Been toying with the idea of getting a kit like this for my ranger...

been toying with the idea of getting a kit like this for my ranger. Traffic in my city sucks and there are some rails that route directly from my house to my office.

Has anyone tried this? I don't realistically see trains being a problem with my v6... I thought they would be more popular.

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Just drive like a normal person, the fuck?

this would cut my commute from an hour down to about 40 minutes

Get some bnsf decals or whatever and an orange vest and you're good to go

until you hit a train

>bnsf decals


Wait a minute, that hachiroku

>Go on rails
>train comes and can't get off rails in time - die


>Get finex and arrested

you don't think a ranger could outrun a train?

You'll get caught
You're retarded
Why do you live an hour from where you work
Move dipshit

>Local man modifies his truck to ride on train tracks, meets predictable outcome
>Find out more at six

My friend works for a contract company that does work for CN and CP rails and he drives a rail truck like pic related

You realize they are extremely expensive and also you need tickets to do this stuff, book track time, call mile markers which requires a special radio, transportation of dangerous goods ect

Tldr; your retarded wake up earlier or move

Yeah but you might fucking die lmao

but why can't you just do it?

I'm willing to spend the money on accessories like the orange vest and decals suggested above, maybe a little orange emergency light for the top.

Who is honestly going to question me? if a train sees me "oh fuck unscheduled maintenance better slow down"

You ---> Outrun

You see the problem here?

lol train cops are a thing. all they do is look for trespassers and most of those are just walking. probalby shoot some fag driving on the tracks

in my city we have double tracks, Ill just stay on the right

Thanks man this thread has some pretty funny jokes man.

>train cops

railways are private property and train cops have quite a bit of power. they beat the fuck out of the shitty crust punk kids who ride trains all the time. they're genuinely no joke man.

Train sees somebody...

>better slow down...takes 3 miles to come to a stop because of momentum...

You gonna die nigga...and die messy...

Your choice...

I think Im just gonna spend some time scouting/walking the tracks on weekends. I really don't think itll be that big of a deal or that people will even notice...but I guess theres a lot I didnt consider

He's not lying.

do these exist in canada?

All I know is that since he's worked for the company one guy got charged with criminal negligence and the other with manslaughter for mistakes on the rails

thanks something to consider


You'll have to swap your axles, those trucks come factory equipped with a narrower axle to the tires are on the track

loling at the post style copy

The railroads are probably the most powerful private organizations in the country.
On a whim they could essentially shut down the entire country.

>Wats to ride train tracks

Just turn it into a prerunner

>unscheduled maintenence

Never how it works, the conductor always knows ahead of time since they're always in constant communication with yards; offices, and track crews


solid plan, man. How soon can you pull the trigger on this idea?

That's a POS s-10, the OP said he has a v6 ranger. He'd be fine.

Every large railroad has its own police force. BNSF, UP, CSX, CP, CN, NS...

They're usually only in larger yards and in cities, the OP should be ok.

I think you're honestly better off buying an ultralight helicopter and flying to work which is pretty telling about your plan.

> Drive on train tracks
> Train comes the other way
> You can't get off the rails in time
> Completely annihilated by train
> Train barely notices you

Just get a motorbike and go between the cars.

>"oh fuck unscheduled maintenance better slow down"
> Slow down
> In visual distance
> Hundreds of tons of steel
> Steel wheels on steel tracks
> Have to brake miles in advance of stations
> If you see the train, you're already dead

Probably not on rails

>living where you work
>being this medieval

ride a motorcycle

splitting and filtering through civilized traffic can cut a quarter of your commute off

if it's illegal you need new legislators with IQ scores above of the 95-105 range. To get rid of excessively dumb ones, get into faking records and replace them with europeans.

