Tfw when one of your friends is driving really fast and dangerously but you don't want to say anything to because...

>tfw when one of your friends is driving really fast and dangerously but you don't want to say anything to because you'll look like a pussy

nothing wrong with that

>tfw when one of your friends
mfw only one friend

>when your friend tries to show off to a woman and kills her

Never met a bigger fucking dickhead.

Post pics of the friend and woman

wat are those?

>tfw no friends
who cares, I have my cars and that's all I need

>tfw going on date with grille from tinder
>she compliments your car even though its a shitbox
>drive fast and she laughs and says its fun
>get wheelspin at greenlights and zoom off
>later on backseat is big enough to fit both of us and she blows me after we make out
>drop her off at house and zoom away with loud shitty exhaust that she likes the sound of


What car

Knew someone that happened to.

Dude was showing off on his new bike with his gf on the back, going over 100mph in a 45mph zone.

Cop tries to pull them over, he runs, turns down a backroad, goes up a hill that has a blind corner at the bottom.

Truck with a trailer pulls out from the blind corner, tbones the truck at 80mph, both dead on impact.

Obviously miata with a fartcan

I like your fictional story


Haha yea...


>dude, take it easy
how hard is that

I totally get that bro. The friends that I definitely have and aren't fabricated do the same thing.

Don't have a problem with a person driving as long as they're paying attention to the road. But if you're going to be texting or on FB and I'm in the passenger seat, I'll fucking woop your ass.

Man you don't fuck around on a bike with someone on the back. You fuck around on a bike solo so you are the o ly person who dies.

I think backseat is a colloquial term for something Miata owners do with their passenger?

Civic with a few simple mods

>tfw your mum drives like her odyssey is an F1 car on the highway but you don't want to say anything because you know she'll do it anyway

Everything's wrong with that.

That fucker has you as a passanger. If you are sure that he is good at driving, he has good brakes and tires, then that's fine. Think of it as a rollercoaster. But if you are not confident on HIS skills and you think that if he crashes you will be hurt you are in the right to ask him to slow down. And if he doesn't want to slow down, force him to.

>mfw i am literally that guy
Lol ironically my job i HAVE to drive slow but i still rape my own car pretty fast.

Also i dont have any friends

slow piece of shit...i can smoke the fuck out of this in my 1994 EG hatch with a couple of simple mods:
10 point cage with Parachute
3 piece discontinued JoJo frontend
spec-R full drag suspension
Fuel cell with -8 lines from tank to motor
1 044 bosch pump
1200 rc injectors
golden eagle sleeved block
cp 10:1 pistons
Eagle rods
arp headstuds
oem h22 headgasket
Balance shaft delete
competition clutch twin disc
Port and polished head
skunk2 valve springs and retainers
Str cam gears
crower stage 1 cams
aluminium radiator with slim fan
gsr transmission with itr lsd.
qsd h2k intake manifold adapter
k20 rbc manifold
qsd throttle body spacer
blox 70mm throttle body
4bar omni map sensor
6al msd with coil and cap. 3 step launch control
hks bov
Garret 102mm turbocharger.
Custom t4 front facing turbo manifold with 44mm flange
44mm tial wastegate
Custom water to air intercooler set up
aem eugo wideband w/ gauge
tuned on chipped p28
13 inch volks drag rims
2 15 inch volks rear rims
arp extended wheel studs
si cluster
150 shots of nitrous
im making 348 horsepower to the FRONT WHEELS because thats the only place the power should ever be

Grab the shifter and throw the car into reverse you beta fag.

Yeah dude, just flip the fuck out and start screaming til he slows down

I didn't said be a dick. I just said that you have every right to be uncomfortable if the asshole next to you is trying to show off by driving in a way that you think places both of you in danger.

>riding with mate in his fd
>touge'ing hard as fuck
>lines are perfect
>braking points are perfect
>not for one second was I scared

>in my z32@1 bar boost
>full car ie 3 people
>do 190k limiter the whole way down the western
>woo this is fun user

This is what it's like to have absolute trust in your mates and have them trust you. And even if one day one makes a mistake and kills me, he is forgiven because I chose to be there

Compared to
>at shitty summer job
>riding with Indian girl in her shitty auto Nissan bluebird
>she holds the steering wheel like bike handlebars
>car wobbles all over the place
>does 20 under everywhere
>fucking terrifying desu

Indecisiveness and innatention are scary. Drive smooth and with confidence and you can do any speed and not scare rational passengers

>You fuck around on a bike
No, you don't.

