His truck has less than 300lbs-ft of torque

>his truck has less than 300lbs-ft of torque

Other urls found in this thread:


>thinking 300 porks is alot

not really a truck then

>pickup cuck

>his truck weighs more than 1360 kg

>econo box fag

>his truck is an oversized office workers luxury vehicle
>his truck isn't built specifically for work
>his truck isn't a turbo diesel
Lmao, fucking cucks

turbo diesels are horrible daily drivers

My 16 Colorado is a diesel and it is a great dd

for a cuck

>not letting your truck idle all day
>shutting off your engine while you refill

>5000 lbs luxo barge
>comfy as fuck
>hauls ass
>dem empeejees
>quiet and smooth as fuck
>costs as much as a Sprinter van to maintain
Pretty great daily driver if you ask me

Support the patch: Let er idle

Driving downhill doesn't count

Heard it comes with your mom as a cock holster

>owning a truck

That's a pretty big fucking hill then, eh?

Nah that was a flat rural highway, diesels are just inherently more efficient because the fuel is more dense with energy

And that car is an S Class, it has all sorts of fuckery to squeeze out every last mpg, like spamming itself as low as it would go at highway speeds
If you were to manually raise the suspension to it's highest point you'd struggle to crack 30mpg

>he fell for the BMW meme

That system of measurement hasnt been to the moon

>burgers trying to understand the international system
The kilogram is a unit of mass, not force like the pound

That unit of force went to the moon.

Anything more than what it takes to get the job done is a waste.

I tow a boat around with my 135lbs-ft Ranger regularly and it does fine.

who cares about a stupid round rock lmao

People that have been tonthe moon


The Apollo guidance computer was programmed using Si units

Thats terrorist talk i tell you what.

Are you really that surprised? The Apollo missions were a multi-national effort with engineers and physicists from all over the world working on them

It's ft - lbs you retard

Facts didn win 2 world wars.


Boats aren't heavy, that's why they float you cuck

>Boats aren't heavy, that's why they float you
nigger, you just went full retard
I hope this is b8

Doesn't matter dipshit. Both are correct since torque is force multiplied by distance, hence pounds multiplied by feet.


It's just a language thing man, tomato tohmato


I don't think Wernher von braun used imperial units desu

torqulets lel

>Specifically for work
>Pickup bed
Choose one and only one.

how is a pickup bed not for work? Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

but it isn't