Drives a manual

>drives a manual

Other urls found in this thread:

>makes this thead
>cries self to sleep because he wishes he had a manual

>that one guy that pedals hard and thinks he's getting away and gets rekt by the sign pole


Do you really think that's what happens when you stall a car?

Fucking kek


>be American
>get shot
Wait shit, wrong board

Did he ded?

That sign pole hit that guy so fucking fast and perfectly it was almost comical

That dude probably did some fucked up shit in his life

no he didn't
he was just biking home from work and died randomly for no reason

You don't know about everything he's done in his entire life.

you don't either. but plenty of normal and good people die for no good reason

>implying someone wants to drive a near obsolete transmission

nah thanks famalam. automatic master race. enjoy your endangered transmission.

Lol t56 reporting in giiit fucked torque converter cuck

>banter game this week

>that one guy that pedals hard and thinks he's getting away and gets rekt by the sign pole

And is then lit on fire and run over by a semi.

fuck that's brutal

RIP white car.



It's always fucking truck drivers

its so dense, theres so much going on in each frame

>You will never know what it feels like to live in the ghetto.

It's not great

What does it feel like to get hit by a light pole truck and ball of flame all at thd same time?

Jesus fuck that guy with the bike who got rekt'd by that pole

this kind of chaos is the only thing that brings me joy