Mongolian empire thread.
>tfw you are decendent of the great Khan himself.
Thread music
Mongolian empire thread.
>tfw you are decendent of the great Khan himself.
Thread music
>barely lasted over a century
>fragmented into various splinter states, rival kingdoms, principalities, and what not
>Kublai's attempt at stability with the Yuan dynasty doesn't net much in the long run either
I hesitate to usually echo dumb stuff on Veeky Forums but ultimately the Mongols were pretty much a meme empire.
That's not fair. They destroyed a lot and indirectly created Russia.
Sick meme
So glad mongols did so much for humanity and civilization
Oh wait
>They destroyed a lot
That's not a good thing.
Is Subotai the greatest general of all time? He never ceases to amaze me.
Hello MIDF guy who always wanks Subotai.
Depends if you count slaughtering millions and stopping carbon foot prints of China.
Not an argument
But objective fact, Mongoloid,
I don't think anyone legitimately with a sense of normality considers wanton slaughter of surrendering cities that don't resist and follow the Mongol orders to give up as being particularly impressive here.
My post was legit, and I've never seen someone here wanking over Subotai, if anything he is rarely mentioned. Sorry for triggering your autism
>My post was legit
No it wasn't.
>I've never seen someone wanking over Subotai
You are clearly a crossboarder newfag because its been going on as far as Veeky Forums was made earlier in the year. Sorry for you being a retard.
Success breads jealousy
praise tengri desu
What success? Why is Mongolia still a third world shithole now? Also he lost several battles in inner China.
Subotai>Yi Sun Shin>Lao Tzu>>>Lautaru>Hannibal>>>Julius Caesar>Napoleon>Rommel
r8 me Veeky Forums
Shit tier/10
this is pure litterature
>tfw you will never ride your horse through the vast green steppes with your mongol brothers and qt mongol wife
>This kills the Mongol
you retardo? are you confusing Lao Tzu with Sun Tzu?
Horseniggers, rabid dogs, should've been slaughtered to the last child.
Their culture had no redeeming qualities, they were enemy of humanity.
It's true that they ultimately failed to maintain a state in the long term, but that's what almost always happens to nomadic equestrian peoples who conquer advanced, sedentary societies. The Mongols nevertheless had a huge impact on the histories of eastern Europe, China, and the middle east, and were by far the most militarily successful steppe empire in history, and consequently their overwhelming presence was felt throughout the world.
That's not Genghis that's Kublai
Why couldn't the Mongols take over the Caucasus?
But they did
Hulagu Khan conquered Armenia and Georgia
did the Mongols end the Islamic Golden Age?
>slaughter of surrendering cities that don't resist
Care to name when this happened?
I din't say it was, but you were the one who implied they didn't have significant impact on history.
Central Asia and Persia.
The city of Merv