Riding to meetings with coworkers
Story 1:
>17-year-old summer intern
>Drives a Prius handed down from her parents
>Scared as fuck to be driving us
>Drives super cautious as a result

Story 2:
>New girl at work
>Proud of her "new SUV with strong AC"
>10-year-old Toyota Highlander
>Shitty even by those standards
>Drives like she's trying to hoon down the winding road from the office
>Think entire time that I'm about to die
>She's not paying attention to the road
>Messing with music on her phone
>Trying to eat an apple
>Even when we get to straight roads she wobbles back and forth
Never ride with her again

Me riding with my cousin when I first got my foxbody rustang
>want to learn some tricks with manual
>he knows tons of shit about manual
>ok, let him drive
>we'll find out later why this was a bad idea
>at first I tell him to just keep it in the parking lot we were in
>30 seconds after driving around the parking lot he goes into a neighborhood
>does a rolling burnout all the way down the street as we're leaving
>I freak out since I just got the car a week ago
>he tells me not to freak out, he's a really good driver
>oh well I can't do shit now
>he goes to a desolate twisty road in the middle of nowhere
>proceeds to reach 130 on that road and get air
>I'm shitting bricks and eventually just tell him to pull over and let me drive
>he's getting ready to pull over when we see police lights behind us
>cop comes up "you boys know why I stopped you today"
>cousin says no
>holy fuck dumb ass
>cop tells us he clocked my cousin at 107 on a 35 mph road
>he asks my cousin for drivers license and insurance
>mfw my cousin is a bus rider with no license or insurance at 28 y/o
>get to find this out tonight
>explain this to the officer
>he arrests my cousin then tows my car to a impound yard
>I still don't have a car a year later
>my cousin got out the next day on bail and went to Miami

I hate my life Veeky Forums

>all that in a shitty $1k FWD potato car

>letting anyone drive your car

Dont you burgers have guns?

Well..... At least he's a good driver.

Not at 19

Yeah thinking back on it he did take some good lines.

He's in jail right now in Miami for coke possession/burglary kek, I also bought a motorcycle that's 10x faster and more fun than the car I had. Shit evens out.

V6 mustang with a walmart catback

Also the girl was 12

doing 150 to 180 kph
driver keeps getting distracted and not paying attention to corners
have to keep jogging their attention
almost fall off the road a couple of times
its not even to do with speed some drivers just cant be trusted

>thief and drugs

Ok. Now you are in the right. Dont care if he's a good driver. He is not responsible enough.

>MFW ex GF reverses across the street into a neighbor's driveway and hits their car
>MFW she goes back across the street into my driveway and hits my truck

What a day to become single.

haven't seen this pasta in a while

lurk more, dumb frogposter

Hell no I keep my homies in check fuck that

Sounds like user's friend is living the dream.


Isn't this exactly how Paul Walker died?
Speak for yourself faggot

>car impounded

lol wut

Why would they even bother with that.
Never understood the concept of bail either. Isn't that essentially buying a 'get out of jail' card?

Anyway, why didn't you pick the car up for a whole year?

>have friend who drives erratically, undecisive, shifts back and forth all the time etc
>doesn't try to show off though
>all my friends and me are chill and safe drivers
>one day 4 of us ride in his car
>everyone brings a backpack
>once we all got in the car and buckled up, we take our motorcycle helmets out and put them on.
>he gets the message, also tries not to laugh
>people keep noticing a car full of helmet wearing passengers, shit wasn't priceless but still kinda neat.

>going with my friend to get new tires for his truck yesterday
>raining really hard
>his tires are all completely bald
>accelerates way too hard and brakes way too late for conditions
>doesn't really check blindspots
>only keeps one hand on the wheel despite driving an automatic
>doesn't have a phone mount so he just leaves it on his lap and looks down at it constantly
He actually asked me why I was holding onto the oh-shit handle the entire ride over.

