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Previous thread: This general is exclusively for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels. E-celeb shitposting is not allowed. Kindly use spoiler tags, don't be a faggot.
Liam Sanders
Tyler Gomez
Josiah Jenkins
Why does it look like she is drooling like she's on narcotics or something
Elijah Hill
Hello Umi user
Liam Ramirez
>playing makina route >get to H scene >all those beeps
I seriously can't hold a straight face with how much this fucking girl cusses LEL
Kayden Taylor
She just woke up.
Hello user.
Bentley Hughes
Anyone else sometimes randomly rediscover the soundtrack to a VN you played years ago and absolutely binge-listen to it, adding everything to your library?
Ayden Jackson
Xavier Jackson
>Want to play Majikoi S >Can't get any to work >Tried all google suggestion I guess I will never get to eat Tsubames Natto.
Logan Turner
>he doesn't know about tsubame route i didn't touch the VN for a year after reading it
Blake Nelson
Brandon Murphy
I'm about to start Rewrite. What am I in for?
Cameron Walker
>No Sexual Content h-have fun, user
Jaxon Ward
Another Key game except the routes have high variance in quality.
Evan Evans
Ethan Young
She's a manipulative bitch that badly abuses Yamato's trust, gets forgiven for it immediately, makes Yamato act out of character and gets shilled like crazy by the story.
If the Yamato Takes The Lead branch was longer I might have overlooked it but no, it's a shitty little stub.
Oliver Lewis
Jaxson Gray
Evan Sanchez
>s-she hurt muh feelings
Faggot, yamato is like her exact counterpart. They are perfect for each other, and dominating her makes it even better.
Logan Roberts
>getting ready to resume sg0 while high off pain meds from removing wisdom teeth >feel exactly the same as before minus the numbing
Anthony Cruz
I really disliked most of the routes and the ones I did like weren't enough to make me like the VN as a whole. The different writers really makes it seem unconsistent and the fantasy bullshit is unbearable. Key should stick to regular SoL.
Also I really disliked Kotarou as an MC.
Oliver Allen
50% of it is just plain shit, 25% is like meh and the last 25% (terra & moon) are just ... okay? it's a pretty shitty read in my book, unless it's like your first VN ever.
Parker Ramirez
tbqh Meikyuu made me a little hyped for phantom trigger, but then I remember it's going to be all ages
Gavin Reed
>while high off pain meds what kind of stuff did you get prior to wisdom teeth removal for all of my wisdom teeth I received localized anaesthesia (lidocaine I believe) and that was it-- not enough to get me high but enough to dull the pain
Nathan Sanders
Yeah, but domming her gets like thirty seconds of screentime, even in her afterstory, so it's shit.
Caleb Nguyen
I assumed she would be manipulative based on her personality, but making Yamato act out of character is a bit bad. Doesn't sound that bad though, not compared to Azumi at least. Only good part about her route was Momoyo blowjob.
Benjamin Kelly
everyone i knew and the doctors said i'd be high off my ass or really weak. i walked out myself and was perfectly capable of driving myself home (i didnt) i feel no changes aside from this horrible numbness in my lower jaw
Colton Ramirez
It's pretty good
Blake Hall
it's odd that the doctors would say you would be high localized anesthetics don't make you high (which sounds like what they administered since you have that numbness in your jaw) but opiates can-- using morphine or the like for wisdom teeth removal however sounds overboard
Jackson Rogers
>opiates can-- using morphine or the like for wisdom teeth removal however sounds overboard They could tell you to take some co-codamol afterwards since it is a pretty standard moderate painkiller. Though you have to take a fairly high dose to actually get any high effect from it.
Brody Jackson
kagari is amadeus isnt she
Jason Richardson
No. It would have made her more relevant if she was though.
Jacob Ross
no but they want her to be it
Matthew Stewart
>They could tell you to take some co-codamol afterwards since it is a pretty standard moderate painkiller in his case they were talking about him being high after the operation, which is what puzzles me, since wouldn't they prescribe painkillers for you to take some time after the operation? as far as I know their primary concern is not that you immediately pop pills after getting your tooth ripped out, but instead that you immediately chomp down on a piece of gauze
Grayson Rogers
>hatsukoi 1/1 20% done after a month So it's an MTL, right?
Eli Rivera
İntestinal worms.
Brody Anderson
Translator-kun is japanese.
Nicholas Miller
Progress is misleading since the line count includes all the name tags and and some other script stuff that doesn't need translating. Still fairly fast paced though and helps that the TLer is Jap.
Brody Morales
>phantom trigger is not 18+ because the actors are not signed to do eroge
Bullshit. Upon looking at VNDB 2 of them have done eroge
Robert Nguyen
Even if that wasn't the case couldn't they just have hired some VA's who are signed?
Brandon Johnson
The real reason is that frontwing has tasted the all ages nectar and they no longer need h-content to sell
Blake Stewart
And yet coroblo exists even if the "Animated scenes" are worse than H-flash games. I have never seen e-mote used so horribly.
Wyatt Murphy
>all ages nectar What nectar? Also with 18+ patches they would get to double dip by selling 15 or so min of extra content to people.
Julian Clark
I'm not too mad about the porn as long as they keep the innuendos and sex jokes, half of the enjoyement I get from grisaia are those.
Easton Rodriguez
Weren't they toned down for all ages Meikyuu? Doesn't set a good precedent.
Ryan Brown
I thought the animated blow job scenes were hot as fuck.
Michael Myers
Depends on what you like in a VN, and there's a bunch of opinions on it. Play the common route and decide from there if you want to do a heroine's route I personally think it's the best Key VN, but I know people disagree.
Jaxson Bell
My favorite is probably Tomoyo After.
