Quick Veeky Forums! Invent a new ideology

Quick Veeky Forums! Invent a new ideology.

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one with a currency of pre pubescent virgin girls
>i say currency cause no store of wealth


Let the world be



ITT: we think of ways to expand ironicism

How about an ideology based on utilitarianism?

It would kind of be a cross between libertarianism and socialism, except it wouldn't support a particular system, only support them if they appear to achieve utilitarian goals.

The goal would be the happiness of all sapient life, not just 1 nation, national borders and immigration and the like would need to have some kind of practical basis like security.

Freedom would be valued, particularly personal freedom, though at the same time you have some duty to help those less fortunate than yourself, so it would have less economic freedom than libertarianism, though without the dogma of socialism. It would be like a regular mixed economy except with legalized cannabis.

Important is defining happiness. The ideology would place more pressure on aspects of society that seem to make people less happy or miserable, not just poverty but also mental health, culture and society. Psychology might be taught in middle school and high school so people have a better understanding about their motives, desires and human behavior.

So the economy is fueled by happiness? Like no more profit motive?

Cyberplatonism, AKA Fully Automated Luxury Monarchism



Homosexual Antinatalism


Theistic Astralism

Solidus Snakeism


that's just an abrahamic religion done faithfully

European Pan-national-federalism

profit motive would be used as much as it is deemed useful for the utilitaian goals of society


The government welfare system now includes mandated girlfriends for single men.

And all single women over 18 will be conscripted into this service.

dichotism- whatever everyone else is doing you must do the opposite

voidism- you are compelled to do nothing for nobody in particular

scatism- all means of metabolism, and production must be focus towards waste or

whipperism- everything must be made light and fluffy

petri-ism- Our bodies are vessels for bacteria, viruses, parasites, thoughts, emotions, and must be nutured and care for and colonized.

>over 18
You've already lost half your Veeky Forums supporter base.

>implying younglings are legally allowed on this site

>impyling it's the younglings who want the

Communism - for children, by children

Despite popular misconception, Veeky Forums is actually pretty anti-pedo

Say that to the loli folders everyone has.

>petri-ism- Our bodies are vessels for bacteria, viruses, parasites, thoughts, emotions, and must be nutured and care for and colonized.

this pleases Papa Nurgle

I have a qt anime grill folder but no loli, I'm just not attracted to it.

Veeky Forums is part of the shallow web, all the genuine pedos either left for TOR years ago or were V&.

Now this is what is called denial.

Fascist Socialist Anarcho-Capitalist Kangdom

Loli isn't the same as child porn.

Posting child porn is an automatic ban these days.

We're forced to post loli because of that. But the reason we post loli instead of 18+ is because everyone likes

>But the reason we post loli instead of 18+ is because everyone likes

The reason people post loli is because 3D is pig disgusting.

So what? I like cute things like doggos and anime, is this a crime?


Odorist - Society is tiered according to one's BO, depending on how good or bad it is, people may be denied admission to places or permission to do certain activities on that certain day

Hyper-Ecologism - On the basis that anything on earth is sacred and must remain unviolated, humans decide to return all dry land to nature and decide to live on villages built on huge (10 square kms) rafts set adrift on sea.

Manchildism - Economic school of thought where all capital is in the hand of the worker's mother, which administers it and gives it back to the worker in small periodic amounts. Should the mother die, a new surrogate mother or a Catholic nun is sent by the State to continue her function.

I can see this happening.
Seems probable.
How does it work?

I had thought of something myself but can't remember.

A newspaper talked of neoromanticism i.e. the ideology of organic food, anti-gmo, natural is best etc.

I personally want antifragilism to be an ideology.

How about:

Basically teen angst ideology.

So communism/fascism?

Neet nationalism.

A global state whose citizens are all neets who are almost completely shut off from the rest of society except for the internet.


The social status and authority is valued based on your sexual prowess.

Those who are sexually inferior in everyway are the 'cucks' who serve as the bottom rung slaves, and those who are sexually superior to the average are the 'bulls' who rule and dominate society.

Pretty much, but I would add anarchism to it too.
Basically most contrarian ideologies.

>overhear neighbor talk about how volunteering at a animal shelter makes him feel like he has worth
>Lynch him from implying that there is any meaning to life


Niggerism: We only exist in life to be as degenerate as possible and cause as much property damage as we can before we die.

Balknaizationism: People have the right and the ability to create their own personal meme countries and are encouraged to make as many as possible, each successive one more pathetic than the last.

Anarcho Islamism is just pre-Saudi Central Arabia

Does it get you hard to flaunt your /pol/ness?

Everything is Ironic.
You start your little gov. state with executive overreach.

Best so far imho


Complete apathy to all social and political issues, unless it effects your ability to survive in the woods.

Anarcho-Hedonism , pleasure is LITERALLY the only good, prove me wrong, try to, you can't

that's like anarcho-nihilism like the guy above

Contrarianism: ideologies exist to be rebelled against.


I guess the idea is that you are constantly trying to better yourself on an individual level but with the frame of reference that the better the population in regards to morality and ability is a reflection of a superior state.

I haven't really thought this through enough, it might just be a more inward focus'd strain of fascism.

