Best smile edition!
Best smile edition!
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/d2g/ here, please stop spamming /d2g/, we never come into /lolg/ to talk about dota
you literally do though, liar
>get a bad jungler
>enemy jungler is bad
is anyone else tired of this meta?
This game is so fucking garbage and a waste of time
>the bigger they are the harder they _____
>Get on twitch
>See Faker
sag when they age
Grandma Sona's tiddies will look like a MESS
still has the best streamfus though
sona isn't even DD canon anymore thanks to [REDACTED]
Not necessarily
The only thing you need to do in order to enjoy this game is to _git fucking gud_
Lulu is my STAR!
>you will never be as good as Fakerboi
why even live???
just visit metal concerts and get laid desu
that's really the only good thing you can do in life
Yes you can
With enough autism to sacrifice your life for practice and a good reaction time
i'm gonna do it
i'm gonna get gold this year
i habeeb in myself
Is someone else typing in the chat with faker's account? surely he's not fast enough to multitask chatting and playing?
>metal sluts
is she really translating "whoa, whaa, omo"
the entirety of Korea is watching LoL.
twitch must be rubbing their hands right now haha.
>Underestimating faker
qtpie is better
i don't like metel
hahaha do you think I have any life to sacrifice?
well we all know that qtie is the best player in the game and unless he's rank 1 the whole ranking system is just useless
you can take your shit taste and shove it waaaaaaaaaaaaay up your butt
Gotta translate SOMETHING right?
Xth for Blood Moon Jhin
>twitch must be rubbing their hands right now haha.
Post ONE good lucking female metal fan
they've basically poached a ton of azubu viewers
>those skin sets that you havent bought a single one of but ended up owning most of through mystery skins/loot boxes
What are their names lolg?
no one was watching anything in azubu
>he's never been in paradise
not anymore
I don't know about that one pham
You know those games where you win by complete fucking accident?
holy shit, he's so godlike
he turned around in the very last moment before Cassiopeia's ult
You don't really have to buy SightStone if you buy ctrl wards early game, right?
aight then, take your pick
how can he be so fast?
is he really autistic?
I can barely follow his game
>fixed my mmr
>playing people out of my league
>get meme picks on my team vs corki graves mf alistar and maokai
the most impressive is that he does it so casually
it's literally nothing to him while it seem like an outrageous play to us
Ideally you should be buying both. If it's a normal game in shit elo you don't have to buy sightstone. Once you're playing ranked in an elo where people actually look at the minimap though, sighstone is absolutely crucial and more important than a pink
What's even more impressive is that he's doing all this with mouse acceleration on
>tfw you will never be able to go to Wacken
>not being part of the mouse acceleration master race
LMAO kys
>estimated 1:33
fuck this gamemode is dead
>goes to 60:01 instead of 1:00:01
A part of it is probably because he has a godlike internet package and computer
>not buying sightstone in lower elo
that's a good way to stay forever in lower elo
Camille has b cup tits I think, since she isn't placed
why would you fucking even play that shit mode?
Lulu is my SLUT!
I am her, and I quote, BIG COCK DADDY
>implying you need a high end pc to be good at lol
I'd rather be more interested in his k&m
Mate I've been both in bronze and plat. Not saying that plat is high elo but still. If you're playing Brand or Zyra support in low elo it might pay off more to simply buy damage and completely shut the enemy ADC down, since no one has any map awareness whatsoever anyway and the 800g is essentially wasted
>>>>I have no idea how tits work
Her breast was always fake. Fake by magic.
Not even in your wildest dreams would she ever give YOU pathetic weasel a chance
>in queue for less than 2 minutes
>autofilled to support
Shit's lame.
>play Urgot day in and day out in Veeky Forums's and normals
>when it comes to those, its fine
>when it comes to carrying other people, and even myself in ranked its not.
Whatever. Looks like its Brand time again.
Hi vayne~
>a person playing at 20 fps has the same time to react as a person with 60
oh you're retarded ok
She don't need to give me anything. I take what I want and I've taken enough from her, if ya catch my drift.
How come all the SKT players are just hopping on the streaming train? Were they not allowed to before or something?
>>be me
>>worlds happens
>>also a midlaner
>>only got to play vs faker in lane 2 times
>>smashed him both times in lane due to lucky good matchups
>>dude just rotates like a beast and keeps up no matter what in xp and farm
>>smashes teamfights and feels impossible to keep down no matter what
>when i say smashed i mean i solokilled him and didnt die in lane and had a lead all the time, which in my eyes was smashing. Dudes a fucking legend. when i watched my own replays i didnt even focus on myself i just wanted to learn what he did
>>sent him friend request once
>>im like 90% sure he denied it immediately
>i was sad
>stop this overrated and overhyped talkin shit tho he isnt the only international mid i fought but i laned vs him least and even then he tought me more about mid than honestly all the others combined
>yes its real im a fanboy and winning lane vs my hero was inctedible
repostan for general awareness pls dont shit on my boy ty
Contract with Azubu
They were on Azubu, Afreeca or various Chinese streaming sites
I think that they used to stream on some other platform in Korea. Someone probably realized the revenue/income for the players that Twitch itself could bring.
Nigger pls, you ain't TAKIN' shit.
You're TALKIN' shit. If you catch my drift.
comfy bfs~
they had this contract with i thinks and it has expired now they can stream wherever
Best builds for toplane J4 and Mord?
Azubu can't afford the streaming rights for Lego Legends this year, which increased to 3 million $ from 1 million last year. That's why they're all on Twitch now
>Faker has a translator
Literally unheard of.
6 cleavers
He doesn't. It's some random bitch making money off of his name without his consent. She's restreaming his Korean stream from another site.
Kill yourself
Are you retarded? Its on his official twitch stream.
how the fuck do i get a pbe account
i LITERALLY just want to practice drifting for hours while listening to meme music
Had a single streamer ever that amount ov viewers?
Prove it or it never happened
Yes, Dlift when he joined TSM
Anyone else following this Mid Fekar guy?
NA's top talent is now is now apparently playing in Korea and raking in 100k viewers on twitch
If lulu is not a slut, how do you explain all the lewds, hmm?
>Banner of command has more armor
>active is better vs AP teams
silver shitter here
why is faker moving his mouse around like crazy, does it have any practical value besides showing off his apm?
Heheheh xd
nah, he's just a noob that gets carried a lot
>one creep is better than won teamfight
PhantomL0rd used to hold the record for single streamer with most viewers ever with 140,000+
Doublelift when he joined TSM managed to reach 115,000+ viewers
Faker just beat the record by a long shot and I doubt anyone is ever going to beat that mark
Who the fuck is Phantomlord?
Slightly related that i always notice myself clicking back and forth between two points on my screen when i'm farming or waiting for a minion to get low
I just have to do something, it's sort of a stress relief for me
Lucian is blacking Lulu for days.
sandbox is out next patch i think. so in like 2 days you can do it
it's a bit like warming up before doing sports, if you stay active you're less likely to fuck up
lulu secretly models nude for bandlebro