Don't do this


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What about all the fucking assholes who piled up in the right turn lane for a mile? What if the guy in the left lane just came off a highway exit and wants to turn left but the entire right lane is completely packed like in the pic?

OP is a fucking fag.

*wants to turn right.

Dammit, I fell for OP's bait so hard I fucked up my post.


This or trying to turn into a corner shop or side street instead of waiting behind the whole line

You slow down and signal as soon as you get into that left lane instead of trying to scoot to the front of the line. People are going to be a lot more willing to let you in if they saw you come out of a side street than if they see you barreling down the left side and trying to cut in at the last opportunity.

Your welcome

This is actually a huge problem with a certain left turn lane on an 50mph road where I live. The turning lane is literally half a mile long and it gets so full that people have to start lining up in the oncoming left turn lane to avoid a huge pileup

But then you block everyone in the left lane further up the street

You're going to block them one way or another. Might as well be where someone will let you in rather than just give you a 'Fuck you for cutting ahead' and make everyone wait.

I wouldn't have to if people left space and didn't speed up when I try to change lanes and cut me off. Just today my lane was coming to an end, I signaled that I was changing lanes and a van sped up and overtook me and I had to slam the brakes.


All traffic engineers agree, zipper merge is the most efficient. The problem isn't the one guy its that the rest of the cars aren't using both lanes optimally.

do what? not let people merge?

>telling me how to drive

lmfao ill cut through whatever lane i want if i see an opening you turd. just because you're baffled a car started moving outside the hivemind that is traffic doesn't mean shit to me.

Lol you showed him

it's always a BMW that does this

He means people should not merge until the last minute...

This is called the zipper method and even tho it makes you an asshole, it's the most efficient method

Check out cgpgreys video by it

If your lane is ending, you need to yield. The continuing lane has right of way, so it's up to you to find a safe gap, not on them to let you in.

>approaching lane merge
>asshole Lexus driver rides the middle of the two lanes to prevent people going around him
>I just zip around him in the shoulder
>zero fucks given

Wannabe traffic cops are the worst. Sorry you're so stupid that you feel like lining up cars for half a mile is more ideal than merging properly, just so nobody gets ahead of you because that's deemed "unfair". Truth is, driving isn't a race and the lane you're in doesn't belong to you. Stop being a self righteous twat.

Found the teenager

You are one of the reasons why I got metal bumpers on my truck, you think you're better than other people that are allready lining up to the merger, si you merge ahead of everyone, for what? To gain a 1/4 mile advantage? And people like you get mad when they don't let you merge, so you make your opening by driving into someone and they slamming the brakes, thus YOU are creating the traffic you wanted to avoid.
I know zipper merge is the most efficient way, but it doesn't work in real life applications, and people like you is the reason why there's traffic in lane mergers.

I do this all the time espically if there's a trucker ahead they are easy to cut off

>didn't speed up
This shit is so annoying because everyone does it.

One time a guy in front of me was trying to move from the right lane to the left, and nobody in the left lane would allow him to, even though traffic was moving at a decent clip and it was no big deal. I eventually got tired of it and just swept over into the left lane, cutting off the car in front of me, just so the car in front could move over. I then proceeded back to the right lane.

>the lane you're in doesn't belong to you
>driving isn't a race, especially not to be first to the next red light
>stop getting mad at people just for being in front of you, it's not an issue unless they're impeding traffic for no good reason

>merging lane to the right of me
>Assholes speed up to cut traffic
>Position car in the middle of both lanes.
>Offenders slams on brakes and gets visibly upset

Friend turned me on to the idea and I never stopped doing it. Feels good man

>people like you
Why should I sit in traffic when I don't have to?

>merge ahead of everyone
Give me a break. You'r STILL making it sound like the people in line are victims. "Oh we were just lined up ahead of the merge when this big evil man came and CUT IN FRONT OF US ;(((("

>you think you're better than other people
Lol, no. If people learned how to merge properly and understood it, this wouldn't be an issue. Again, the lane you're currently traveling doesn't belong to you, or anyone. Nobody is doing anything illegal or wrong by not sitting in stop-and-go hell like the rest of the sheep.

