What does Veeky Forums think of RR and Bentley?

What does Veeky Forums think of RR and Bentley?

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expensive BMW

expensive VW

Land barges for people with money who don't like driving

Also the Phantom is incomprehensibly huge in real life. It is fucking massive.

The first time I saw one IRL I thought it was a Suburban from a distance.


Bentley looks even gaudier than RR, which is an acievment in itself

ff ghost.

post a pic.

...pretty darn good.

probably the best rr aesthetically ever.

..and middle market also.



my bad.

>tfw used Arnages starting at around 25k and hard to resist even though you know that the running costs will ruin you

>length: 5600mm - 5900 mm
holy fuck that's big. no wonder it weighs so fucking much.

also I'd rather a maybach.