What even is the point of these?

What even is the point of these?

To make auto fags feel less bad about owning an auto?

What do they do?

so everytime you shift you get a small glimpse into how pathetic the lives of manuēl fags are

The 1+ second delay makes it pretty much pointless.


Manual's should be obsolete by now, automatic transmission is thousand times better. Manuals are inferior. Now watch how manubabies sperg over this harsh fact.

I for one, am triggered

>going to pass someone
>Downshift into power band
>Make your move.

Rather then press gas and let it decide.

Burger be gone

any cars with a dual clutch tranny under 30k that's reliable?

It's to compensate for shitty transmission shifting.

The kicker is it won't let you up-shift.

>Kickdowns don't exist.

I hate nannies on my cars. Offer our four cars, only one is auto, and at that it's an old school slushbox.

t. Red-blooded American who burns gas instead of wood at campfires for lulz

>a good proper automatic with fully controllable gear selection and a lockup torque converter
is one of my fav. things. None of that poser toyota bullshit where the plus and minus only determines how many gears the tranny automatically shifts through. I have never seen any other car set up so retardedly, but then again Toyota owners would never find out what it does anyway.

Pedal to the metal and the computer knows what to do? I haven't driven anything newer than 2000 so I don't know anything.

2009 MKV GTI. All the issues with MKVs stem from the shitty FSI engine, which got phased out for the TSI in the last year of the MKV. Cheaper for a 2009 MKV than a 2010+ MKVI.

They've had that for decades, my '92 cherokee did this. If you do anything more than like 40% throttle it downshifts. If you smack it to the floor it goes down to second.

You faggots have to realize that with an autotragic you're adding weight in the form of a mechanism which selects the gears for you, while you already have a perfectly good brain and hands to do that in the first place. You are taking away a job from your brain in the name of convience, while adding weight.

my vw has something like this. I've heard these types of things will automatically upshift if your rpms get too high. tried it a couple days ago and if I tried to get the rpms as high as I could it still wouldn't upshift. pretty nice stuff actually
only manual I've ever actually driven is a 83 rabbit that had a racing clutch for some reason

>You're adding weight tho qq

Lose some weight than you fat fuck

You should not be driving then, you take work from your perfectly functional legs.

I'm pretty sure all automatic cars have a thing where you push the accelerator all the way for a second to downshift

>this is what he believes of course

If manual is obsolete, why do all track cars still use it?

Had a tiptronic CH Lancer, was a mad car but i couldnt bring myself to absolutely shit money into a car that was tiptronic and fwd, was good fun though

bought a manual na miata thatll see an SR20 put in her

Not all track cars do use it

Drove plenty of car both stick and tapshift.

All i can say is if you want an older car you want stick. If you want a newer car you get paddles.

Im torn.

My 8 speed charger 5.7 is fun as hell with paddle shifters. It shifts fast. Gets 20mpg with me ripping on it for the past week (global warming thanks). Best autoyatch ive ever operated (pulls out boating lisence)

This is my mantra
For a large car auto
For a offroader stick(if available)
For for a fullsize truck auto
For a small truck stick
For a econobox stick
For a small rwd roadster stick
For a fuckbus (van) auto
For a full scale sports car.....torn. 50/50 depends on car and needs

Oh and if its fwd or awd and sport model stick or bust.

Couldnt imagine owning a auto like that unless my damn leg fell off.

There is a pretty swaggy srt4 neon i found with a built automatic 4 speed in it.

The guy is missing a foot.

Even fully analog autos had a kickdown mechanism, usually a cable or linkage that ran off the throttle body/carb directly to the valve body.
Old Mercedes' had a button under the gas pedal.

The only advantage automatics have over manuals is shift times. Manuals are still lighter and, more importantly, are capable of transmitting 100% of input torque, assuming the clutch is good. This is why a vast majority of class 8 trucks still have manual transmissions or AutoShifts. Automatics will always slip and create unnecessary heat. Autos also require more maintenance on average if you want to keep them up and running properly whereas a properly-driven manual needs a clutch and oil change every 100k or so.

There is one car where the power is swapped in that occation.

Auto hellcats have more horsepower than the stick due to the stick actually being weaker than the automatic.

Its the strangest thing ever. But it does kinda hint that the whole "drag car" montra is gonna swap to auto only.

Doubt the demon would be stick....

And yes. I know its past midnight amerfats go home

>Auto hellcats have more horsepower than the stick due to the stick actually being weaker than the automatic.
That has nothing to do with anything I said.

You are the king of cucks.

> What is the point of being able to hold a car in any particular gear

Are you fucking retarded m8? Get a load of this poofter cunt.

It's like you only use your brakes when going down mountains. In which case, keep it up buddy you're doing well

Not really but for some reason your post reminded me of it.

