I could see ways to justify both sides of the argument as to whether one should use the prior or the ladder.
Which dating system do you think should be used?
Is secularization inevitably removing large aspects of our culture?
I could see ways to justify both sides of the argument as to whether one should use the prior or the ladder.
Which dating system do you think should be used?
Is secularization inevitably removing large aspects of our culture?
I'm an atheist but use BC/AD. Redoing it just to make fedoras happy is retarded
They're the exact same dating system and the only difference is the terminology. Indon't care which one you use, since what matters is the year and that remains the same.
literally no reason to use BCE/CE besides "muh feelings". There is actually a reason to use BC/AD because they describe themselves.
It's retarded, renaming the dating system won't make it any less based around the date of birth of Jesus Christ.
At least be coherent and make it before and after Dawkins instead.
I'm an atheist as well and I agree. I have no hatred towards Christianity, if anything I respect it.
I look past the bible thumping Westboro Baptist Church types.
I agree, so what the fuck is the point of BCE/CE?
Did atheists just have their fee fees hurt?
What's the point?
We have a good dating system as is, one that doesn't need improvement or recalibration.
If it's not broke don't fix it.
So what's the point of renaming it?
We should use AuC desu.
Atheists should use the French Republican calendar instead.
As a non-Christian I don't have strong feelings either way. BC/AD kind of makes more sense because it doesn't imply the calendar is universal.
How come the institution of that calendar failed so massively anyways?
I went to a private Christian school so what my text books said about the issue was basically, "They tried to replace Jesus' day (sunday) so it failed. Amen praise Jesus."
This. It's just a really pathetic attempt at political correctness that doesn't even make any sense, since it's still based around Christianity.
decitime only time
Whose culture?
Also I don't give a shit and only autists get triggered by shit like this. Congrats in being the same as tumblrinas.
The problem is that, based on records and deduction, Jesus Christ was probably born around 6 to 7 A.D. Therefore the entire system is invalidated. BCE and CE is just a way to work around the problem, so the dates can remain the same without actually changing anything.
You anglos should just ditch this "Anno Domini" fedora non-sense (your language isn't even latin based, for fucks sake) and adopt, like all civilized peoples, BC and AC: before christ and after christ. I swear this CE shit would've not even been invented if you didn't use the edgiest way to say Jesus was born 2016 years ago.
Basically there was no real point to it. The metric system for example succeeded because it's so much more useful and practical than the shit there was before. But the calendar reform had no purpose beyond autism, and many people continued to talk like before. That and as it turns out having ten day work weeks is too much.
Still it didn't exactly fail, it was used until Napoleon changed it back.
I thought it was more like 4 AD. Anyway it doesn't matter, it's a convention. It's what Anno Domini means.
>the problem is
There's no problem. When Jesus was actually born is irrelevant, the traditional date is the only one that matters.
I'm not a tumblrina. A tumblrina would never concede that she could see two, legitimate sides of the argument.
Furthermore I just think that it is ridiculous that one would rename a dating system for the sole purpose of secularization without changing the basis of the dating system, that being the believed date of Christ's birth.
>Whose culture
All western world's.
I use CE and BCE because that's literally accurate. We are talking about the common era, i.e. the dating system everyone uses. It's not an insult to Christians, and there is no reason Christians shouldn't use CE/BCE too. But I don't care if you use AD/BC, either. Why would I?
I heard Christ was actually born 4 BC or something like that. Is there any truth to that claim?
>Thursday = Thunor's Day
>this is fine
>January = Month of Janus
>this is fine
>BC/AD = Before Christ/The Year of Our Lord
I've never understood people clamoring for the Common Era system. In all my years of study and work among historians I haven't met a single one who actually used it personally, and they'd only ever talk about it in the context of them being forced to use it by the university's Equality and Diversity Unit. In my experience the people who get most uppity about it are people who spend all their spare time editing Wikipedia and have no actual qualifications in terms of history.
I can see a few reasons why people would be bothered, the fist two I think are fairly irrelevant, they are fedora tippers or tippers for christ that want their convention used at all times because it is the only legitimate one. Pretty stupid.
People from non-Christian cultures that want a less exclusionary system wanting to use BCE.
Academics that feel that one or the other is more relevant to their field of study.
Guess how I know you're lying?
Western culture also came up with CE/BCE.
You guys self-haters now?
how is that, my dude
But it's fucking true, historians have more shit to worry about than particulars of AD/BC
Hell, more serious historians do not use Gregorianshit to begin with and use the dating systems of the shit they're studying (i.e. Historians of Chinese history using dynastic dating. "4th year of the reign of the Jiajing Emperor of Ming," Romans with their AUCs or some shit like that).
>metre = distance light travels in 1/299 792 458 s
>second = duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom
>a foot = about the size of this "ordained" bloke's foot
something something I've never understood
> kilogram = weight of this random block
>pound = exactly 0.45359237's weight of this random block
The metre is 1/10 000 000th of the quarter length of the equator. That the speed of light also happens to be almost exactly 300 000 km/s is a happy coincidence.
And the second is 1/60th of 1/60th of 1/24th of a day.
The kg is the mass of 1L of water.
I'm sorry mister, I think you took a wrong turn and ended in the 21st century.
>he doesn't even p(V,T,p)
Just because the culture purging policy was instituted by our own culture doesn't negate the point that it's erasing our past culture.
It's like when ISIS fucks with ruins of ancient cities. It's part of their past but they want it gone, against the will of the majority of the populace.
So yes, in a sense westerners who use BCE/CE are self-haters, but that's not necessarily how they see it.
>Using BCE and CE as ''Before Christian Era'' and ''Christian Era''
>It's like when ISIS fucks with ruins of ancient cities. It's part of their past but they want it gone, against the will of the majority of the populace.
A big part of why ISIS can do that shit is because a lot of those Ruins are pre-islamic and the people (read: non-elites of ME) do not give a shit.
Same reason as why Egyptians and Tunisians couldnt give a fuck when Blacknegroes go "WE WUZ EGYPT/CARTHAGE"
It's literally because of the Jews and their pathological hatred for Jesus.
You sound butthurt.
well what is a liter equal to?
Thing is we need a universal calendar, regardless of what the arbitrary number on it is.
Yeah but then we'd have to add a ACE.