3 days left God save us edition
Open beta from 9th-12th of February!
>Pastebin (UPDATED JAN 31ST)
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3 days left God save us edition
Open beta from 9th-12th of February!
>Pastebin (UPDATED JAN 31ST)
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28% winrate in the beta but pre ordered anyways
thats ok user
stats will be reset, now is the time to figure out your best hero and main them and get good
You're anything but a sore loser, and exactly what the community needs.
Good lad.
Chill discord with no moderation
Find people to play with or just talk here
That can be improved. Good luck.
Don't talk about discord-shit edition
Anyone else gonna sit out on beta this weekend to prevent burning out?
You should main Conqueror my friend.
Didn't get into the closed beta.
What class is the most tank-y and what's the most all-rounder?
When you come to it
and you can't go through it
and you can't knock it down
you know that you've found
Depends on if Lawbringer is in it.
>Warriors from different periods
Middle ages - 5~15th century
Vikings - 8~11th century
Samurai - 5~19th century
>tfw mordhau aspie disappeared when the beta started
I wonder what he's doing now
TanK: Warlord
Best Allrounder: Warden
friendly reminder that you can have a 100% win rate if you alt+f4 out of ever match you are about to lose :^)
It's taken from /v/. Do you think they know anything about history?
I shall likely play a Warden for a bit, thank you user.
he will not be in it.
Waiting eagerly for his under-funded indie game no doubt.
>Not "DEUS VULT (Free Space)"
0/10 apply yourself.
イエス キリスト is my savior!
Deusu Buluto!
The truth is, Mordhau will be a great game, but fills an entirely different niche than FH. FH is also great, to call one better than the other when they're nothing alike is retarded.
And to spam about mordhau in for honor threads while simultaneously calling for honor bad is even more retarded
No, I definitely agree, just pointing out the flaw with the mordhau dude.
Why does Femrochi moan so much when parried
is it just me or all the nip classes inferior
>dislike: dedicated servers
Well 69 user it's clearly because she likes having her fleshy bits poked with sharp, shiny objects.
Posting again because some people still think you can dodge-attack a shield bash to punish it
does Make Orochi tell people to die?
I saw a Fem Orochi and Fem Kensi fighting and they just constantly shouted "Shine!" Shiene"
Orochi says Shine when she deflects into doing that "stab you with her back turned" unblockable. Kensei does it with his third heavy attack from the sides.
I like how fem orochi says SHINE, makes me smile, thats why I main her
and she's as small as a minion - what a qt
I want to hold her and keep femrochi safe!
Left: Reddit
Right: Veeky Forums
fuck me that's good
Probably by design actually, helps to sneak up on people.
Jap girls are naturally tiny.
Who has the best Feats?
I'm starting to think it's PK
Tier 1.
Bounty Hunter - Passive - Gain Health and Stamina when you kill another hero.
Conqueror - Passive - Capture and upgrade control zones faster.
Stealth - Passive - Hide yourself from the HUD, Radar and Aim Assist.
Tier 2.
Fiat lux - Throw a flash grenade that blinds enemies for a few seconds.
Thick Skin - Passive - Gain moderate Damage reduction.
Revenge Attacks - Passive - Attacks fill the revenge meter.
Tier 3.
Crossbow - Fire a crossbow bolt for medium Damage.
Pugno Mortis - Throw an explosive that deals moderate Damage in an area.
Sharpen Blade - Attacks inflict low Damage over time.
Tier 4.
Fear Itself - Enemies around you have lower Stamina regenration and defenses.
Catapult - Call a catapult strike to deal massive Damage over an area.
Last Laugh - Passive - Drop a high Damage grenade when you die.
>Stealth - Passive - Hide yourself from the HUD, Radar and Aim Assist.
Since it's passive does that mean you're always hidden from HUD and Radar?
>Thick Skin - Passive - Gain moderate Damage reduction.
Again - Passive - so ALWAYS?
>Crossbow - Fire a crossbow bolt for medium Damage
That shit is just awesome it does a ton of damage with no risk to user
>Fear Itself - Enemies around you have lower Stamina regenration and defenses.
>Last Laugh - Passive - Drop a high Damage grenade when you die.
