A century of progress
A century of progress
Veeky Forums, a year of progress
>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.
The girl with taped nipples is hot.
There's nothing wrong with being topless
Fuck off puritan faggot, can't wait till it's socially acceptable for women to have their tits out like the times of old
*tips whatever hat they wore in ancient greece/rome*
>First they want to vote
>Now they want to fuck
>They never stopped sucking The State's dick
Emma is not fucking amused.
Look at that face.
>Really bitches?
>Are you fucking serious?
Where are you Emma we need you.
Clothes depend on the fashion of the era.
On the other hand, being proud of being a slut is idiotic. It is like being proud that you are an alcoholic.
I don't know what Veeky Forums's deal is with this shared fandom for Emma Goldman but I love it!
Nothing /pol/ about this image
>denounce cultural degeneracy
>hurr pol pls go
>fuck off le buritan faggot xD
Just so you autists know, this tendency to have more and more sluts around still won't get you laid.
Dare contesting >le progress and be treated as a nazi.
Truly we are living in an age of wonders
>On the other hand, being proud of being a slut is idiotic. It is like being proud that you are an alcoholic.
With prophylactics sex is just like sport, it's a fun bit of team exercise; the only harm is that doing it makes autists and obese people uncomfortable.
no, but seeing tits makes me happy.
People becoming very hedonistic is a pretty bad thing. They harm themselves and if they have it, their families.
>the only harm is that doing it makes autists and obese people uncomfortable.
Autistic people usually have their own interests
Obese people who want to be promiscuous don't have a very hard time when everyone else is promiscuous.
>hurr it's just sex xDD
This is a Christian board user.
Please take this filth to /b/
>muh degeneracy
suck it repressed catholic conservafags, should've won the culture war
what the fuck is that
t. edgy pagan LARPer
Godless heathens please go
*tips nordic pagan helmet*
*tips fedora*
>being proud of being a slut is idiotic.
I thought the goal is claiming it as yours. Creating from an insult something 'normal'. Feminists do the same with bitch.
Am I wrong?
They're not infallible, and thinking they protect against anything only makes the job of disease like HPV easier. And no, the vaccines don't protect you from all types of HPV.
On the other hand sex isn't as dangerous for your knees and shoulders. Usually.
protestants BTFO
>says the catholic or orthodox LARPer
>Among the small number of things that I have liked and known how to do well, what I have assuredly known how to do best is drink. Even though I have read a lot, I have drunk even more. I have written much less than most people who write; but I have drunk much more than most people who drink. I can count myself among those of whom Baltasar Gracián, thinking about an elite distinguishable only among the Germans — but here very unfair, to the detriment of the French, as I think I have shown — could say: “There are those who have got drunk only once, but it has lasted them a lifetime.”
You are just a pleb desu senpai baka.
??? ???
Not every Catholic is a LARPer. Converting to a religion exclusive to Eastern Europeans? Now Orthodoxy is truly LARPing.
>10. No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
I'm proud of being non drinking alcoholic
This religion bickering is some of the most autistic shit I've seen on this neet enabling pedopic sharing board.
I think you guys just need to relax a bit and maybe bang a slut or two.
This is a Christian board.
Sorry no, it's a /pol/+/int/ appendage
>I think you guys just need to relax a bit and maybe bang a slut or two.
Oh, what a philosopher. The unexamined life is the only one worth living. Live your life based on "muh dick".
That "imam" is no Muslim, he's not even a heretic Muslim, he's a pagan
Just a minority of loud mouths, most women fighting for the feminist movement are well adjusted.
Umm, yes it does? It doesn't get you laid. Stop projecting.
When I look at Amy Schumer, the Sex and the City stuff, it doesn't look that way.
You have to stop hating freedom so much. Freedom is the best thing white people ever did.
Unwarranted self importance is sinful user.
How come whenever confronted with a post that is remotely right on the political spectrum most boards scream "muh /pol/" and hope for it to go away instead of actually arguing the point?
How come the same standard is not applied to those who are politically left?
You rarely hear people yell, "/LEFTYPOL/!!!!"
> I Am That Slutty Girls Have No Sex With Me!
Do we really need to have this thread every day?
"Projecting" has become the new "edgy".
Using your brain is not sinful.