>autistic manlet comes up with a philosophy that coincidentally validates every aspect of his pathetic existence
>this somehow makes him a "genius"
Autistic manlet comes up with a philosophy that coincidentally validates every aspect of his pathetic existence
>it's the "reading Nietzsche with your ass" thread
More like
>it's the "I haven't read Nietzsche but I heard he was a nihilistic fedora" thread
>its the "Nietzsche managed to write things people only dare to greentext about"
>coincidentally validates every aspect of his pathetic existence
name one that didnt
bonus points rene descartes
Voltaire and Rousseau
Enlightened frogs in general. Even Rene Descartes, which was validating his existence quite literally and not in a megalomaniac way.
>mind is seperate from body because the guys paying me's god is a self evident truth and this is my axiom
A big part of Nietzsche's philosophy was " soft spoken sickly beta males like me really do suck and Christianity should not pretend like they are worth anything". Nietzsche was some sickly NEET who leached off his mom and his sister while trolling everyone. He was never an ubermensch, nor did he ever consider himself as such. His philosophy does the opposite of validating his life. The closest he had was claiming that pain and suffering builds character, much of his suffering came from him deciding to eat 12 oranges a day though.
Although I generally agree with you,Any source on his dietary habits?
He didn't leech off of his mum and sister, they leeched off of him. Especially his sister
> i read some words next to a picture of him on Facebook
> That counts as having read his books, right?
Yeah what is OP talking about? If he really wanted someone to validate himself he would've gone for Christianity, which glorifies the weak and powerless
pretty sure he did the exact opposite
he was a beta that longed to be an alpha and he said this should be the urge of every individual. Very few people would break past the wall and become the superhuman to fight nihilism in the godless world
Two things:
-The ubermensch is not "alpha".
-Nietzsche did not want to be ubermensch
alpha in the sense you make your own culture and morals and influences and others follow you. kind of like great man theory
You don't seem to understand. There has never been an ubermensch in all of history.
oh kinda new to him i guess
what exactly does he mean by ubermensch
A type of person that doesn't rely on a different type of person. A society cannot be composed solely of slaves nor can it be composed solely of masters, but it can be composed solely of ubermensch.
Little more complex than that.
i thirst
Nietzsche was basically an /r9k/ poster. He knew he was weak, and he knew that society just doesn't function for weak people's benefit.
That's not a picture of Socrates, OP!
>There has never been an ubermensch in all of history.
Correct. The Ubermensch is an idealized concept, which no man has managed to attain.
>A type of person that doesn't rely on a different type of person.
Don't you think that's a vast oversimplification of what an Ubermensch is?
>A society cannot be composed solely of slaves nor can it be composed solely of masters, but it can be composed solely of ubermensch.
Yes, it can, that's literally how the first civilizations were established. Are you arguing that societies shouldn't be composed of masters and slaves, and by contrast, composed entirely of Ubermensch?
>OP makes a thread that coincidentally exposes the lack of knowledge of a subject and his unwillingness to meet the standards of posting.
>This somehow doesn't make him a faggot
what a cuck that french asshole
>There has never been an ubermensch in all of history.
It's not a fucking abstract concept motherfucker, it is completely attainable and Nietzsche even cited candidates or at the very least individuals who exhibited or expressed elements of Overmandom. It just means, a person better than the rest of man — ahead of humanity, as Nietzsche (the clearest thinker in all of history) understood humanity.
>clearest thinker in history
>somehow not an ubermensch
pls deliver
probably the worst case
he has to be one of the most miss-categorized philosophers in history
To clarify, Nietzsche believed that that people give up their lives to bring forth the Overman as there can only be few at best.
The Warhammer lore about 50,000 psykers giving up their lives to bring forth the God Emperor is cribbed str8 from Nietzsche.
>A big part of Nietzsche's philosophy was " soft spoken sickly beta males like me really do suck and Christianity should not pretend like they are worth anything".
no it wasn't his entire philosophy is based on the idea that misanthropic loners are the highest type of man
his contempt for the gregarious man, ie. the hero of the herd, is contempt for the "alpha male"
everyone in this thread should be gassed
>alpha/beta distinction
Please tell me you're no older than 16.
Hitler, alpha or beta?
>comes up with a philosophy that coincidentally validates every aspect of his pathetic existence
That's most philosophy generally, Nietzche was just a fair bit more honest about it.
He even says so himself.
Nah, that would be Schopenhauer.
>you only exist to reproduce.
>Nietzsche was basically an /r9k/ poster.
Don't post anymore
I think at this point we're exaggerating the extent of Nietzsche's seclusion. It's true that he was a solitary individual but he was financially self-sufficient, accomplished in academia, and had a vigorous exercise routine in order to fight off his sickliness, something he received from his time in the military.. He had friends and accomplices and his writing, while not as universally acclaimed as it is today, was well-received in his time, his music not so much.
True, he was not successful with women. But he wasn't a total basement dwelling loser.
Nietzsche's examples of great men are people like Alexander, Goethe, Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, and Caesar. How in the fucking hell do you think he idolizes the basement dweller?