hello Veeky Forums, first time here
is it normal to be heavily under stress while trying to drive a manual for the fist times?
hello Veeky Forums, first time here
is it normal to be heavily under stress while trying to drive a manual for the fist times?
thats an awesome meme my friend, if only those people in brussels took their SUV that day huh, you edgy cunt
this meme is older than islam itself
you think that because it is older then you are, kindly fuck off back to 9gag
You seem to be well informed about 9gag. Did you migrate recently here?
Please leave my board immediately
on a scale of 0-10 how stressed are you?
0 being
>totally ok with manual, not nervous about anything at all regarding it able to drive it just fine
10 being
>so nervous you feel like you have to pull over and call someone
A bit of stress is normal but if you could go more into detail with how you're feeling when driving and what specifically is making you uneasy other anons or I may be able to help you out
Swallow some boiling water you cunt
OP here
im stressed as fuck when i have to start my car uphills. my feet shake sometimes when i try to do it but it looks so fucking hard
i would say im on a 7 or 8 in that case but normally on like 3
he would've lived if he took the bus instead of the metro
or by barefoot
Never take to me or my son again.
Americans baffle me
>put a man on the moon
>can't drive a manual car
You can shift a manual as smooth as an auto, with practice you can do it without any noticeable jerk what so ever. This is objective fact and just takes practice.
I promise you, it's not hard and does not take any significant period of time to learn. Stop stressing.
but how will i eat hamburger and drink my cola while driving if i constantly have to be shifting.
i want to fuck Taiga so bad — she has dfc and is a really caring person underneath the cold exterior. i bet she's a great lay.
>All Americans are the best examples of Americans
I agree with everything in this post related to driving but holy shit lmao.
In my country everyone drives manual as first car and it takes like a few weeks to get confident at traffic lights and hills.
After 3 month you should be fine.
I was nervous when I got fisted too OP.
Yeah I honestly was close to quitting that first month. Hill stops scared me, worrying about stalling scared me. But once you and your car develop a strong mind/muscle connection, you'll never go back . It's actually beautiful tbqh
Not the guy you replied to but I had a similar problem with hill starts when I was learning. For me the solution was to just go find nice steep hill with no cars (I used one in a new housing estate) and just keep practicing, the problem will most likely turn out to be confidence more than anything else.
Also, are you doing handbrake starts? If not, get someone to teach those to you - they are super useful on steep hills.