyway
>only started raiding a week ago
>say hey, get a few heys back
>guild is 5/10h, I've painfully pugged 9/10h
>running low ilvl friends through nighthold heroic
>leader asks if I want to heal a m+ 10 CoS
>have never completed a 10+
>leave friends to try and help him
>during it he starts saying stuff like "this should be a 3 chest"
>I'm 891 he's 868
>no one is stunning
>the tank isn't holding threat
>leader starts abusing me saying I can't keep up
>wipe like 20 times
>ask for repair
>no repair
>leave group
>get g kicked
>leader starts abusing me
>try to explain
>get abused
>realm xfer

Game is fine, user.

Its enjoyable and managable to put a few hours a day into, especially with the right guild. Treat it like anything else.

Come back so you can ERP again

jesus CHRIST

>Kind of edgy but cool concept art desu~
>Reminder that wow is all about character progression
>Everyone is some overalls wearing fanny on the bottom of whatever society dumped them out at the start
>Demon hunters class fantasy and intro have you having brief yet eventful conversations with Illidan just pre Black Temple, amongst other high ranking Illidari to foster the notion that they are a tight knit group world hopping while fighting demons while also being the demons

This class

was it autism?

are legion zones still no flying allowed?

what about draenor zones?

Don't join guilds with shit progress and iL. Not hard.

If you've pugged better than a guilds progress then it's literally as simple as they are retarded


dumb witchposter

you shush

>being so beta you have to waifu ugly trash

Extinct urself my man

this man is correct, as far as megukas go sayaku is bottom of the barrel


>he tried to break you in as his new personal healslut that he planned to use exclusively
>you pussied out
You fucked up on so many levels.

Excuse me I'm a anime girl with a tough tusk wearing bf.

I already have a master.


How does casters manage in NH

I'd hate to be caster in fights like spellblade or tich, especially without voice. On bosses like starboy and tich I felt I am literally just doing nothing but hitting a target dummy for 4-5 minutes straight.

At least post superior Log Horizon

>one of the guild's tanks is an autist who decided he'll only log in for reset day raid nights
>on progression nights he just makes some shit excuse up like "i'm not feeling too well", the same kind of excuse an 8 year old would use to skip school
>with how often this guy (claims he) gets sick you'd think a sneeze would kill him
>the entire raid is at his whim to raid
>this sunday we just went "fuck this cunt" and one of our top dps decided to go tank fulltime so we can still raid even though he already has 5 dps legendaries
>he shows up like an hour into the raid and throws a tantrum about how they're raiding without him, the almighty tank
>raid leader tells him his absent ass is getting replaced because it's unacceptable to leave raid nights to his whim, also telling he better start logging in more often and get his ass in M+s to level up a dps artifact if he still wants to raid
>his tantrum goes into overdrive and quits the guild right there
>we down a new boss that night
i fucking hate these people that treat the raid as their personal army and expect them to accept it and ask for seconds
if you don't want to play the game just fucking unsubscribe


Think you're forgetting someone

More like baldass

remove weebshit

should i just use this artifact power stuffs? or save them? how rare are they?

what are these things

are the only artifact items i'm gonna use are the weapons i got through the quest?

Mine says my warrior should be at two and I have 0

>has master

>guild is 5/10h, I've painfully pugged 9/10h
>there are """progressing"""guild groups who has worse progress than people who pugs

why even bother

but to be fair it's pretty impressive a 868 tank can not die instantly to heroic NH.

consume them all

>invite 882 warrior for +8
>he's below the tank both trash and bosses

What's the current ilvl cutoff to weed out retards?

>testing on my main
>you should have 2 legos
>have 5 already

>testing on my alts
>your next lego should be coming soon!
>already have 2

RNG and KP is literally a meme

boom headshot noob u sucker are dead now get the eff oooo


900 is the new 880



you two should meet up and fug

Can you count? This is only a 15X headshot

its one hundred headshot stop reading

So what about people who could play properly but can't get into groups? You guys are retarded and literally kill the game.

The problem is there's no way to tell if someone is good. Why gamble on the 870 being good when a bad 890 will perform the same.

But there are literally 15 tanks in the picture, how can you have 100X headshot with 15 tanks?

then you should totally continue to bitch about it in anonymous taiwanese trading card forums instead of getting off your handout-expecting ass and running some M+s

us.battle.net/wow/en/character/Insert realm here/insert name here/simple

It's pretty easy

>tfw too scared to spend any
w-which way do i go friends





Means nothing.

>Yfw Sylvanas is the final boss for Legion

I wanna cum inside anime posters.

Why is every single raiding ui made for retards?
Literally timers, warnings, same buffs all over the place.
Watching any backpedaling pve streamer wi uith such a shitty triggers me a little bit.

So? The kind of "good" people with low ilvl that keep crying never have any achievements to show that they have actually achieved something.

incredibly doubtful
Sylvannas will always be that horde leader that might annoy everyone around her, but will still be there forever

try it bitch boi

Works for me.

What, like roll them up into a tube and stick your weiner in there?

Doesn't sound that great lad

Because you're trying to download a UI pack which is by definition made for retards who can't make their own.


Cum in here.

>Pay for a carry
>Be grill so carried by guild
>Pity gear out the ass this expac

means nothing