This guy gets it. Often times, by merging ahead, you avoid being stuck behind a semi that takes a while to accelerate, or people playing on their phones not paying attention to the road who leave big gaps or take forever to accelerate.

That's how traffic is supposed to flow. Filing into a single lane causes massive traffic problems, but merging in a zipper effect helps with the flow of traffic.

Traffic that you are causing, are you un-self aware that your antics are causing the traffic that you are so desperately trying to avoid? It's like I'm discussing with a teenager that goes "I'm special I won't play by your rules sheeps lol", why can't you see that by merging before you allready slowing down but not stopping, you are making people stop by forcefully merging and making them brake so they won't have to run into you.

Only on paper, that doesn't apply in real life

I don't actually do that, though. What I do is I wait for an opening (i.e a slow moving semi with a massive gap in front) and merge, but not so early that I'm stuck behind a line of cars at the back of the zipper. Big difference.

>but I get stuck waiting in traffic because I don't understand how to zipper merge
Not really my problem, pal. If you don't want to sit in traffic, you could always just use the fucking lane that was paved right next to you. It's there for a reason.

On paper, traffic is better when people signal lane changes or turns. Should we all stop doing that too since not everyone does it?

Should also add..I leave plenty of space in front of me so that others can merge as well. Why? Because I'm not an asshole, and I deride no joy in forcing people to get behind me, like a child having a tantrum.

Americans BTFO in europe this is the norm and obliged by law to let somebody merge into traffic.

also, left lane is overtaking lane, no matter if you have 5 or 2 lanes on the right, you stay the fuck out of the left lane.

>inb4 eurocuck, yeah, you cant really inb4 but on this matter you cant call us cucks if you have shitty road etiquette and laws.

>hahaha dumb burgers cucks xd btfo
You have to be 18 to post here

It's the law here too. Doing otherwise is considered impeding and is illegal.

>left lane is overtaking lane
Yeah we have variations of that here, like "slower traffic keep right", and you can be fined if a cop sees you holding up traffic in the left lane, even if you're going the speed limit or a little above it.

you can tell me all you want but enough rants and proof on dashcam video's have showed me people do not respect this law or etiquette.
Speed lanes are lower than in EU aswell, enjoy your v8 m8

well look who's projecting here my blood brother, iv'e been here longer than you it is fun to have some different opinions once in a while aslong as it is formulated respectfully you know? stay in your place kid, dare to be critical about your nation of god once in a while

I'm not arguing or trying to disagree, I'm just as annoyed when I see people holding up traffic and being douchebags because "muh dick" and muh "I don't want anyone to merge IN FRONT OF ME THIS LANE IS MINE"

>Implying someone who is self righteous enough to cut Infront of traffic would be willing to press the brakes when someone gets Infront of them

Merging in an open spot =/= "cutting in front of traffic"

>being this mad that your ass sat in traffic when there was a perfectly good lane available to prevent it
You're the source of your own misery, champ.

If this happends here, i just tank my shitbox in front of theirs, if they hit me they fuck up and im 100% in my right.
Luckily for me people do respect this as it is stated on a roadsign on places where this often happends that merging 'like a zipper' is enforced by law.

It's just common sense Im sure most people across the pond think likewise, there are alwasy rotton apples, I just don't tolerate them.

This picture just lets you know how beta the majority of the planet is. The mentality of "just get in line" is for socialists. If that makes me an asshole, then so be it. I'll get to my destination faster and avoid the aggravation of having to sit and do nothing.

>Zipper merging is rude! I don't care if it works, I don't care if it relieves congestion faster, traffic engineers are fucking nerds! nobody goes in front of me! Wait in line you fucking child REEEE HOOONK HOOOOONK HOOOOOOONK ASSHOLE
>t. probably thinks motorcycles shouldn't filter through stopped/sub-20mph traffic either

It does work in real life applications when manchildren in pickup trucks are forcibly removed from the road and the world of the living. It works excellently. In fact, it even works better than everyone trying to say "no, you go, i'll wait" even when a minority of persons participate, especially since zipper mergers tend to do other wonderful things like take off faster than a fucking snail and actually use their brakes instead of gradually downshifting for ten miles before a stop sign instead of holding up the que in the name of fuel efficiency and brake pad life

that's called the Cuban Chop in Miami.

