What is this style of tuning called?



why does everything have to be named?

thats the only way 'car guys' can show that they are 'car guys'

Looks fucking shit regardless

looks like hot rod without the hot

I think its rat rodding

>rat rodding

But the car looks like it's in perfect shape

It's called a hot rod, they've been around for a long time. How do you not know this?



Do hot rods not usually have gaudy ass pipes all over the outside of the body and embarrassing paintjobs?

Also, this isn't an American car

Dropped and chopped

It's called SS'ing, obviously.


No, pipes are only a thing if you were rodding a deuce coupe, paint jobs is just subjective taste but most nowadays and back then just do solid colors and no graphics in the paint


it's been, dare i say it - "reiched out"

its just a hot rod

rat rod Benz is pretty dope


Boomer garbage

Chop top/Hot rod

Basically you halve the height of the roof and windows then lower and widen the wheels.

It's just a mild hot rod. Color is a subjective choice and doesn't necessarily need to be bold. The fenders have been kept on and connected with a centerpiece below the grille because taking them off would invalidate your roadworthiness in Germany and therefore invalidate your insurance and pretty quickly get you pulled over. I know it's from Germany because I've originally posted it on Veeky Forums, and there are also shots of it with the legally required front plate on.

'Ruining a perfectly good classic car', like most modding 'styles' and 'scenes'.

>rat rod Benz is pretty dope
can the normalfag teenagers leave now?

Also can we make this an usual hot rod thread now?

In the car circles i know of we call things like these Resto-mods. Partly restoration partly modified.


looks cool

id love to know the paint code

Erection Production Motoring.
