Which did Veeky Forums play with as a kid?
Which did Veeky Forums play with as a kid?
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I had both, but definitely had more hot wheels.
Ditto. Also a handful of off-brand ones. Still have a few of my favorites.
Plastic matchbox a shit.
My dad bought me a bunch of 1:14 diecasts. If i had known they were worth so much I probably wouldnt have smashed them into walls
My parents weren't poor so I had hot wheels
Hot wheels for sure
I still have a few hanging around, like the HW HIghway MR2 and a purple Diablo I got from McDonald's a long time ago
Hotwheels . My favorite were a silver LM Cadillac my dad bought me from a gas station , a black cougar is with a see through orange hood and the 24/7 or whatever those rx-7 clones were called .
I had way too many , Mattel often had 2 for 1$ too and that killed my parents wallets kek.
I don't know what brand half of these are, but I found them in my closet.
I don't think americans got the correct matchbox cars.
Here matchbox cars were all die cast metal, were all real cars instead of stupid fantasy cars and had a much higher detail to them so it was matchbox for life.
>tfw you still buy hot wheels cars when you see one of a car you like
>cheez-it car
My nigga
Some of those are definitely Hot Wheels. I had that same orange Countache, I remember it very distinctly.
>tfw remembering when normal hotwheels cars had opening doors and hoods and shit
Fucking kids
Matchbox is better
Those carpets were the fucking best. mine was a bit different tho.
Would love to see this combined with a hololense or something VR whenever i have kids. make it minecrafty yet still real life
>55 square D car
My nigga. That was my dads company as a kid and we always went to the local track when Nascar came through. Good times
You thought wrong then. I had die cast metal matchbox as a kid.
>that random Santa Claus sticker on the viper
lmao, yes, those were the days.
Both, but I preferred Matchbox.
The playsets were great though.
I have a box with like 50 hot wheels, but it's too dark to go looking for em, they're in the junk room and the lights out. Sorry younger me.
Post your favorite car that you had as a kid.
Hot Wheels
>tfw I just bought a BMW 2002 hot wheels
I had both from the earliest I can remember until I was 8 or so then I stared putting models together
Definitely hotwheels idk they just seem to appeal more to me
I had that McDonalds moon guy hot wheel but i gave away my collection
Shit, I didn't even notice Moonman on that one.
both but I liked matchbox more because they had more realistic cars
These. I loved Penny Racers and started collecting Choro Q's recently.
>tfw you lived to see the day where Hot Wheels puts out classic Japanese cars by the dozen instead of a hundred Camaros and Mustangs
Both, as well as Maisto
I mainly played with hot wheels because they were the cheapest, but matchbox was more detailed.
Matchboxes were for traffic and other civies cars when racing in the floor mats
Did it really matter? Either way, the money went to the same fucking company. Matchbox and Hot Wheels are both owned by Mattel. You know. The same company that makes Barbie.
and btw. I had all 3, matchbox, hot wheels and barbie. My parents were fairly progressive. If I had wanted to crossdress, they'd have supported me. Gender roles didn't exist in my house growing up. Hell my 5' tall 95 lbs sister was a tomboy who regularly beat the snot out of my 2 older brothers.
Mattel didn't buy Matchbox until 1997.
Matchbox for sure
>real cars
>better materials
>better detail
Majorette niggers ! (back then they used to be good)
Nobody cares
>actual production cars
>actual everyday shitboxes
>Hot WheeIs
>everything either riced to shit or a fantasy car to begin with
Hot WheeIs is to Matchbox what Playmobil is to LEGO. Only lower class dumbshits prefer it and end up growing up to be stupid and tasteless thanks to it.
Maisto and mega blocks for me.
>tfw there is literally no diecast of your car of any brand or size in existence
Hot wheels of course
Diesel Fiats aren't very popular with kids.
What the hell is wrong with you?
>Hot Wheels
>fantasy car
cars aren't gendered.
>not posting based Twin Mill
How do you see with that shit?
Unfortunately, you don't. Watch at the end of the video, he has to lift the canopy part of the shell back open to see where he's going.
ill see if i can find mine
Honestly, what would happen if you had a wreck in this car? Like imagine you are going 40 mph and someone crashed into you. Would you die?
Matchbox. Hot wheels were more expensive, and worse quality.
Graduated to micro machines once I could buy my own toys, though. More vehicles for the money, smaller scale allowed for more fun setpieces.
>Plastic matchbox a shit.
Hotwheels were the cheap plastic. Matchbox were die-cast metal.
> Still having your toy cars
Mine vanished. Turns out my mother gave them away.
Yes they fucking care. Look at a Citroen C3, the one with the rubber bumpers on the sides.
Tell me that's not a gendered fucking car.
Came to post this.
After you learnt to shit in a toilet, it was the next logical step.
I wonder how much space it has inside. Those wheel wells must intrude a huge amount.
Seeing as it has a crumple zone of a size similar to that of a Smart Fortwo, and is possibly double or triple the Fortwo's weight, it's passenger cell would have to be made extremely strong to withstand a front impact at high speed, likely stronger than that of any production vehicle made today.
My nigga. Siku was the shit.
hot wheels did not exist
i want see , real viper like that
Are you me?
>TFW have this car IRL but Silver
Are you telling me other Veeky Forumstist don't have a bunch of scale cars in a showcase as adults?
Pic related is mine
>Mine vanished. Turns out my mother gave them away.
That seems to have happened to most of mine. That box of race cars (and tank) contains all I have left.
Majorette was the best
this. Hotwheel a shit.
>ctrl +f stomper
>0 results
Shiggy diggy
All I ever needed in life as a wee baby
I miss when "SUV's" were called "4x4's"
Same. Push button 4wd was a slap in the face and awd is just insulting
The f1 car in the lower left corner was a BMW, a McDonalds happy meal. I had one back in Eastern Europe as a kid.
Built my own cars from lego masterrace
Also pin track ftw
>tfw have over 30 jeep wranglers
I think they sold more of these than cartons of milk. Seriously, were these given away by the government for when you had your first child or something? It's just this design too.
Had this too.
I gave all my hotwheels and matchboxes to a little kid next door. Hopefully he can have as much fun as I had with them
>not going JDM with Tomy/Tomica
Yes they are. The One-77 is definitely female.
Fully siku m8
>niggas whomth didnt have Blings