Do you guys ever take your 80s cars (I have a 1990 Miata but it was technically manufactured in 89 so go fuck yourself)...

Do you guys ever take your 80s cars (I have a 1990 Miata but it was technically manufactured in 89 so go fuck yourself) out on the city streets at 3AM blasting Synthwave and reflecting on life?

No, and neither do you because you are underaged and cannot drive yet.

>muh 80s
>justifying why your 1990 Miata is an 80s car
>muh synthwave
I'd ironically tip a hat but I don't know what 80sfags wear.

'89 still doesnt make it an 80s car
Only supreme turbo autists who have just discovered car culture outside of carthrottle think 'synthwave' isnt cringy as fuck

Two polo shirts, collars popped


does it count if I blast my 2015 car around at 3am with Synthwave?

Yes. With the targa off and sunglasses on.

>literally pig's hot hour
Last call around my area is at 2 AM for most if not all bars I know of, that means from 2-4 if you're on the streets, you are getting checked.
Try midnight-1:45, and that's pushing it.

if your miata still has its radio you are truly NOT dedicated to fun driving

that sounds cringey af


other side of the wall for you fucking normie

>80s cars instead of 90s cars
>synthwave instead of eurobeat or just the sound of your engine
>reflecting on life instead of hooning

nah im just not a cringe tier autist who just discovered le ebic 80s culture xDD
go play hot line miami or something faggot

guilty yes

Only angsty adolescents need to spend copious amounts of time wasting gas driving around aimlessly in their $1000 beater listening to shitty music and "reflecting on life".

No, but I take my 2017 Mustang and do exactly that.

Yes but mine's a 90s car.

>these replies

Man, Veeky Forums is no fun central.

so what else is new?

Lots of people with bus passes out tonight.
>you've got to go back ... /n/

Answer honestly please. Do you own a car in your name ?

yep. '89

>buying cars from the 80's

Is it true some of them had Electronic Dashboards back then but the car reviewers sperged out and delayed humanity for 30 years?

This is the end for OP.

no, i'm not gay.

modern synthwave is so fucking gay

fuck these nofun faggots.

i own 2x 90's cars and i take them out regularly for late night hoons, sometimes to cruise and sometimes for flat out speed.

i listen to a wide variety and occasionally i do listen to synthwave.

you're not alone op, sometimes its just nice to drive