Just sound good as fuq
Honestly I'm excited about PK's feats a little more than Conq's which are bad ass too
>Damage reduction
>Attacks fill revenge meter
>Crossbow attack
>Damage over time for normal attacks
>Enemies around you have lower stamina regen and defense
>Drop a grenade when killed
This has to be some kind of fucking joke.
Hope Lawbringer has good ones too to make up for his weaknesses.
just like my doujins
You can't have teh AoE Debuff and Drop a grenade on death at the same time - they are both Tier 4
It was removed for a reason. Your discord causes too many issues.
Actually any discord causes issues. No discord should be put in the OP.
Actually I've been the one making the last few threads to make sure neither discord was in the OP as some people dislike it
My discord has caused no issues either. Some of us simply didn't want to be a part of the other one while still wanting a place to find others to play/chat with from here.
I wanna do filthy, disgusting things to Peacekeeper.
I just honestly like discords because its easier to talk about the game and find matches.
using a shield IS a martial art though
She has a penis
i think it's time i filter peacekeeper
It was the other discord that had the gay autistic furry on a power trip running it.
Crop better desu
Peacekeeper caused so much Discord, it'd be best to kill ourselves with Mordhaus than endure this hell
I don't have time to photoshop.
>All these hidden Discord posts
Truly it was a great decision to hide that drama bullshit.
>Since it's passive does that mean you're always hidden from HUD and Radar?
Yes. You will never show up on anyones minimap once you reach level 1. Expect shitty cunts to drag out a game needlessly by hiding in the corner somewhere for the last 5 minutes.
Literally took 3 minutes.
all future OPs including discord links should be ignored and culled in favor of a different thread
t. weeb
>Buys standard edition because user doesn't want to invest a lot of money before the game comes out.
Not looking forward to the grind lads.
They'll probably try to force it in the OP thread by making it 100 posts early like last time
Though they'll wait till release/open beta
>Sunbeam effect for executions
u won't fool me into buying another goy edition ubisoft, they're worthless
Doing it on a map owned by the Knights would be great.
think of the cosmetics, goyim
people with the season pass will have all the cool ones while you're stuck saving up for the new characters slowly!
why post this
dont encourage any of this garbage
even if preordering and special editions were okay this one would be lackluster
fuck off
>tfw these Latin oddballs keep shouting their weird catchphrases as you reminisce the hymns of Holy Theotokos under your breath
>It's lacklustre because it doesn't lock essential gameplay elements behind it
I just refunded my deluxe preorder to go with Gold.
I will probably regret this decision
>mfw ubi makes the new hero's 500 steel
>mfw they pull the ultimate jew.
realistically they'll be 10000
Is this game as good as it looks?
what a rascally lil pupper
It's quite a good and simple fighting game
or because every single cosmetic fuck paying real money for cosmetics by the way is mediocre at best and any other bonuses are insignificant
A request from last thread. Not really the best I can do... there's a severe lack of HD Peacekeeper images at the proper angle. If you want something a lot prettier, I suggest looking for a drawfriend.
Not the same user, but as a casual scum like myself that prob won't have time to grind so much, would gold be worth it for the character unlocks?
man, I won't get it, but that sunbeam looks sweet.
Hope there is a way to grind for it.
I heard the netcode and latency was normal Ubishit-tier, is the game actually playable?
Gold is going to be worth it alone for the 37 days of Champion Status. Meaning even if you're at work from 9-5 you're gonna be levelling up as fast as a NEET playing 24/7.
We need the guy who made pic related
It's tempting but I need to resist it maybe once the games comes out and a few weeks pass i'll get the season pass.
it says it's exlusive so i don't think you can grind for it.
I feel like...like I could sing...for my beloved!
Not unless you really have to customize your characters or actually care about playing dominion competitively at all, all characters can be played without recruiting, recruiting only allows item customization
>%25 xp bonus
>worth jack shit
fuck off
stop shilling
>caring about how fast you level up
>Paying $30 to level up faster
I bought gold edition and even I think you're a retard
Yeah this might just be the justification I need...such is life of a wageslave
>come here expecting manly talk
>its just shit talking and wanting female warriors to beat you and take you to their homeland as a personal sex slave
i dont know why i expected different of Veeky Forums
>Buying Gold for the shitty cosmetics