>watching shoujo romance anime

>no friends
>nice car
>no where to go
>anxiety so I don't like driving to unfamiliar places or on the freeway

I think my neighbours secretly laugh at me because they see me washing my WRX but it just sits there besides when I go to work or church.

better be a living pussy than a mangled corpse hero

>tfw the first thing I tell any passenger is to fucking speak up as soon as they become uncomfortable with my driving
Sometimes you just don't fucking notice that you're moving over the limit til it's too late.
T. Was passenger in crash where driver decided AWD made his tire's limits expand tenfold
All because he was one of those dicks who decides that when people get uncomfortable he needs to push it to impress them.

If a friend tells me to slow down I slow down.

Just tell him to ease off user.

nobody cares about you, you insecure faggot
which is why you have insecurity problems
>nice car

I'll post a greentext after this to stay on topic.

>The concept of bail
In a way it's a "get out of jail" card, but it's an unfortunate necessity. Courts in most places are so backed up that it takes months to get through all the paperwork and lawyering that you have to have before bringing a case to trial. If we kept people in jail that entire time the jails would be so overcrowded that the walls would be verging on exploding. It also costs a lot of money to keep people in jail (you need guards and security measures, food and water, costs of maintaining the building, and so on).

By posting bail someone essentially vouches that the guy who was in jail will show up for his trial. Usually this is done by a relative or lawyer. If the guy proceeds to jump bail (not show up), then a bail bondsman (bounty hunter) goes after his ass, otherwise the relative or lawyer is on the hook for a lot of money.

>Friend always sets cruise control at 80mph on the freeway, no matter the conditions
>Tailgates people until either they move out of the way or the left lane opens up
>Constantly messes with phone or GPS, even in heavy traffic
>If anyone pisses him off (which is easy) he tries to fuck with them
>Last-second lane changes without signaling
>Takes highway curves so hard you can feel the tires starting to slip on the road
>Pitches a shitfit if anyone other than himself offers to drive the group

Great guy away from the road, but goddamn. I've been hanging out with him for 10 years and I'm at the point where I'm starting to try to find excuses for not doing stuff together on the weekends anymore.

>Near miss the only car on a 3 lane one way because I checked mirrors but not blind spot
>Friend checks blind spots every time I indicate the rest of the night

You make one little mistake

I have a job and do school full time faggot. I have neither the time nor money to bother with a ccl.

I'm getting one as soon as I have a free day(s?) which will be this summer.

They wanted the cars value + I've been a NEET up until a couple months ago. I might go see if it's still there but I don't think I'd want it after it's sat for a year.

Not gonna lie, I'm legitimately surprised how many of you fags are friendless losers. Being an automotive enthusiast is pretty alpha thing, not like you're all locked up in your rooms fapping to anime lolis all day.

>spend money into transportation machines that can kill you just because "you enjoy them"
>autistic screech fit when someone you dont like as much as touches your car or drives it
>most likely speak bad about asians, elders, and womans driving in the street
>literally your hobby its throwing away money
>"automotive enthusiast is a pretty alpha thing"

>Being an automotive enthusiast is pretty alpha thing

Except this board has no "automotive enthusiasts" it's all a bunch of bench racing, busrider NEETs. Actual automotive enthusiasts go to meets and enjoy all cars, generally anyone with an actual passion for automotives will appreciate you vehicle as long as it's clean and isn't riced out. This board is literally the polar opposite of that.
Go look in the post your daily threads if you don't believe me, the most expensive, interesting, auto-enthusiasty vehicle you'll see is a 20 year old corvette with meme stickers.

Haha I have a 2.0t Audi fwd and you wasted your money on upgrading the fwd hahahhaa only mods I need are big turbo and quattro

I happen to like Lolis and own a nice car. And hang out with other car people every week.

>mfw when no friends
>mfw I have no face because I have no friends

>tfw you let your girlfriend drive your car and she doesn't slow down going up driveways and hits literally every pothole.

