Did you ever drive drunk?

Did you ever drive drunk?

yes i speed while drunk and high and a combo

im gunning for you

im driving durnk right nolol

no, but if you do, I hope you take out a few children but leave at least on alive but crippled so it can remind you of what you done and then you blow your brains out because you can't deal with the guilt anymore

why do you hate kids so much sicko?

Probably a few times in high school it was questionable, but by college I didn't and for sure not now.

nah but i see people doing it plenty. Just today around 530 I saw a guy pull into the neighborhood with a beer in his driving hand

My sister has, twice. Nearly went to jail the second time.

I used to all the time when I was younger. It doesn't seem worth losing my license over anymore.

I know lots of old guys (in their 40s and 50s) who do it. It's not like they get wasted but they have a few drinks and then drive. I've driven on three bottled beers previously and nothing bad happened.

If drunk driving were an artform Picasso couldn't hold my fucking brush

>get drunk on new years eve
>go to sleep at 2am
>wake up at 4am to go to work
I wouldn't say drunk but not in a good state

I would personally be more wary of going to work like that than driving. Fuck that, I'd take the day off, and this is coming from a guy that doesn't take days off when he gets the cold.

Not since my OVI

Shits a hassle man

I did until I flipped my GTI. I was cited with "failure to control speed", which is a slap on the wrist. I know how lucky I got and have since used Uber, or just ingested 3 beers tops before I drive

Are you /ourguy/?

I drove fucked out of my mind on Ketamine once. Don't know how I didn't kill everyone or hit everything, but I made it home.

Take it from me. Do not ever drive on Ketamine. Ever. Bad times for everyone will be had.

I've done lots of DXM and some K in the past. Honestly, I don't think it's terrible for you unless you're on high doses, at which point you lose conscience. At dosages where you just feel the dissociation though, it's not bad at all. You're weirded out but your motor functions are still in tact.


then i quit drinking

drove a few ks and it was a harrowing experience never again

dozed off on a beer and pill cocktail mid bank and thankfully woke up exiting the turn safely.

never ever drink and drive any more.

I used to drink and drive quite often. I did it so much that I didn't think twice about it. Then I got a DUI when I was 21 and it changed my entire way of thinking. After spending about $5,000 in fines and fees I decided to never do it again. I'm 28 now and I haven't had any more run-ins with the law.

>ITT: people actually learning from mistakes
I'm kind of proud right now Veeky Forums

I don't even drink.

> Drunk
No. Can't drive when drunk. Literally don't have the coordination to operate the clutch.
> Slightly buzzed from a couple of drinks with a big meal
A few times. I prefer to do my drinking where I don't have to pay bar prices for the booze, though.

I drive tractors while drunk at the weekends in farming simulator, but not often. Booze is kinda expensive.


pffft speak for yourself i get worse every year

i do it all the time but i never drink to the point of losing balance outside of my home. i get the giggles and i leave when i start to talk shit.

>go home and get trashed by myself

dont be dicks nobody needs to see you get sloppy or wreck your car.

I do too. I was just answering for myself. For me Uber really made it easy to not drive more recently, plus I don't drink much anymore.

Not unless I'm in one of my uncle's old military jeeps tear-assing around his property.

In all honesty though I don't even play with that shit anymore. I don't even take my car to bars or parties or anything because it's honestly not worth it. Had a situation when I may or may not have been over the legal limit but decided to drive to the 24/7 place to get snacks because I felt confident enough to drive. Got halfway there feeling like I was driving okay when all of the sudden this squad car pulls around this corner I just took with it's lights on. I nonchalantly took the next right and parked and thankfully the cops blew right past me on their way to bust some other motherfucker. It was enough to scare my punk ass straight from ever pulling that bullshit again.

no because i'm not a faggot.
I even avoid tasting alcohol at parties.

I do drive the next day after drinking tho

Yes, motorcycle.

