why don't germans who oppose jewultz and ahmerkil do something in public like anonymously sticking meme stickers or flyers exposing those puppets? because i'm sick of paying a good amount of my salary to immigrants that have potential to work but don't care. wake up because i don't won't to wake up in 20 year and see taliban instead of frankfurt.
Why don't germans who oppose jewultz and ahmerkil do something in public like anonymously sticking meme stickers or...
"It's probably their first month's assistance and it goes down next month. Notice how it shows nothing paid the prior month"
>Jewultz and Ahmerkil
I genuinely have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
shultz and merkel
What does this have to do with Veeky Forums?
wrong thread, but in a way it has because instead of giving half of my salary, i could use that to get a car.
wrong board*
No wonder they buy used cars soon after they get in as refugees. A family group gets a lot of payments each month.
I see where the frustration comes from, I feel it too myself but you have to watch over your own well being.
You can do something about it without being sour and degrading to hatred, polarisation and populism.
The real problem is our governments and world leaders
so it's a couple with 5 kids leeching welfare?
>why don't germans who oppose jewultz and ahmerkil do something in public like anonymously sticking meme stickers or flyers exposing those puppets?
they protest daily dude
>so it's a couple with 5 kids leeching welfare?
They can get a car after a few months with that much money each month. Besides the money, they get support services from NGO as well. Unlike America, there's also college education available for various refugees.
This isn't /pol/ you fucking stupid turkkraut.
This is revenges for the holocaust you dumb shit. The Jews fucked you guys into WWII, and now they are fucking you after it. And you dumb shits voted Merkel time and time again. And I fucking hate you for it because now this is the model for the rest of the civilized world while the globalist doom fetishits can't wait to destroy the white race.
>What does this have to do with Veeky Forums?
They get lots of cars eventually and keep VAG and Mercedes in business. I don't see any of them in BMW though.
They have large families often with 7 to 8 children and all of them eventually buy cars and vote and have even more kids. Even the USA has a muslim run city and public schools in that city have additional clothing modesty rules according to muslim faith. The noise pollution laws don't apply to the loudspeakers throughout the city that announce the muslim call to prayer multiple times per day. And that's in the Detroit area.
So much for Motor City Detroit. The property values in some areas dropped so low that groups of immigrants with common interests bought up property and homes in some suburbs. They can then make their own city because they have a voting majority and control the city council and hiring for city staff positions.
>refugees get 51,000 euros a year for free just for being refugees
what the fuck
GJ mods this has been up for 12 hrs...
only way a thread gets deleted is if alphonso gets btfo and cant deal so calls his janitor buddy to kill thread
I could degrade to hatred and solve the problem quickly and efficiency by dumping these worthless towelheads back in the desert.
wew lad, i already wrote that i accidentally made it on Veeky Forums, but can we get revenge for the 60 million Christians killed by jewish bolsheviks? i personally didn't vote them.
That's the power of LARGE families on welfare pooling their resources. In the USA, when people live together, the excess non-cash social welfare benefits are actually sold or traded off by the receipients.
so you had to pay less tax before the refugees arrived? no you didnt and you wouldnt if they werent there.
>What does this have to do with Veeky Forums?
>They get lots of cars eventually and keep VAG and Mercedes in business. I don't see any of them in BMW though
They could buy porn with that money too, quick post it on /hc/ so everyone is now aware!
They even could buy videogames, so dont forget to post it on /v/ too!
Fucking degenerate /pol/ cucks with your fake letters. I am not surprised all those trumplets fall for this meme as they are too dumb to research german social-benefits. Because if you would research, you would see that this is rigged. But yeah hating and parroting what a faggot ass orange pissdrinking cuck yells is way easier than actually thinking for yourself. Fucking degenerate monkeys.
I hadn't, but the funds were used to pay off our national debt, and there's definitely no chance of lower taxes now that they're here and costing us at least 5% of our tax household for roughly 1% of the people in the country.
yes ahmed, taxes for single persons would of been less here, and get almost 5k euro per month is a problem, because here only surgeon's and some engineers get 5k before taxes, so yes it is a problem they I have to work, the get less than they staying at home, clearly you're not german, i know friends on german social help and people with big families that don't have that privilege of a third world country person, and searching welfare benefits or proof that muslims get better care here is like asking soros personally, haven't you noticed muslim migrants are protected by the state.
the problem is stop being a leech and get a job.
You are an example of entitlement panderers and users gone wrong. German support systems were designed and balanced for Germany. They were not created with self-entitled people like you in mind although they do have leeway.
But most of those refugees have no desire to be part of Germany and to support it. They only want to live there and create their own self-absorbed insular muslim communities within it. That is the proven pattern throughout history, so you cannot deny that is not the case.
You suck with your attitude of money growing on trees.
They are increasing the national debt. All those debt write downs for Greece and other unfortunate EU countries must also be taken care of first before adding more burdens.
Look at how america's automobile capital Detroit fell apart due to self-entitlement problems. As the amount of non-productive citizens grew due to their large families of additional social welfare users, Detroit's productivity couldn't offset the problems. The problems overwhelmed the city and people left the city. Even the state government and usa government dumping lots of money into the community didn't fix the problem because those people living there did not integrate with the rest of the usa. In that case, it was not their religion that prevented them but their culture. But for syrian refugees, the muslim religion prevents much integration.
German society can tolerate a lot of people who refuse to be part of the country's community. That refusal only drags the country down some. But at some point, there will be too much and it's unfair to those who want a country to continue to have to pay for all those who refuse to be part of the country.
The problem I have with immigrants isn't that they're taking peoples jobs (every UK national has had access 11 years of mandatory education, has the option of another 2 years for free, and can get a loan to university no questions asked) because the kind of jobs they get are shite.
I also don't believe they steal lots of money in the form of benefits. Compared to the state pension the money given to immigrants is peanuts.
You can make all the arguments you like about whether they harm or benefit the economy because I don't give a fuck about the economy. It actually has very little bearing on my quality of life.
What I do care about is having my counties values and culture eroded because everyone is pandering to the needs of an invasive population.
I voted for brexit, I didn't for one moment think the brexit vote would win, but I wanted to send a message that uncontrolled immigration is bat shit insane.
And the thing that pisses me off the most is that the immigration from inside Europe I'm okay with. Most Europeans are white Christians with the same morals and beliefs as myself.
Its the immigration from outside Europe WHICH THE GOVERNMENT HAS ALWAYS HAD CONTROL OF but did nothing to reduce the numbers.
Immigration has been at the forefront of the last two elections and no one did a fucking thing about it and now we've thrown our toys out of the pram, stuck two fingers up to the government said go fuck yourselves, and have economically ruined our country in the short term.
Is this a bad thing? I don't know yet. But what I do know is that all of this could have been prevented if the government did what everyone wanted them to and stopped so many foreigners coming in to the country setting up ghetto communities which are at odds to the British way of life.