/ovg/ - Ching Chong Zhuhai Edition

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We're racing on the weekends. Check out our Google doc for more info!

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1st for dead series


Have a skinpack

Register your interest for sideways fun


Ranek is main man in "Shadow Govenment" THAT wants to bring g President Kevin and Administration down. 2 other former Presidents involved. Most od OGC Party. I could name on and on. This must be stopped now. Before we end up in worst Sim War the World has ever seen. This is not some kind of joke people.


6th for sim pets


Every game has a separate low speed tire model or else you would like, never be able to completely stop the car.

It literally does not matter unless you are doing competitive parallel parking or something.

/ovgcompetitiveparallelparking/ when

Heh, I already have a special set up specially made for this occasion. I won't be beat


This wheelbase doesn't seem right.

>that hecked up skin

Your pc doesnt seem right

your face doesnt seem right

Your taste doesn't seem right

>two random tabs out of no where on the google doc
everything is a series series thats my favorite yeah!!!!!!

I'm more concerned about iRacing Nurb 24h

You doing alright friend?

I have been gone for awhile, but returning to sim racing again because of the iracing dirt oval hype

is /ovg/ going to run a dirt oval league for iracing?

Good to see you back. As for a league probably not. No one here plays iracing.

yea I didn't run a whole lot of iracing either but this dirt oval stuff has me really excited so I hope it turns out good

>No one here plays iracing.

It won't be good and who would pay for that?

>4 people play iracing

name a better racing simulation service, i dare you

/ovg/ mumble

What are some good games that let me go fast on the "wangan" besides the TXR / genki games?

The AC version was pretty good when we did it in Hot Version.

I'm looking for a more dedicated game, but i remember hearing that the track was ripped from the ps3 wangan midnight game. Maybe that might be worth picking up.

Will it be good?

that wangan midnight game is literally just a genki game but licensed

I don't like how I'm three tenths faster stoned.

w33d xd


>don't like
Tiny dab or vaporize it bruh for another tenth. gotta get dat cerebral high
>"The Studio"
>well priced dabs, weed, edibles, fucking everything basically in the open
>gets huge fast
>shuts down just as fast obv
Fun while it lasted

had to be the fucking leaf didn't it

>not using performance enhancing drugs for simracing
I wonder how fast the fast guys would be on adderall

im currently injecting performance enhancing weeds into my eyes

pussy. I'm currently injecting 4-AcO-DMT directly into my bloodstream while reviewing hotlaps

Ill make a mega folder of all the touge and drift tracks for everyone

If it weren't for having an actual sponsor now I would do a massive article comparing driving sober vs. driving stoned with actual lap times & shit to back everything up.

Then, to piss off the "think of the children" types, I'd revisit the Kevin Ward thing and note how a bunch of people race stoned IRL, and it's impossible to enforce any sort of drug/alcohol policy at any race track because like 80% of the drivers anywhere in North America would boycott indefinitely and tracks would go under in a month because no cars = no race.

post more simpets

make it a user submission

I'm too much of an attention whore and would want all the credit.

Also, self-created reader submissions are a meme. Most of the people who email me write at a middle school level (either dumb americans or foreigners who speak english as a second language), so I have to drastically restructure everything and it ends up sounding like I wrote it.

In many cases this is a good thing because it skews the identity and doesn't fuck over the person who sent in the info.



please blog more you guys, this is very interesting

then contribute and change the direction of the thred

If I get the content unlocker for AC I won't get raided by angry Kunos devs or have my steam locked right?

meh, bought it anyway

Import Tuner Challenge

Screenshotted those last few posts and sent them to his sponsor. Let's see how they think about this. Would be a real shame to lose it wouldn't it Austin?

feels devilish and satisfying

I wonder how much money iRacing wastes on licensing shit they can't actually make. At least Gran Turismo doesn't officially announce 75% of the shit that never makes it into the game.

Save your autism for roughly a week.

Nearly every single /ovg/ event I have smoked weed before racing.
It's not a meme. I think there is genuinely something to it. I'd love to see some "scientific" testing.

so the 3.5 won't be in iracing? shit, those cucks better get it all together before their player base is gone

heres a mega for various drift tracks in AC

It now rests in the graveyard with the HSV-010, Civic, Indy Lights, 125i, M3 GT2, CTR3, and three Aston Martins. Also every road course that doesn't host a major internationally known series.

>mfw friends ask me to go cross-country skiing
fuckin' normies man.

hahah trav


>Applying for a job at the local kart track

Is this how I become a pro racing driver lads?

Eyyyyyyy I haven't got internet in my new flat yet but I can use my phone as a hotspot for the race tonight

Does anyone know how much data rfactor transfers during a race? Something like the replay file sizes?

disregard stability, acquire skids (cunt)
where my nfsps lads at D:

Yes your toilet cleaning skills will surely help

Better get that t key ready

wrong thread yet again you slow retard

Don't race if you're going to be a mess to be around please.

Fuck off Tomthy

I believe a bit more than that, though in fairness the real issue if you're joining with a phone hotspot is likely to be latency.

wow so edgy, i bet you won't do that irl

I'm gonna join during practice and test it out (with other drivers on track)

Ping testing now

Ping 152-170ms

Can't test packet loss etc alone so I'll try it out later

I bet your car doesn't have a sticker for a team you're not involved with in anyway across the sunstrip of your car, with the rest of the windshield taken up by a comedy-size Brazillian number, fag.

i only have decals that cover up the rear window, no such luck with comedy size numbers


This is the pro racing driver thread

oh look its the ironic ogc defense force at it again

>there are people in this thread who aren't proud members/supporters of ovg

Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up right now before crush your dweeby bean sprout neck effortlessly with one hand

How do I simulate crashing on the nurburgring like on those youtube video compilations?

Make your own judgement, but don't be mad when people want you off the track.

How come the option to put a preset livery on my bike is always grayed out in the MotoGP games?
Also, are there any games where I can race bikes at Spa?

play AC online in the Nordsleife trackday server

>Toad is here lurking
Surprised he's not a namefag

>imply Trav has friends.

wow that's an old meme

>and non-racing
what did he mean by this?


I miss the days of Toad vs O'Reilly

Any good simracing drama lately

yea someone spun me out

Someone traveled from the us to fuck a tranny who happened to be an organiser for ovg too.




Fucks sake. One of you faggots still has that image saved?


Your point?

>people forgetting to insult a mentally ill furry
never in my life