And yes car too. It was in the outskirts and i rammed someones gates when i instead of rear gear shifted to first gear.

It felt like I was watching myself drive like I was playing the first Grand Theft Auto video game.

>not going into work buzzed
>not drinking in your car on break


yup. made me fall asleep on a tight country road.

Hit a mailbox and busted my headlight, fender, fascia, and dented the hood.

I drink at home now.

was doing 50km/h in 90km/h zone and when i looked in the rear mirror i saw a lane of at least 10 cars
one guy overtook me and gave me the most mortified look

i'm not a subhuman piece of shit, so no.

I drink on breaks too. Good to see someone else keeping the artform alive

Are you my boss?

I drive safer wasted than I do sober. Only normalfags with no car-related muscle memory crash when they drink. I've also fallen asleep at the beginning of a 50 mile commute and woken up safe and undamaged in my driveway.
>tfw too smart to die

I only drive on Ketamine and while smoking a PCP newport 100

i used to drink 3 tall boys in my car on my way to work every day and just through the cans out the window on the highway. i hate littering but i also hate going to jail more.

i dont do it anymore tho that was years ago

Been buzzed in the car more than a few times. Once do not remember getting home but the car was parked perfectly between the lines with no damage to it.

Once on the motorcycle and never again. Was far to stressful.

I have since grown up from being a retarded 21 year old.

I used to almost every weekend. I lived in a city with no public transit and made some very bad decisions throughout my 20s.

I used to drive my WRX home from the bars. There was a woods next to my house and i'd cut through there - the speed limit was 30 and i'd tear through there going 75 at 230am.

I consider myself very lucky that i never killed myself or anyone else. Even though i was too stupid to follow others' advice, please do not drive drunk.

For me, it is different. Whenever I go out, everyone always says with a smirk "you're not going to leave you car overnight, are you?" Perhaps they are hoping that I kill myself.

>I've done lots of DXM in the past
Same. Actually the first drug I ever experimented with back in 9th grade. At first we would pop a bunch of those little red CCC pills, then later discovered the alternate "robo-tripping" method. Probably the best, most euphoric high I've ever experienced. Lasts for hours too.

I think the last time I ever did it was maybe 19 or 20 because I was worried about long-term health consequences. By that time I had also tried shrooms and acid lol...

I have a very similar story. Drove home shithoused pretty much every weekend from 18-21 years old and always got away with it.

One night left a party after having like 10 shots of tequila and some beers on top of that. Ended up in the parking lot of a local shopping mall with my car all bashed up and no recollection of how I got there. My roommate was nice enough to drag his ass out of bed and come pick me up.

Was very lucky that night to avoid police involvement, and have been more responsible since. I'm almost 28 now.

Lmao. I worked at Petsmart for a couple years and would frequently be drunk on the job. The move was to buy a large sweet iced tea from McDonald's and fill maybe 1/3 with booze. No one gave a fuck at that place.

Yes, it's quite fun.
>Driving 300km/h Drunk

If you drive drunk youre a fucking moron. It's not worth it. People die all the time from drunk drivers.

The law is there to prevent idiots from crashing into people and ruining families and lives.

Don't fucking do it.

I only drink dr.pepper when I drive on a normal day if I want to drive like a mad man I drink a Nos energy drink

>driven drunk plenty of times
>still drive heavily buzzed occasionally

Know your limits, or be functional alcoholics.

only accidents I've had
>clipped a mailbox while booze cruisin' at 1500
>dropped a cigarette and reached down to grabbed it

>clipped the house and the bar one time with my tailgate

>rubbed a tree while hammered and muddin'
Out of literally hundreds of time drunk. I simply pushed the boundaries to smashed.
Oh, and I totalled a fiero while high on crystal meth, taking a corner too hot at 3 am, and crunching the passenger side tire in.

>Oh, and I totalled a fiero while high on crystal meth
Lmao. Just slippin this minor detail in last?