>tfw no garage

>tfw your car could be gone the next day

>implying nigs in the states can drive manual

>park Integra GSR on yard with the gates opened for the past 10 years
>nothing ever happens

they certainly can in bongland


you talk like driving manual is hard.
you also talk like anyone wants to steal your car

>tfw huge shop
>tfw still 3 feet of snow
>tfw no snowblower

>tfw hail at night and you wake up to a completely beaten up car

>Tfw no garage
>Nowhere to work on my car

>keys encoded to ecu

Unless they brought a tow truck it isn't moving.

>tfw have to get an apartment
> really just want a garage i can work on my car an sleep in

It's nice to not have to clear off snow/frost from the car in the winter. Vehicle is even a little warmer than it would be.

>some of the most stolen cars in the area are civics, accords, and even saturns
Really makes you think

>open hood to add windshield fluid
>get fine from HOI about working in your car in the communal parking lot

should have thrown the water into his face and asking him if this looks like serious working on a car

>Vehicle is even a little warmer than it would be.
I'd say that's just because of the cum in your ass

>know tons of people with garages
>they fill it with shit they are too lazy to throw away and park their cars on the streets

wtf i would kill for a garage. The ones in seattle are super comfy too

Makes me think no one or their mum wants a gsr, they'd rather rob someone who could afford a better trim package

My parents are those people :(

Don't spics steal manual Integras all the time?


It's not even the garage its just having a driveway and parking space.

I really need to buy a house.

this is literally all my neighbours. backing out of the driveway is a nightmare with like 4 cars on both sides of the street, just last week one of them backed into someone's mazda 3

But that's a mustang.

It is hard if you have no idea what you're doing, like if you just broke into a car and the alarm is going off and you need to bug the fuck out right this second, but you can't figure out why there are three pedals and the car stalls out when you brake.

I've left my garage door open overnight by accident and nothing was gone the next morning. Tools, welder, air compressor, project car and engine parts, all safe because my neighbors respect personal property. Feels good living in a small town of people who work for their money instead of a crime-riddled shithole full of welfare rats who think everything not bolted to the ground is rightfully theirs. Nuke big cities off the map and maybe we can finally have an idyllic America like in Norman Rockwell paintings.

Yes they do. Had a friend's gsr integra stolen at 3 am from mexicans. Found it 6 months later 100% gutted out

GsR is the best trim you can get in burgerland. Type r is borderline non existent in america and they go for 10k when you do find them

what about small towns with meth problems?

They kinda keep to themselves, inbreeding and being druggies in their local area. Cities create ambitious criminals and related laws that affect us all.

>Park outside
>Take shift knob off

>Don't spics steal
That's how they get repair parts for their body shops.

> not having your car parked close to where you sleep
> not having a sensitive proximity alarm
> not sleeping with a loaded gun nearby
> not living in a state you can shoot someone for taking your car

Why live?

>not taking the coil packs/distributer to bed with you

>not wiring the rear defrost button to the fuel pump so the car won't run without toggling it

>Tfw my sister keeps her rabbits in the garage so she throws a hissy fit whenever i ask parents if i can park in there
fucking hate those rabbits

I'm in the market for a house, an estate agent sounded surprised when I said I'm buying a house with a garage for my car

you can put it in neutral and roll the car away.If anything its easier if you have half a brain

>Implying garages can't be robbed

Damn, that's one scary nigga.

Feels good having the shittest box in my shared underground """"secure""""" garage