Another thing I see is people drive up the left lane, then just turn right on the outside. Really dangerous if someone turns wide.

>left lane is a straight/turn lane
>someone runs wide because they don't know how traffic works
>"i can just go wherever right? only the closest lane turns!"


>turning right into traffic, 3+ lane road, 1 turning lane
>people waiting for a gap in lane 2 or 3 when lane 1 is empty instead of getting in lane 1 and merging over

>aggravation of having to sit and do nothing
Have you seen a doctor about your blood pressure? You're lining up for an infarct son.
And I don't give concession to let people force me to stop and let them into the lane either unless the traffic is flowing freely in which case it can be done with no inconvenience to anyone.

Stopping and getting going again is still faster than piling into one lane

If it bothers you, you might actually be a member of the high blood pressure club, and really need to relax and learn to drive

Yep. See that all the time too.

>It's a "everyone acts smug about their differing opinion and calls the other guy a child" thread.

it's like someone took everyday traffic and made it into a thread on Veeky Forums

>grow up, be patient
>grow up, act efficiently
>grow up, follow the rules
>grow up, bend the rules
>grow up, be polite
>no u no u no u no u no u
>oh my god people are breaking all the laws regarding signaling, lane use, and turning
>phew here comes the cop
>oh no, he doesn't care, he just wants to pull over that black guy in a red sports car for doing 36 in a 35

I'll do it all fucking day on my motorbike, because I can just accelerate and lane-split away from any problems. I'll jump queues on the wrong side of the road, pick my way between lanes, zoom down bus lanes while laughing at the queuing cages, indicate wrong on roundabouts to reserve a racing line, and intentionally backfire when someone's too close to my tail.

>hahaha cagers btfo xd
This is why everyone thinks you're all retards

HAHAHA Car drivers are such cucks

Holy shit bro, your da bomb XDD
You revbomb people too? SICK! XDDD

>2 stroke
Fag detected

I couldn't speed up, there was a car parked in front of me like one car length away and I needed to change right away. I had no room to overtake him.

>being this cool

t. triggered cagefag.

Well what I meant was I hate it when people speed up so you can't change into """"""their""""" lane.

I go out of my way to block people who do this.

I also go out of my way to block people passing me on the right just before a lane ends.

It's a if you've got a fucking 5 lane that's about to go down to four by losing the rightmost lane, and you're trying to pass traffic in the last 1/4 mile of right lane you're a fucking asshole and I'll match speed with you however hard to try until you get with the program and merge behind me.

>I've been here longer than you.
>Says one anonymous poster to another.

>people should have to ignore the stretch of roadway that was paved for cars to drive on because I said so
>the road belongs to me

No user, I'm afraid YOU are the asshole.

Yeah, but it makes me feel good.

They could merge right at any time, instead of insisting on overtaking me at 2mph right up to the last 100yds of lane, forcing me to slow down and let them over at the last second.

If you're going to operate thinking no more than 3 seconds ahead at any time, don't expect me to accommodate you.

Have you tried not queue jumping?

Otherwise, anyone who really wants to go in front of me usually slows down when they get there. I don't like dogs in mangers, so you can delay the people behind me.

t. nobike

I drive a Taxi. I can do as I please.

But that's only if all lanes are going in the same direction. The guy is blocking the left turning lane.

>zipper merge is the most efficient
and average braking distance from 35 to 0 is over 200ft, and 400ft from 60 to 0

People who merge at the last second are the reason why you get massive backups and jams on the highway. If everyone was able to maintain speed through the light or ramp you'd maximize efficiency. Waiting until the last second to merge dangerously only causes a massive slowdown. Besides, I've seen people get pulled over for this shit, which they deserve.

