This is what happens to boomers who rip teenagers off by selling overpriced clunkers on craigslist. How does it feel...

This is what happens to boomers who rip teenagers off by selling overpriced clunkers on craigslist. How does it feel, old man?

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This is not a good thread


>maga hat
He deserved it.

When u ask for mild at Popeyes but accidentally get spicy

>pepper spray victim: "what are you going to do, pepper spray me?"

Spicy Popeyes is fucking evil. Taste so good but comes out so bad.


>Being from commiefornia

california is better than your irrelevant flyover state

go back to pol with this shit


yeah sure thing boyo, NY is the most flyover state ever. CA is a shithole, deal with it.

>He doesn't know that flyover states are where all the good mountain passes are



California is probably about as good as Michigan, which doesn't say much because Michigan is a fucking shithole state anyone who says otherwise is living in a fucking fantasy and needs to get out of the state once in awhile.

haha "cuckservatives" are such pussies

>libtards need to target an old man because they are physically equal.

They're probably stronger than your 435lb neckbear manlet ass


he deserved it

>projecting this hard

i live in a first world country so i dont even pay attention to california lmao

>malnourished little edgy antifa fags
>being able to take on a 435lb neckbeard
there bones would be snapped

>being this assmad

i am not the user that told you about libtards. I just point out that you are being assmad and projecting and deflecting.

i don't think you can even walk at 435 lbs though

this post triggered cuckservatives hard, lol

lel go beg for more free shit from comrade Bernie you fat sack of shit.

Enjoy your fun now. Bernie WILL be president in 2020. Maybe try losing weight while you still have a chance?

>high end pepper spray
>its 1 of 43
>rare rare rare
>no test drives
>i know what i got

but seriously he cant even rinse out his own eyes, whoever sprayed that bitch is making amaerica great again

>quote from man pepper sprayed

>Bernie WILL be president in 2020
No he won't

> Maybe try losing weight while you still have a chance?
I didn't vote for Bernie so i'm not overweight.

Enjoy living while you can. The Right Wing Death Squads are organizing as i type this.
It's an hour to midnight :)

man this is cringe af

Forget midnight, its half past nine.

>Bernie WILL be president in 2020.
>trusting libcucks

Trump hasnt done shit but look stupid tho

literally accomplished nothing beneficial

>economy is slowly recovering
>national debt has decreased
>order to build wall signed
>order to repel obamacare close to being done

He's already begun fulfilling his campaign promises.
The left is on life support. Not only did you cucks lose the white house but you lost the senate, house, and supreme court.
You fucks are finished. America is more conservative then it has ever been.
Better switch sides while you can cuckboi, after all Democlaps don't know the word loyalty after they sold out Bernie Sanders so they could put a walking, talking cunt in office.

>This is what happens to boomers who rip teenagers off by selling overpriced clunkers on craigslist
They get ganged up on and attacked from behind by Soros-funded thugs? Is Soros going to liberate the classic muscle market? Is he becoming /ourguy/?

>Trumps first month in office has decreased the national debt by 12 billion dollars
>Obongo increased it by 200 billion in his first month
>"Literally accomplished nothing beneficial"

Gee, you libshits sure are dumb.

>trying to convince republicans of different viewpoints
they're blind sheep. just let them believe what they want

>they're blind sheep. just let them believe what they want
The absolute irony.

I guess now that they even lost this thread they have to go shelter in their safe space.

>dont try to convince people they are wrong. They are wrong and will never think otherwise.

This is why i hate some leftists. They think that every right winger is wrong and they CANNOT make them think any different. They think that once a republican always a republican, republican are always in the wrong, they are anti science, always evil, and are better off dead. That's why the left fucking lost. Because instead of debating why bernie or hillary was better they just got stuck on insulting anyone else.

Even for many republicans trump its a fucking unfiltered clown, but since so many shit eating monkeys were insulting anyone who voted for them many just felt compelled to vote for him.

enjoy the orange dorito you call a president, lol

Or it could be we're on neo-stormfront er I mean Veeky Forums and the likelyhood of trying to convinced a braindead retard here is less then 0 because logic and reason don't apply here only memes and shitposting.

