It's not a Miata unless it's red

It's not a Miata unless it's red.

Wrong, Mariner Blue or GTFO


Mariner Blue really drives home the gay

Looks like a hemorrhoid.



It's not a miata unless it's for homosexuals.


Gay the fuck out

Its fine as long as it has pop-ups.

Since it was a spiritual child of british roadsters it was meant to be BRG.

Red cars are for people who want attention.

that's all miata owners

But it's not British at all. That's like buying an old Celica GT and giving it a Murican flag paint job because it was the spiritual child of American Muscle.

you know what, you're right

this just shows that when japan makes a copy of something, they do it better

Stop bullying my little silver buddy.

British racing green with cream interior or GTFO

Better is objective. I'd prefer the Corolla GT, but that doesn't mean it's better. It doesn't have a rumbling V8 and that what brings joy to a lot of people with muscle cars.
The Miata doesn't have the same passion as the small British roadsters so while it's cheaper and even faster, doesn't mean it's better.

Not at all, the disappearance of the MGB and other british roadsters had nothing to do with the Miata.
It had everything to do with the failing British auto industry.

Fun fact, no one who likes classic british cars roadsters likes the NA miata.

If you want to make the argument that "better" is objective then you shouldn't back it up with shit like "passion" because that shit is objectively subjective.

I don't know about the Celica but I seriously doubt you've ever driven a NA before saying that.
>And no, breaking down every 5 miles isn't passion