Thoughts on this? I didn't think they'd budge seeing as it's been years and the GT86 is still as slow as ever...

Thoughts on this? I didn't think they'd budge seeing as it's been years and the GT86 is still as slow as ever. Seems like those dumb gooks have finally listened.

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link me up senpai

Too little, too late. Will cost a fortune new. Had it been turbo from the get-go and priced at $25k-30k it'd be the most legendary sports car on the market.

Because autismomakers still think they have to """make money""" off their sports cars and specialty vehicles, we will never see a truly great value performance machine ever again.

faker than fake

making up lies for attention....for shame

this is the thought process of a typical trump voter

give them what they want and they STILL find shit to bitch about, then blame others for them having autism

Finance it today and it will only cost $32k :)

Nice try

fuck off liberal faget

go suck some dick in your leased automatic FRS

>Hurr Durr he said something I don't agree with he must have voted for trump

Typical fucking Hillary voter , you could give them all the rational in the world and they still wouldn't get it

what the fuck do trump voters have to do with this? stop bringing your shitty politics into every thread, fucko

>Tarbo engine
>2017 model already costs 52k for a manuel in the Netherlands
>tarbo would be cayman money, 65ish

Also, obligatory daily reminder. Let show some improved track times first

>imblyign the neverlands matter at all
Nobody gives a shit about what it costs in tiny eurocuck countries friendo

Dubs of truth
Triggered Hillary voter. Get reked

How many of these lap times were set on deliberately slippery tires? Are you aware that it laps the bürgerkingring in well under 8:30 on actual sports tires? Show me more 200bhp cars with a rear seat and trunk that can beat that time.

No matter how hard you try to make it look bad, this car is brilliant at what it's trying to be.

(Fun, it's trying to be fun.)
inb4 "fun is doing 0-60 in less than 5 seconds in a minivan"

>...the the GT86 is underpowered, until now.

Only a delusional faggot from Veeky Forums would write something like this. Fucking benchracers.

>Same time as a honda s2000

Are you seriously trying to say it isn't underpowered? 200hp is corolla-tier. 20 year old 350zs make more power

>20 year old 350zs make more power
Because they weigh 3500lbs, you cunt.

>Are you aware that it laps the bürgerkingring in well under 8:30 on actual sports tires?
That'll be BTG. Add 10-20 seconds to compare to a full lap.

Fuck them, they took too long because they're fucking idiots.

holy fucking shit the new gt86 is hideous

why did they model it after a kike?


Daily reminder that the NA Miata is the most tracked car in the States, and it's not fast.

Track cars do not need to be fast in a straight line

typical poor chevy lumina driving trailer trash redneck. Always talking shit about things he cant afford.

It's nearly as fast as FR-S, though.

>Full interior
>Skinny floppy sidewall 10 year old design Korean R-comps
>Unknown lowering springs on blown stock dampers
>Under 9 minutes at the burgerking