>driving shitbox
>see all the normies lined up waiting to turn
>pass each one and find the more expensive looking car
>swerve infront of them as soon as the line moves up
>fucking normies

Using the brakes to stop is bad because you have less control. When you downshift to slow down before coming to a stop, you don't even need to brake and you still have control of the vehicle. Meanwhile, when you're coasting in a high gear, you always end up braking hard because your momentum is spinning the engine at that point.

yeah i know but everybody else bogarts that lane so what do you want me to do about it

>queue jumping

I don't bother to merge in front of people who are obviously jamming up against the car in front of them so nobody can get in """their""" lane. What I look for is somebody who's left a spot available to merge in.

But nobody sees this or recognizes it, they only see me "racing in front of everyone" because "OMG HOW COME THAT GUY IS IN THE LANE OVER THERE DRIVING PAST ME HE CAN'T DO THAT I WAS HERE FIRST!!!"

You're just as likely, or unlikely, to have someone let you in both scenarios, might as well do it where you're not blocking a mile of open road.

stay safe

>lanes merge from a dual carriageway to a single lane going each way
>people on the outside lane always act like they have right of way
>despite people on the inside lane having literally nowhere to go when an asshole pushes into their lane

fucks me off. same with people waiting until the last possible moment to merge, instead of finding a spot to merge into in the prior 200m of signposted road signalling the upcoming merge.

Of you actually looked at the picture you'd see the guy in the left lane trying to "zipper merge" at the last second is sitting in a straight lane

>guy rockets up specifically to get to the very front and cut in like an asshole


>guy cautiously moving up the line, looking for ANY opportunity to merge in safely, such as during initial accordian acceleration of the stopped line when gaps normally form

No problem. I have the same approach with people merging onto the interstate from onramps; if they have their signal on and are actually TRYING to find a gap instead of just plowing in there is a lot less harm in my backing off about 2mph for a few seconds to make space than there is in nobody giving him any room for any reason and him being stuck either cutting someone off (dangerous), driving on the shoulder (possibly dangerous), or blocking all the rest of the onramp and sitting STOPPED and even further unable to merge (dangerous for him, anyone behind him on onramp, and traffic on the street they came from).

If you're merging, don't be a dick. If you're in the through lane, don't be a dick. In all cases, don't go out of your way to be a fucking dick, and traffic will flow much more smoothly for all involved.

I will tell you right now if someone does the shit OP posted, I'm not letting them in. fuck that, even 5 year olds know how to wait in line.

>hivemind appears out of 50 years of social order and generations of collective wisdom
>operate outside of it
fukken genius

OP image is never a problem for me. If traffic is stop and go, just cruise slowly next to it until they accelerate in accordion fashion, and merge into a space with a driver who reacts slow.

There could not be a simpler traffic pattern.

i'll follow you home, you cant do shit b/c im armed and can bench your family

>I'm not letting them in.
Then don't. I've been that guy, and I've let that guy in. I've also been the guy who's waited in line forever. People take all of this shit way too personally

People do this shit on a daily basis and have traffic backed up over railroad tracks so they can turn left into a right-only entrance

try and do something and i'll just record you.

Thanks the gore threads could use some new content.

> Letting them in
Cheaters should not be allowed to prosper. Leave them waiting.

As a gun owner, I'm sorry that your micropenis and the fact that no woman will ever touch it makes you feel the urge to tell strangers on the internet how much of a tough guy you are.

>that's called the Cuban Chop in Miami
I was in a left turn only lane. A BMW didn't want to wait and it zoomed all the way up to the head of the line and then turned left from the right lane. It cut right in front of me. As another "line cutter" in this thread said, if I hit him, then I am in the wrong for choosing to hit him. However, I think I would win in court since he did the left turn from the right lane.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

maybe the guy didn't know which lane he needed to be in because he's not local and made a genuine mistake?


tfw got ticketed for filtering
thanks /dbt/

I would just fly past the left land and then cut everyone off in the intersection. Makes more sense to me and you still won't have to sit in the line of traffic.

tfw you never let those people in and see them autistically screeching in their car

best feel.