/lolg/ League of Legos


old thread

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Now that's hot, thanks desu~

Xth for Katarina
best girl


Reminder to never trust and love this Kitsune.

>thousand kills as jax
>go to push top lane
>team dies one at a time
>eventually 3 of us are dead and the enemy team is in our base about to end
>i tried to get back and do something but i was alone and got malzahar ulted
>our mid lane ap malphite is still slapping their outer bottom tower for 100 damage as they take the nexus

i'm actually angry

i can't imagine how upset i would be if this game happened on my main

probably dox him, find him, and rip his throat out with my bare hands

They need to move smite to the jungle item



>jinx top
>veigar mid
>nami and ashe bot
truly the BRONZE™ experience
>jinx gets ganked a million times by lee sin and feeds the enemy TK top
>Veigar makes enemy yasuo ragequit
>bot feeds
fast forward
>me fed out the ass
>turning it around
>took all inhibitors
>nami suicides
>jinx suicides
>ashe suicides
>veigar suicides
>enemy team just pushes mid and I can't do shit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TK shittalks me

>need to have the jungle item to buy the jungle item

That Xin player is right.
More White Nidalee!

>Leveling up a smurf
>This game feels a lot harder than it should be
>Check scoreboard
>Botlane is a combined 3/34

Smurf queue is fucking weird man.

how the fuck does that work?
one player on each team can buy machete and it comes with smite?


they would clearly remove that limit ffs
stupid anime poster

as an active item that anyone could buy?

smurf queue is just like level 30 queue past like five games

Fits LeBlanc theme well since she can transform to different people.

>as an active item that anyone could buy?
and how much would it be?
Like a full jungle item?
Because that would make like 90% of the junglers unable to jungle

if it's like machete, everyone would buy it


Every talon player I've every met is either this guy or the silent carry.

(you) on the left cutie.

>Browse twitch for some background noise
>'oh look LCK is on'

what is a champ you love to play but cant blindly pick?

for me its quinn. Absolutely love playing her but in some lanes you absolutely get shit on even if you get a lead and if you pick her early they always pick counters

>tfw I play mid and almost everything is viable if you're gud enough

Lulu is my STAR!

TF. Boy oh boy what kind of masochist do you have to be to blindpick TF. It felt great having a game where the enemy team had Ez, Lucian and Soraka before it was my turn to pick.

I love the calm serenity of just stacking your Q for forty minutes ignoring literally everything else in the game

what do i buy

Thresh is the only manly support, everyone else is a heal/shield slut

Teemo, Lux, Poppy, Taric, and Soraka.
Janna's $2.95/min rate isn't worth it, ever.

Get Braum or Thresh in case you get autofill as a Support.

>Another game filled to the brim with Zed, Talon, Jayce, Riven, Kha, Rengar etc

When do we plebs get the 10 ban system?

>go 9/0 as top lane by 15 minutes
>our bottom inhib is dead
oh okay


user i have those right there?
i don't like those champions desu
I was thinking of saving up for the next one in case it's another jungler but seems like it's gonna take a while

Dance for me


>any of the "supports"

>Hating on an Ahri player
My nigga.
Well maybe you're fine for now. Especially since you can use Mal and Veigar as Supports.

>believing riots lies

or you could just watch one of the many Nidalee poledancing videos that exist, no imagination required.

Retards wouldn't make use of it anyway and just ban stupid shit like Warwick or Illaoi.

Dayum Nidalee looks like THAT?

>tfw never played with a halfway decent graves
>only ever played against what feels like m7 onetricks

no like this

>10 ban system
why even play the game

Are u dumb?

god damn i want to be suffocated between those thighs

careful what you wish for during mating season user

Damn Nidalee, you fuckin fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face, I would totally have sex with you.

I know the risks, I want this with all my heart

more like this! :3

Let me kiss those lips with something warm

It's always the midlaner.

this thumbnail looks like shit is either tired as all fuck or has down syndrome


Nocturne is pretty fun.


The forcast for tonight?

As a top/mid should I roam bot early EVERY game? Is that the right thing to do? I feel like laning doesn't even matter

With a chance of pain


If you make sure your idiot botlaners ward the bush closer to the enemy tower you can usually get some nice tp plays in if your botlane lets theirs push, roaming properly and effectively means control wards or scan. It's two kills down there and three possible people benefiting from them. Always worth.

Plus botlane hates it when they become the party lane, stresses them out and makes it easier for them to tilt.

>it's a "Mordekaiser has a 1:1 KDA because he keeps doing suicidal all ins and typing mispelt Chance lyrics in all chat" episode

Remember to FEED the fox

gfycat com/HandmadeInsecureLamprey

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!

>tfw you're midalee and your jungler goes rengar

>wake up to Lyte getting exposed
thank god this is the best kind of comedy


Ahri a cute!

I wanna go swimming with Lulu!


This is your top laner for today! say something mean about me

it's all over twitter fäm
just search for his ex-fiancee Jackie Butler

why didn't you pick Mordekaiser you stupid fuck

You're a no good feeding slut~ The only reason I would come toplane would be to tax your wave and have you on your knees begging for me to share with you.

Best girl!
Best feet!
Best wife!

>top softpicks gnar
>swaps to irelia even though they know theres a garen on the enemy team
>camille does nothing first 15 minutes, then starts taking every single kill possible
>has villain 100% of the time
>cant actually fight me ever because of it
>has all of the gold except for the jhin
>the jhin keeps swagwalking towards the half-health garen

thank you rito

>playing yi jungle
>yasuo mid against zed
>he's whining the entire laning phase he's not getting any ganks

Is there even anything I can do about this?
Zed was always above 80% health unless yasuo tried to 1v1 him & died as well

he went 0/5/1 in laning phase and blamed it on getting camped

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.

Pucker up if you want that blue, sweetheart

Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

jax, although for him it's more like a "can't pick" :(

I mean you only have to look at a picture of him to see he is a scumbag. Just look at those eyes.

>want to play league
>don't want to lose

OI M8 ya better back the HECK off!


Your samefagging couldn't be more obvious if you tried

what is literally every AP support

YOU are wonderful people anons!

Someone post the
>Jamal destroyed my wifes cunt so I must destroy league of legends


>tfw playing tanky AP Tahm top
>tfw you eat em and spit em out under your turret

always mating season for rengo bb, I'll make you happy to give me blue

>he doesnt take ghost as his secondary summoner on literally everyone

>there is only one Lulufriend, not three that occasionally mess with each other

Was Karthus