Why are women so materialistic

Why are women so materialistic

post more of woman so i can judge

Fucking niggers I meant to post this on /pol/

the whole western world is a materialistic degenerate infested wasteland

Wait, do celebrities actually drive supercars? Aren't most of them fucking dunces?
How do they handle so much power? I could imagine the manufacturer purposefully tuning them down.

I have a stereotype for this type of women in expensive cars:
>caked on make-up
>eye brows done to a edgy aggressive look
>massive iphone in one hand
>$300 sunglasses
>starbucks in cupholder

Haha just because you can't afford nice things bitch

lol @ this butthurt spoiled child

>Why are women so materialistic
because men keep giving them the world just for looking pretty
you would take advantage of it too if you were a hot girl

this desu, the men are just as bad


this is something an overly privileged 17 year old girl with a seven figure trust fund would say

It's not just women. I'm materialistic as fuck.
I've never had a gf but I can fill that hole in my heart by buying all sorts of sweet shit for myself.

materialism is what makes a capitalist society work

if you have nothing to aspire to, you have nothing to work for


capitalism is truly the worst

good thing I rejected it

Go train 10 years to be a doctor and earn the same state-rationed food and live in the same state-approved living quarters with your state-approved basic amenities as the toilet cleaner, you commie shit.

sad that no doctor in the western world actually cares and just got the job for the paycheck

capitalism is shit

stay degenerate

>waaaaa if I can't live in a mansion with 19 cars and 17 different beds to fuck in nobody can
stay BTFO by your own shortcomings, faggot

lol this is sad af to read

capitalism makes the shittiest people

maybe one day you will gain some kind of brain capacity probably not tho

Go move to China and build up that social credit, good citizen!

>good thing I rejected it
did you move to north korea or something? enjoying starving?

you just described the 500 million strong chinese female population

>I've never had a gf but I can fill that hole in my heart by buying all sorts of sweet shit for myself.

it only works for so long.

>buying food


no, he's just a neet who sits on his ass all day soaking up as much bux as he can while bitching about people that haven't "rejected" as he has

I dont pretend capitalism is awesome but I still enjoy.

if the dude ITT wants to be a communist thats fine.

Im WOKE enough to realize how terrible capitalism is but im kinda cool with it.

>why are women so materialistic???
>Veeky Forums - Auto

Wow, you just perfectly described being a nurse.

that would be manipulating the system

which you are stupid if you dont do