Are you retarded or something.

I'm talking about what the point of that shit is ON AN AUTOMATIC CAR.

Faggots who drive auto aren't even going to use them, so what's the point?

I use it all the time for my paddle shifter car.
I only dont use it for when im driving highway for hours on end.

Hurr durr
> Hurr durr

It still engine brakes when you hold it in gear in an automatic going downhill. Also good to select an appropriate gear when towing a load uphill, or for putting it in the power band when overtaking. you fucking retarded piece of sperm burping gutter trash

Jesus H Christ come back when you've actually driven a car m8

Why. Ive owned equal parts auto. Equal parts stick.

They both have pros and cons and i see no honest reason that people shit on either.

I guess that means i let some brolic black guy come into my home and rail my wife

The good ones do


While the transmission will usually kick down, it may not.

And more importantly, the car may up shift too quickly.

I drive a LS430. I use the manual faggo mode for holding the gear the car shifts down into. Not to downshift. That motor rips when you hold it between 4k and 6k rpm.

>decide to see what this whole manual meme is all about
>I have a friend that's a total Veeky Forums-tist, has a riced out integra with various /osg/ and touhou stickers all over the back
>he's willing to teach me
>i bring my girlfriend along because she's curious about it too
>Me: "Hey user, how's it going?"
>Him: "y-y-you too"
>Me: "lol what??"
>he's kinda awkward but whatever I shrug it off and let my gf in the back while I get into the passenger seat
>Him: "S-s-so In order to get moving, lift your foot up from the clutch pedal until the RPMs drop slightly and apply light pressure to the accelerator. Balance the light downward pressure on the accelerator with slowly releasing pressure on the clutch pedal. You will probably have to do this several times blah blah blah...."
>me and my gf are rolling our eyes
>Me: "Holy shit man haha, we came here to learn how to drive manual, not do rocket science like Preston from Big Bang Theory lol"
>my gf giggles
>friend is getting flustered
>Me: "Haha sorry man, go on"
>Him: "S-so now you take the gear shift knob straight down from 1st gear into the bottom left..."
>Me:"Hold on, what the hell are you doing?"
>Him: "T-t-the gear shift..."
>Me: "Haha you're telling me you have to touch the car's dick to get it moving? Haha just like me, right babe?"
>my gf is now giggling uncontrollably
>friend is getting visibly red and is now starting to tremble and sweat
>I realize this is a waste of time
>Me: "Haha hey man actually you know thanks for taking the time to show us this manual thing but I think we're good, let's just meet up at the movie theatre"
>i can see his lips quivering like he's almost so angry he could cry
>me and gf ride in my GT-R to the theatre while friend follows behind

I felt kinda bad embarrassing him like that especially since I know he has a crush on my gf so I make it up to him by buying him some popcorn

I dont believe you

Even my bad automatic is so much better than a manual, I can't imagine how bad manuals must be

Jesus fucking Christ I get so hard for the LS430. I'll own one someday, or maybe a LS460.

Meanwhile in motorsport - lighter, faster seamless dogboxes and smgs, not slushies and dcts

Is that why 24 leman uses dual clutch.

Or the fact the new zl1 1le is faster as a stick than its auto

Now is the time to buy them. Pretty easy to find one with decent mileage between $13k-$16k. Even less if you don't mind one with a billion miles.

Early LS460's are dropping into the high teens. Saw a pretty nice one locally for $19k with 105k miles on it. Several on ebay etc for like $20-22k.

I'm not going to spend money to swap an automatic into my vehicle which already has a manual.

Whenever I have to drive an auto (rentals in shit countries) I use them.

Autos are so bad they have started to be replaced by two manual gearboxes in the hopes of competing.

>dual clutch
That's a consumer product. With two shafts for even and odd gears. Racecars use better gearboxes that have clutch pedals for differing uses. Some only require it for first gear then other gears are pneumatic actuated

>looking at some car video
>no clutch
what's the point

Hold the fuck up.

So the + and the - changes the gear manually? Does the driver need to take their foot off the accelerator like they do in a manual car?

Is there a video or someshit of how this thing works?

Had this on my old mazda, every time you down shifted it felt like the emtire trans dropped out

Not necessary.
Youtube tiptronic transmission

I've tested a new auto be golf with a similar system, but with paddle shifters. It was really quite fun. I felt like I had a lot more control. I understanding downshifting two gears and flooring it on the freeway now

It obviously wouldn't let you shift into first for example when you're going 60, and would auto upshift once you redline. Also it automatically down shifts continuously to 1st as you come to a full stop. Then floor it at every red light cause rental car. Also engine break a shit ton as you're coasting to a stop.

>What even is the point of these?
Engine braking.