You are forgetting that trains go both ways on tracks
If you are all of a sudden looking at a train coming at you you have to stop put it in reverse and gun it.
The stopping time will be increase quite a bit due to rails and contacts being metal
Also i doubt your ranger can handle doing 50 mph in reverse for an extended time. And if you manage to fuck up and get on an express line, you could be looking at almost 100 mph

I use to do this back in the 1970's in the Sawtooth mountain area of Idaho, Tracks had been abandoned for years. I did it to reach backcountry areas with no roads. it was a 1972 GMC 3/4 ton. The axle width matched the rail so I just let most of the air out of the tires and away I went. Not safe though.

>american engine
>getting 0 airflow to the radiator
>probably redlining the fuck out of it because reverse is only one gear
so either op dies or he blows up his truck

That's pretty cool. I assume you were going out there to grow pot right?

No, just a budding desert rat. I found lots of abandoned rr junk.

That's alright too I guess. We can't all be Frosty.

>but why can't you just do it?
Because you'll never be able to file the Form B...

Yes, I design these for a living. But 9Bs and 9Cs (this type) not 9As like in your picture.

A 9B of mine can be found here.

big if true

>of mine
Yeah sure thing buddy, you probably work for some tier III supplier that makes plastic washers.

I'm sorry you failed at life and need to project that on to others but they are both my designs.

Please try this and tell us how it turns out hahaha.

not in reverse if you happen upon a train headed your way

I laughed harder at this than I have in the past month. But seriously it's a dumbass idea.

>not playing chicken with a train

you go and show that train who's big boss

>axle width matched the rail
That's the other problem OP will encounter. Those trucks are set up that way from the dealer...Forget how hard it is to get the rail-hugging kit; how do modify the axle width?

>Traffic in my city sucks and there are some rails that route directly from my house to my office.
The time it takes to mount and dismount the truck takes too long. You will waste your time.

If there is a track over a river or a high trestle, that is bad for you if the truck slips off the rails.

there'll be extra resistance from the track gear you've put on, so your puny v6 in your overweight vehicle won't be great. plus trains aren't exactly slow.

>train cops

ITT: OP thinks of different ways to become a registered terrorist and sent to federal prison for a minimum of 5 years

>fucking with railroads

It's like you want the FBI to rape your asshole

ATWS would stop the train before that, they would then dispatch someone to investigate, unless OP is planning to run insulated Australian style rail guidance axles.

>I design these

How do you end up having this profession? I want to do wierd shit like this.

Good lord. Dumbest post I've seen this week.

>he's mad that he works at taco bell and the most authority he'll ever have is over some stoned as shit teenagers staying in the resturaunt past closing

>A Ranger won't have the wheel base to match the tracks, most important
>suspension isn't strong for the added weight of the kit that only fits full-size trucks anyway
>How is the Ranger going to out run a train coming straight at it?
>It won't even outrun the train going in the same direction
>Getting caught on the tracks is straight up illegal trespassing, they belong to the rail companies, who do prosecute for stuff like this

Mechanical engineering degree, and a few years of experience with excavator engineering then apply for a company making Road Rail Vehicles, there are quite a few companies doing this sort of work because the market is small the big boys like CAT JCB and Case aren't interested.

>"oh fuck unscheduled maintenance better slow down
a freight train can't stop on a dime you dumb nigger, they have to brake for more than a quarter-mile.

And they just let you design shit? Thanks user, for making my future a little brighter.

"Suspension isn't strong for the added weight of the kit that only fits full-size trucks anyway"

>what is unsprung weight

Train conductor here, funniest thread I've seen all day.

Never heard of that before. Sounds like a UK version of PTC, which is just a congressional pipe dream at this point. High rail trucks don't shunt our CTC system and obviously can't be detected in dark territory like TWC. Most of our fatalities involve MOW and trains.

But that shouldn't discourage the OP, I mean he's got the v6, he'll be good.

If a train leaves station A traveling at 60 mph and another train leaves station B traveling at 85 mph and there is a truck on the tracks between them, how long will OP live?

I work for a major US RR, this may be the most retarded idea I've heard. Dispatch will know immediately if your on the rail unless youre in twc territory and immediately send someone out to investigate. You will either get arrested or killed. Go for it.

As an employee of a Class 1 Railroad I can absolutely guarantee you will be deep federal legal trouble or die.