>many just felt compelled to vote for him.
I know at least three people who voted for him just because they were ridiculed for being Republican.

>thinks this is bad
There's no reason you can't look good in office.
Something you wouldn't understand.

Enjoy being burned alive during the culling.

proved his point in one sentence, nice


>everyone who triggers me is a liberal!! ;_;1!!


your newfag is showing.

t. triggered republicunt

>i.if i say triggered they'll think i wasn't BTFO

Lel look at the scoreboard nigger
Republican house, senate, president, and supreme court.
your assmad could cook an egg

>everyone who gets triggered by me is a liberal

liberals resorting to childish insults when met with actual discussion is the definition of a triggered response

lel, this post triggered republicunts hard

resorting to samefag.. tssk tssk

>triggered /pol/acks desperately pretending they aren't triggered the post

Its okay if you just admit you're butthurt I'll tell you where I hid the preparation H

>more butthurt projection memes
lmao its cool dude
you lost the election.. chill out and move on, your life will only get better

as expected.

I was just thinking, it must really sting to lose the election that badly, after the media, with full authority, said Trump was going to lose so badly.

So really i imagine all these insults they have to throw now are just really a cry for help. It must hurt pbad.

Economy and national debt recovery are all obamas, moron, Trump doesn't get to fuck that up untill October when his fiscal year starts. Congress hasn't given him any money for wall. Repealing ACA will be the biggest mistake the GOP ever makes.

It's been a month, he hasn't done shit but be a total moron. Something trumptards are too fucking stupid to notice. Cause they are all even dummer that him.

>implying I voted for the blithering retarded manchild or the wall street sellout she demon

Nigger you are out of your depth here. I'm just here to trigger /pol/acks because this is Veeky Forums not /pol/ and you need to learn to stay in your ghetto.

oops, looks like he's trying to pretend he wasn't a libcuck this whole time.
Its funny how these threads always go the same way.

>i wasn't really a liberal muh trolling!

the antifaggots target elders and even then they outnumber anyone they attack. how can anyone even try to defend them? they are worse than niggers since at least everyone expects niggers to act like niggers.

I know thinking isn't the strong point for the aut-right but there are more then just liberals and autisic basement dwellers who think saying nigger makes them oh so edgy and hip.

this post will trigger him hard. calling it now

It's simple, don't retaliate, ever.
Things like this only push them further and further away from public opinion and they will slowly disappear.

>I know thinking isn't the strong point for the aut-right but there are more then just liberals and autisic basement dwellers who think saying nigger makes them oh so edgy and hip.
>he thinks I'm alt-right
nigger i didn't even vote.
If my choice is between Satan/dogbeater and Trump i choose neither.

Trump has literally 0 experience as a politician, why would i vote for that?
But of course you out-of-touch libcucks assume everyone who doesn't agree with you is a Nazi.

I'll tell you who i'm voting for next time though, thanks to you alone.

>but there are more then just liberals and autisic basement dwellers who think saying nigger makes them oh so edgy and hip.
You're right. There are also people that actually care about their nation and not social non-issues. They voted Trump.

Well apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong point if you think I voted for either candidate after calling them a blithering manchild and and a sellout she demon. Makes sense you would vote for Trump now out of petty misguided spite.

>if you think I voted for either candidate after calling them a blithering manchild and and a sellout she demon.
Bullshit lmao you're trying to slip out of this thread trying to save face.

>Makes sense you would vote for Trump now out of petty misguided spite.
You can sleep easy that you gave him another vote thanks to your disparaging comments.

Yes because most of /pol/ voted for him because of his economic policies and not because build wall and gonna gas the kikes. Good try though.

Who cares what pol thinks? Most of them arent old enough to vote
ncie that you need to single out such a small group of obvious trolls to try support your argument though, fucking idiot

>Yes because most of /pol/ voted for him because of his economic policies and not because build wall and gonna gas the kikes.
>/pol/ alone counts for more than a single american township.
He won because he resonated with the blue collar American and he spoke his mind.