It does, but it has limits.

Like if you get to redline it's going to shift for you.

If you stop at a stop sign it's going to drop you back into 1st gear, not let you start in 4th.

Other than that it's basically a manual with no clutch and more weight. I'm actually kind of blown away that you don't know wha these are, they've existed for decades.

This is so bad i dont even think it counts as bait

You can do that with a regular t-bar auto you genius.
At least the Golf has a glorified automated manual box, instead of a slushbox.

Also if you want slightly more control over the gearing of the car, instead of it making every decision in pursuit of fuel economy. Engine braking for sure is nice, but on my own car I'd probably just use the brake instead of put unnecessary wear on the engine running(even though I'm at 4k+ rpm more often when overtaking)

>what is a shift kit

Yeah the transmission was nice compared to any other automatics I've driven. The paddle shifters were just kinda fun cause I am just a youngin' who has only driven cars slushboxes and manual transmissions before.

>Engine braking for sure is nice, but on my own car I'd probably just use the brake instead of put unnecessary wear on the engine running(even though I'm at 4k+ rpm more often when overtaking)
You must never drive in mountains. You don't want to use your service brakes on long grades.

My pops uses downshift for getting off freeway to save 20mph before using the brakes. That's about the only thing I can think about unless it isn't kicking down on its own.

>but on my own car I'd probably just use the brake instead of put unnecessary wear on the engine running
You are a compete and utter retard.

>I recognize that gay shifter!

>kanye west
>automatic FWD

lol, damn bro

>automatic transmission is thousand times better.
Only a fag who doesn't know how to drive would say that. Manuals are kings of driving on snow and ice.

They make engine braking controllable in an automatic, and also allows you to better control what gear you want it in, which is quite handy on slippery terrains and when towing

>Not learning how to rev-match like a god
Why even drive a manual?

Why do shut-in nerds always make outlandish stories?

I guess engine braking. Though I can do that on my wife's Camry by hitting the o/d button and shifting down to 2 from D.

For those that have used this or paddle shifters. Does the auto tranny eventually shift into another gear if your RPM is too high or low?

only thing i can think of is if you wanna roll down a steep hill at a low speed, without breaking constantly.

Because shifting your own gears is actually the best way to operate a motor vehicle with multiple drive ratios available, even if you suck at it

The car knows its speed, chassis status, elevation, whether it's going uphill or downhill, what pedals are being pressed and how much, air density and temperature, and whatnot, and that makes it very good at shifting gears for fuel economy. And nothing else.

Shifting gears for handling purposes is beyond the car computer because it is not a self driving car and can not see the road ahead or traffic. The car doesn't even know the speed limit. Outside of boyracer shit, the car can only sort of guess if you want to coast quickly down a hill or crawl at a stable speed, and won't downshift until way after you begin taking a corner, leaving you pretty scared with inadequate traction and power because you didn't know that corner was a fucking hairpin.

Auto gear selection = stop and go, straight lines, city grids
Manual gear selection = everything else

>all these buttblasted manualfags that literally can not take the banter

Can you stall the car by spamming the + button while driving 15mph?

They're probably just tired and irritable from moving their arms and legs so much

Modes for automatic should technically solve that. It's no perfect, obviously, but a decently-programmed eco/sport/hektikk skkidz mode would make that a non-issue

You forgot to post the picture to this pasta.


Engine braking isn't possible in an automatic the way it is for manuals AFAIK. The car just shifts down gears if you leave your foot off the gas. Actual engine braking relies on removing the powertrain from the drivetrain. I guess you could just shift to neutral in an automatic, but I don't know how safe it is to do that regularly and on the road at high speed to advise you to do that.

>Does the auto tranny eventually shift into another gear if your RPM is too high or low?
That's the whole point of auto tranny.

Sorry I mean if you are using the +\- to stay in a specific gear.

The fuck is there always a Toyota coach online waiting in the shadows to encourage Toyota purchases? Like, fuck off. I bet you samefagged the same post you replied to

An engine only has so many revolutions to it's life, and brakes are meant to be worn and used. Yes I'm slightly retarded


I use it to get out of parking spots when there's slot of snow on the ground.
Also I drive a honda fit and there's nothing better than pulling up to a nice 911 dropping a free gears and redline it just to get a chuckle out of the other guy. Everyone knows they can beat me but it's still fun to try.

You can shift early when your engine is still frozen.

>Yes I'm fully retarded

>Manuals are kings of driving on snow and ice.
cried the assmad manual-fag in denial.

Nice spaghetti, but you're gonna have to paste better than that.

The most american post in the history of cognitive dissonance

This is for the person who bought a car not knowing anything about cars, become interested in manuals, and can practice and get a taste of what its like to drive a manual. So basicly me.