Not at all, tribal states are still states, and there was still material hierarchy. That region has only just recently abolished slavery!

Something semi-related already exists: national anarchism.

Replace 'woods' with suburb and you have most retards my age.


>comparing pure qtness like doggos to disgusting anime trash


A society will thrive if the people within the society find the balance between Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, Honesty and Loyality. Honesty conflicts with Kindness, Laughter conflicts with Loyality and Generosity with the human desire to live. If one of the points becomes too strong, it will create a bad society.

Also, men can achieve status by rape.


Fascistic Surrealism


Every man is a noble. Ranks are determined by how many follow you. It's Pyramid Scheme: The Ideology.
>Market Tribalism
Identity and Lifestyle are bought and sold, and compete for power and profit.

May the best brand/nation win.
like Anarcho-Primitivism, except with farming, beards, and the Bible

>like Anarcho-Primitivism, except with farming, beards, and the Bible

I think Tolstoy already did something like that.

That's called the alt-right, user


Wealthy elites are placed in charge of government actions. Only the top 10 richest are allowed to control any government. Executive actions can be overruled democratically if a majority opposes an action, but those actions can be overruled if all 10 wealthiest agree to it being overruled.

'Anarcho'-capitalism already exists user.

Pretty much what modern capitalism is.


Post-Autistic Economics

mutualist techno-barbarism

Post-avant Jazzcore


It's like Feudalism only with society doing what's bests for unemployed, autistic Veeky Forums NEETs instead of what's best for Kings and shit. The NEET's authority would be upheld by an army of normies obsessed with having early access to the dankest memes and harshest banter. In fact, memes would be the currency. There would be competing NEETdoms (kingdoms) with different ideas on stuff that divides NEETs today, like who is best girl and which superhero movies are better.

And it would still work better than Communism.

Libertarian Nationalism. A militant defense of libertarian ideals.

I could get behind this


Italy would be situationalist and germany would be legalist.


Isn't having an ideology to rebel against ideologies a paradox?

I'm confused.

Anarcho-technocratic papacy

shitty name. Libertarian Nationalism sounded better

But hedonism exists?

>not right libertarian

Buildism: The sole purpose of society is to collectively pool resources to build cool and useful shit. Architecture is the concrete expression of the people's will. Tremendous effort is put into modernizing and advancing infrastructure.

Changeism: The entire political structure is in constant flux. Every once and a while a new system must be tried, with new policies and laws. The belief is that stasis is death and the only way to keep society from stagnating and collapsing is to switch up the formula.

Randomism: every once and a while a random person from the population is appointed to a position in government regardless of qualifications. The idea is to disrupt patterns of exclusivity that rigidify into stratified political classes. If someone sucks too bad they are impeached.

Programism: People are not to be trusted with political and economic power. Society pools its greatest engineers and thinkers to develop an impartial algorithm which decides crucial resource allocation questions and manages the military and other assets. The entire purpose of this society is to automate all political processes to engineer a more rational society and insulate the political process from irrational human thinking.




Positions of power are attained by duel. You can bring as many friends as you want. Who ever lives gets the position. Positions can be held jointly. If the people don't like what you are doing in your position, they can duel you over it.

vidya liberalism

Non-communist Marxism


Exactly what we already have.

Ah it exists, and exactly what I imagined myself i.e. living in tribes instead of larger scale societies. Thanks lad.

Ok here another go:
- Social Lamarkianism (instead of social Darwinism)
- Autism supremacism (le "autism" is the next step in evolution)

Peadophobic bigots. On the day of the reckoning I will make sure your kind are the first to hang.

Let's go with a future one:
- post-natural enviromentalism

I call this "autocratic tribalist warfare government"

Basically how it works

Society is organised into 100 equally sized "tribes"

They have no effect on your daily life, other than every 50 years

Every 50 years, the government will supply weapons to every "tribe"

The tribes than have to try and genocide the rest of the other tribes

After the population recovers, the tribe is forcefully dissolved and is split back into 100 tribes

rinse and repeat


>war has primarily been the greatest driver of technological prowess.
>Survival of the fittest, only the strongest will survive, enhancing the genetics of the human race every 50 years.
>The constant knowledge of war every 50 years leads to a productive society

And as for the government...
Basically during peacetime the government is basically your average centrist administration. It has to enforce peace and safety when it is not the time for war

qt anime grills are pure and cute like kittens, I will never allow you to taint them NEVER

Basically anarcho primitivism with computer technology seen as the only useful human industrial invention.

back in ye olde days there used to be a meme called 'pedobear'. It was pretty shit really but edgy kids adopted it and took it with them to finnish imageboards, where he evolved into the spurdo we know and love today

Marxism-Leninism-McCarthyism. Essentially communism, except after the revolution you execute all the members of the party.

Now that you mention it, I find it interesting that - from my limited understanding of anarcho-primitivism - they seem to go full luddite.

And today's society has almost gone full opposite of it.

I would like "skeptical ludditism" i.e. an ideology that is critical of technology but does not disregard it all, which really as I understood it was what luddite originally meant.

Also why call it techno-primitivism? It could be anti-civilization technism or technotribalism.