>be in high school
>friends decide to haul ass through Trabuco Canyon (notorious two lane windy road in Southern Cal) after senior prom late at night/early morning
>get lit up by a cop
>packed car, all wearing suits and dresses still
>"do you realize how many drunk drivers we pull over every night, kids?"
didn't realize it was dumb until after the fact and still cringe hard even tho I wasn't driving.

>Takes highway curves so hard you can feel the tires starting to slip on the road
I do this as well, but not quite to the point of slipping the tires. I just want to find the limits of grip and pretend to drive the lines in my econobox

That's a lot of work for v6 mustang power

>Go to Taiwan
>They all drive like maniacs
>When I'm riding with my friends family for a 3 hour drive each way
>Try to put on the seatbelt and they actually tell me not to. Apparently it's rude or something
>The trip is along winding mountainous roads
>my friend's dad is driving and regularly takes the curves way too fast
Another time
>take a taxi with some friends to another city an hour out
>The guy is doing 110km/hour the whole time in fairly heavy traffic, whilst trying to multitask.
>A few times he's trying to do something on his ipad
>another time he even has some paper on the dashboard that he's trying to write on
>I just force myself to sleep and hope I wake up again
By some miracle I'm still alive

>taking the bait

>Try to put on the seatbelt and they actually tell me not to. Apparently it's rude or something


>tfw realize I'm this friend

Feels bad man

Was she a Weber?

this was me in my friends mustang
he was getting very close to tractor trailers at high rates of speed during exit/onramp curves

>>tfw when one of your friends is driving really fast and dangerously but you're too much of a pussy to say anything

fixed for you, OP

>tfw dad goes crazy like he's about to die when I drive fast
>tfw when he drives fast he has his hands at like 10 and 6

dont do it user. thats how i died basically. im having a spirit medium write this post for me.

Oh yeah because that's inviting. Telling someone to say something when you inevitablely drive like shit.

> friend speeds in my neighborhood in his 300zx TT
> tell him to cut that shit out
> asks me why
> several cats walk across the street
> that's why

>driving down the twisties in my FoST
>4 friends on board
>not going too hard, just kinda accelerating out of bends, well within the limits of grip and nearly within the speed limit
>3 of them are laughing all the way enjoying the fuck out of it
>last guy them tells me he'll never get into a car with me again afterwards


Was the last guy in the bitch seat?


Same. My father scares the shit out of me because he's a terrible driver, I scare the shit out of him because he doesn't realize I'm well under my limitations even when hauling ass.

Actually made me pull over one time because I tried to overtake someone at around 80mph, such a faggot.

>tfw car has 2 seats and I have 2 friends

I can see driving fast to have fun, but shit is insane wen ur flying thru blind turns or trying to pass 10 cars up a hill. Its like wtf are u doing mf? Leave my ass in the road i dont want to die

Fabricated and homosexual

>go on a date with qt I met at work
>driving her home in heavy rain
>always corner fast because muh rsx
>rear tires lose traction around a few corners because of the rain
>"omg user (she said omg out loud btw) it's so fun when it slides, you're such a good driver"
>go on another date on a nice day
>she's disappointed that I don't slide around corners

don't be a bitch op, speak up next time


>she doesn't understand that rain limits grip and that's why you were sliding

0/10 never see her again

The fuck is a FoST?

Ford Focus ST

>not going too hard

>speed limit 55
>straight road
>no one around
>going 60-65
>friend keeps screaming at me to slow down
This is how I feel like you fags are.

Honestly all a civic needs is an eBay turbo and a good tune and it can get an easy 9psi boost which bumps the car close to 200hp which for a car that weighs nothing is like driving a rocketship

>going on a date with a grill from tinder
>she compliments me on my dads fancy sedan which I told her was mine
>go a little overboard screaming along Kanye lyrics while doing 70 in a 25
>mfw she didn't call me back

>tfw feel when when one of your friends is driving really fast and dangerously but you dont say anything because you dont care if you die


>lose control of the car for then unknown reason
>correcting like a madman to get the car straight again
>3 friends in the back waving their arms like they're in a roller coaster
this is how you know your bros trust you

turns out I'd been driving with a tire that was slowly going flat and it made the car jerk like a cunt in that particular turn

>tfw feel when
>that feel when feel when