Josiah Perry
>Play the common route and decide from there if you want to do a heroine's route Not sure if that will fully help them since the heroine routes are done by different writers and can give off a different feeling to each other and the common route.
Owen Price
I don't think Phantom Trigger is going to succeed, it's riding on the Grisaia fame so it'll probably get sales at the beginning but a lot of people are going to set their expectations too high which is going to hurt them on the long run.
From what we've seen it seems a lot more plot-focused than the original trilogy, and while the original trilogy got a lot more plot-heavy during Meikyuu and Rakuen, the reason it succeeded is because they had heavy character development on the first one. In this aspect Grisaia is similar to Muv-Luv, they both introduce the characters and setting in a SoL/Romcom way where the whole plot is character focused before moving into the "grand route". Phantom Trigger on the other hand seems like it's starting the plot right away and they can easily fuck that up.
But hey I might be wrong too.
Jace Collins
Hell the sometimes the routes themselves change drastically, one second you're going on a date with Lucia, the next one you're being force-fed exposition while a chuuni fight goes on in the background.
Dominic Turner
All I know is that it's all ages.
Ethan Diaz
It's also fucking episodic. What were they thinking?
Leo Martin
It is? Fucking kek
Joseph Green
Yes, the first two episodes will release at the same time for some reason while a third is planned for the summer.
Oliver Martinez
Anyone have a torrent for School Idol QT Cool?
Brayden Jenkins
Sure buddy, I'm sending it to you right now ;)
Christopher Bailey
Ethan Martin
Joseph Brown
Indeed. Triplicate is native in both Japanese and English, so it can go quite fast.
And yes, we've decided to no longer include the lines in our progress updates, to remove any confusion about how long the VN is and how fast we work.
Mason Stewart
Have you seen volume 3?
I fucking hate how Telltale started this shit. I'd rather wait for the entire thing to be fleshed out rather than getting it in small morsels.
Hudson King
Through determination, the dream became true.
Jordan Rodriguez
user onegaii
Alexander Barnes
Someone give me the energy to get through mitcher's after route so I can get on with my life. She just such an obnoxious character.
Brandon Williams
post aoi
Ethan Brooks
Are you the guy who just started reading it and loved Makina? If so, kill yourself my man.
Matthew Diaz
despite the retarded there are cute moments and the h is okay.
Josiah Gomez
>And yes, we've decided to no longer include the lines in our progress updates, to remove any confusion about how long the VN is and how fast we work. Sorry that that ended up causing so many problems.
Samuel Green
Not like it matters, the numbers are still on our blog on the previous updates, so if people still want to find out they can just do the math.
In the end, giving you guys updates on the progress itself is the most important thing for me. Doesn't matter if it's lines or percentages.
Andrew Peterson
no, that guy is still reading kajitsu. I'm reading meikyuu, or at least trying to, and michiru's retardation is making it really hard for me to get through her after.
Jason Stewart
Why are you on /vn/? Other translators have come here in the past and it hasn't ended well (had their pictures photo shopped on foot fetish hentai pics).
Carter Ross
No worries, I've already done that to my own photos.
Seriously though, we're not new to this. We've been translating manga and dumping it on /a/ for over five years now.
Juan Morris
Haru has literally never posted in /vn/. There's one random faggot who pretends to be her, but when she posted on /jp/ she didn't use a trip.
Michael Johnson
We translators are hard dudes
Liam Hill
She actually posted here a few times last year when the previous license survey came up.
Jordan Reyes
Wait, was this something that actually happened? This place is usually pretty tame...
Jackson Moore
It was an anime profile pic so not like it's character defamation or anything close lol.
Jayden Cox
If you're such hard dudes how come none of you ever translate lolige?
Hunter Cook
Back when there was the stupid comment dust up where conjurer made a joke and good haro went full sjw on him, some people in this thread shopped haro's twitter icon into to pics. It's pretty damn tame.
Adam Rogers
Yeah, I should've specified in my post that it was just her twitter picture. Still, if you're a sensitive person then that might be enough to drive you away.
Robert Wright
>No worries, I've already done that to my own photos.
This place is normally fairly tame but in comparison to the general community where we aren't all used to calling each other faggots and questioning each other's taste and usually calling it shit; petty shit like that tends to hurt people's feelings, which nowadays apparently is about as bad as murdering someone brutally in public.
Jeremiah Morales
I haven't read any lolige that was good enough. Tsuushinbo came close but it wasn't good enough to get high priority.
Caleb Lewis
Evan Thompson
i really wish steins;gate flags werent so cryptic
John Jenkins
S-Still have those pics? Y-Y'know, for s-science?
Carter Collins
subahibi when?
Bentley Ramirez
I don't have any of the hentai pics but I do still have this.
Jacob Gonzalez
Not yet, I plan on reading it once I finish DC3
Henry Carter
>the main heroine of a beach resort moege is named Umi whoa..... really activates my almonds....
William Rogers
Isaac Clark
Kayden Morales
works better without actual pain to relieve user or you're not taking enough of it
David Morris
Levi Barnes
Just look up the "animated" h-scenes. They might as well left it censored.
Keep in mind that even spoken lines have contracts so if they cannot/refuse to say sex jokes what makes you think the dialog won't be neutral. Also look how bad Kaijitsu's script is in the all ages edition.
Angel Morgan
oh dear lord
do the rest of her mouth
James Moore
Why are shark teeth heroines so fucking rare?
John Morris
>Can't get any to work Still need/want help user? You'll have to be a bit more specific about what's happening though.
Xavier Bennett
Shark teeth only work with a few character archetypes. And they'd make everyone think of Rance.
Nathan Richardson
Is it time to post best girl from the last VN you read?