Not only is this illegal but private companies own, iirc, all the rail lines in north america.
So you can be jailed and then sued.

This, i mean you get like 10 years for pulling a railroad spike right?

please do this

Holy shit i also put 1st gen wheels on my 2nd gen s10.

Fun fact: When possums see a train coming they try to get away from it by running on top of the rail, invariably dooming themselves. I can't think of a better spirit animal for the OP.

I don't know the specifics, but they don't fuck around. Any hint of sabotage or vandalism that would cause a safety concern the FBI comes into the picture real quick.

What position are you? I just recently hopped to the dark side of management.

I'm a Boilermaker in BNSF's Mechanical division, specifically the locomotive overhaul shops

Have they surgically implanted your phone yet, or is that done as a suppository these days? I can't think of a more thankless job than junior management, I'd rather ride the extra board.

I'm a former conductor, current dispatcher for a shitty holding company.

How you niggas even get a job working for a RR company?

Luck, mostly. Went to a job fair when they were hiring. Lots of ups and downs, lately there have been layoffs all over. Things might pick up under Trump, but that kind of macroeconomic shit is way above my paygrade.


I went to trade school for welding, then worked in a fabrication shop as a welder/machinist for 5 years before I applied. For the past year all RR's have been struggling with thousands of furloughed employees and a sharp downturn in business since the downfall of coal and oil. I hired in toward the end of 2014 right before the hiring stopped and was pretty lucky. About two dozen people at the interview for 1 position, they told us over 400 applied. I wasn't the first pick but was selected as an alternate and got the job when another spot opened up a few months later.

Apply, and don't be a piece of shit.

Suppository with no lube, I was getting forced 4 hours from home all over our seniority district and had enough of it so hopped over to the khaki side. Once senorita is better I'll go back to being a conductor.

Nepotism and hiring sprees, UP is hiring like crazy out west if you want to apply. Just be aware you'll be forced to mo
ve a lot and be laid off at times.

How's working in the shops, seems like a complicated place to work.

>ywn drive a train cross country
but now that i think about it that would prolly be a shitty job

Our shop superintendent told us that they don't expect coal to ever come back the way it was before. He said our best hope for coal is shipping it from the Powder River Basin to the west coast where it will be shipped over to Japan. Apparently after the nuclear reactor got fucked up over there the Japanese took a step back and decided maybe nuclear power isn't the best. From what I understand they've started building coal power plants but they don't have any coal to mine for them.


I enjoy it, to us it seems like jobs out on the mainline would be more complicated and crazy. My biggest complaint would be to the train crews; please don't piss down into the toilet room floors or out the front door of the old EMD's. The GE line isn't bad, but I work the heavy line getting MAC's, GP's, etc. Lately it's been SD-40's and just about all of the battery boxes look like this. Part of it is the battery acid and old chlorine toilets, but part of it is straight piss and you can smell it when cutting the rot away.

Same box after two shifts

>Suppository with no lube

Sounds about right. The worst I got it was being forced 3 hours away from my home terminal. That was when they did their first round of layoffs last year and they were trying to get people to quit at specific terminals.

I'd say don't lose your humanity but you probably had to sacrifice your wife or pet dog (whichever you loved more) on the alter of The Company during the interview process.

I've had worse jobs, but none with this amount of sheer bullshit. It's kind of hard to describe.

Sadly he's probably right.

Some of those pissers are the worst things I've ever seen. I can't believe there's grown ass men who do that shit. In their defense when taking a leak while on the move the bouncing around makes it hard to aim. But most people just piss off the side of the engine out back.

We need gp's something fierce where I'm at were always short power.

kek, around my parts it's considered poor form to actually use the toilets. You just piss off the side during a brake test or wait for a slow order if you're moving and piss off the nose.

What so like people piss into the wind and it leaks into the battery boxes?

Yeah keeping my humanity is why I'll never promote far. They say the don't have quotas but my superintendent has stated he wants people fired, and find a way. My old boss quit because of it. Slimey people run the RR.